Warren Cook

Рождение : 1878-05-23, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1939-05-02


The Lunatic at Large
Dr. Wilkins
Offering a ride to a millionaire, Sam Smith (Leon Errol) agrees to trade places with his passenger for financial reasons. Only when the men in the white coats put the collar on him does Sam realize that the "millionaire" was actually an escaped mental patient.
Shore Leave
Adm. Smith
"Bilge" Smith (Richard Barthelmess), a tough sailor, meets Connie Martin (Dorothy Mackaill), a seamstress in a small harbor who has never had a boyfriend. Connie is instantly smitten. She invites Smith to dinner, where he dances with her and gives her a kiss. Connie has a hard time letting him go, and makes him promise that he will come back.
The Knockout
Dr. Natter
A Lambert Hillyer silent romantic love triangle boxing sports lumberjack logging melodrama about a world champion boxer who must retire due to an arm injury. He becomes a lumberjack, and becomes involved with the daughter of the owner, but rivals sabotage their operation, and the boxer has to return to the ring to save the owner from bankruptcy and win the hand of the daughter.
His Darker Self
The Governor
A small town man takes a mail-order detective course. When a Black friend is murdered, he goes undercover in black-face to investigate at a notorious, knife-wielding bootlegger's roadhouse. Originally a 5-reel feature (50min), now only 2 reel edit exists.
Fog Bound
Revenue Officer Brenon
Silent film directed by Irvin Willat
Dark Secrets
Dr. Case
Ruth Rutherford, crippled as a result of being thrown from a horse, breaks her engagement to Lord Wallington. Dejected, he returns to his regiment in Egypt and sinks into dissipation. Ruth hears of his plight and also goes to Egypt, where she meets Dr. Mohammed Ali. Ali cures her lameness in return for Ruth's agreeing to become his wife, but Biskra, Ruth's servant, kills Ali before he can collect. Even from death Ali's power over Ruth returns her to her wheelchair until she jumps up to save Wallington from an attack feigned by Biskra.
John Smith
Upon being released from prison, Lawrence Hilliard takes the name of John Smith and looks for work, and falls in love with Irene Mason, a social secretary, but is reluctant to tell her about his past.
Let's Go
John Halliday - Kane's Father
The first film in the first "Leather Pushers" series from Universal.
The Last Door
The Last Door (1921)
The Wonderful Chance
Parker Winton
Upon leaving prison, an ex con vows to go straight, but circumstances force him to return to crime. Meanwhile, a gang of crooks kidnaps a visiting British aristocrat, but the ex-con has an incredible likeness to the Englishman, and his intended hosts take him home to their mansion.
Civilian Clothes
Mr. Lanham
During the First World War, Captain Sam McGinnis marries Florence Lanham, a Salvation Army worker in France. When she mistakenly hears that Sam has been killed, she returns home to her wealthy family without mentioning her brief marriage. But Sam turns up, alive but poorly dressed, and Florence is happy to see him but appalled at his clothing.
Lady Rose's Daughter
War Minister
Julie le Breton is the illegitimate daughter of Lady Rose, whose own background resembles that of her daughter. Julie is buffeted by the ill treatment of her mother's family and nearly ruined by a fortune hunter, but her own resources and goodness stand her in good stead.
The Flapper
Senator King
A Southern teen at a ritzy boarding school gets into mischief while acting the sophisticated grownup to impress a suave gentleman and match wits with a pair of jewel thieves.
April Folly
Earle of Mannister
April Poole (Davies), a young writer in love with publisher Kerry Sarle (Tearle), visits the office of Mr. Sarle and his partner Ronald Kenna (Frank) and reads her latest story to them. She has made Sarle the hero, Kenna the villain, and herself the heroine. In the story, April changes places with Lady Diana Mannister (Marshall), who is being sent to South Africa to separate her from her lover, a young artist. A famous diamond that Lady Diana is to deliver at the end of her journey is given to April. Thieves trail her during her journey. With efforts by Kenna to steal the diamond prevented by the intervention of Sarle, the story comes to a close.
His Wife's Friend
Sir Robert Grimwood
Unhappily married to Sir Robert Grimwood, an older man whose only passion is chess, Lady Marion finds solace in the arrival of her old suitor, John Heritage.
The Right To Lie
J. Winthrop Drake
Carlotta has been brought up in an Italian convent, unaware that she is the illegitimate child of American architect J. Winthrop Drake. When her mother, an Italian opera singer, dies, Drake finally learns of Carlotta's existence and brings her back to New York with him without revealing the truth of their relationship.
The Great Gamble
Roger Morton
The Great Gamble is a 1919 movie serial.
A Dangerous Affair
James Rance (as Warren Cooke)
Elderly millionaire James Rance, whose only passion is chess, warns his grandson Tommy, who missed the previous evening's game because he played poker with his uncle Gilbert, that should he miss another game, Gilbert will gain the boy's inheritance. During another poker game the next night, Gilbert provokes a fight between Tommy and another player that results in the other player's supposed death. Meanwhile, Terrence Redmond, the guardian of an orphan he found while fighting in France, falls in love with Dawn Moyer.
Unknown Love
John Parker
Doris Parker, the daughter of an American Marine Officer, becomes Harry Townsend's pen pal. Harry is a young American soldier with no family who has gone to fight in France. As they exchange letters, Doris falls for Harry, despite advances made by Jack Tims, a captain of the Royal Navy training with the American Marines. On the front in France, Harry's face is wounded. Overwhelmed by the news, Doris asks Jack Tims to take Harry onboard a ship he is taking to France. During the voyage, Jack foils an attack from an enemy submarine but is wounded in the battle and dies.
The Man
A series of stories reflecting the changing position of women in the world, including the familiar tales of Adam and Eve, Messalina and Claudius, Abelard and Heloise, Cyrene and the Fisherman, as well as that of a young girl and an officer in the American Civil War.
A Doll's House
Dr. Rank
Differing considerably from Henrik Ibsen's classic play, the basic story of a woman who forges her father's name and comes to grief therefore is retained.
Dr. Allen Forrest
Shortly after Dr. Allen Forrest, who is involved with aircraft production for the United States government, invites his young nephew and business partner, Leonard White, to live in his home, idle gossips begin to spread rumors about Leonard and the doctor's pretty wife Madelyn. At first, Allen refuses to believe the stories, but gradually he becomes suspicious. One night, the doctor hears a noise in Madelyn's room, and when he rushes in, he is shot in the arm. The young man jumping from Madelyn's balcony resembles Leonard, and the doctor, deeply hurt, accuses his wife of infidelity. Madelyn is on the verge of killing herself when a secret service agent appears, reporting that the German spy who attempted to steal secret documents from the doctor's home the night before had been apprehended.
The Avenging Trail
Dr. Saunders
Lumberjack Gaston Olaf is newly arrived in the lumber camp of Havens Falls, but it isn't long before he finds himself coming to the rescue of the lovely Rose Havens, who is being pursued by the nasty Lefty Red.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Thomas Hayden (as C. Warren Cook)
A writer bets a publisher friend that he can write a 10,000-word novel in 24 hours. The publisher takes the bet, and gives him the "only key" to his Baldpate Inn, which has been closed for the winter, so he can write in complete seclusion. Things start heating up, though, when a succession of people who also have keys to the inn begin showing up.
The Governor of Exile
Vincento Perez, the governor of the Portuguese colony of Exile, is an unscrupulous and brutal man who is hated by the natives. Furthering his schemes, Perez tries to force silk dealers out of business, and reveals his plans to government engineer Richmond Harvey in a letter appealing for the American's help.
The Whip
Judge Beverley
The story of the training of a racehorse, the Whip, of the amnesiac nobleman who loves the horse, and of the villains who attempt to keep it from racing.
The Pride of the Clan
Robert, Earl of Dunstable
Donald MacTavish, the last chieftain of his clan on an island off the coast of Scotland, dies at sea. This leaves his only daughter, Marget, to assume the responsibilities of leadership. Marget's burden is partially eased by her blossoming romance with Jamie Campbell. But there is a secret from Jamie's past that neither of them know about.
The Snowbird
John Wheeler
John Wheeler (Warren Cook) gets himself in some financial hot water and needs to prove that he is half owner of some land in Canada. But the only person with a copy of the deed is Jean Corteau (Edwin Carewe, who also directed), and Corteau has gone up to the property and decided to claim all of it for himself.
The wife of attorney John Blair (T. Jerome Lawler), heroine Helene (Kalich) finds herself in an untenable position when two of Blair's clients, Harry Carson (Robert Rendel)) and Richard Tremaine (Eugene Ormonde), both fall in love with her.
Children of Eve
An illegitimate child of the slums comes to faith. Later, she chooses to labor in a canning factory in order to investigate its poor conditions, not realizing she has a significant connection to the cold-hearted factory owner.
The Active Life of Dolly of the Dailies #5: The Chinese Fan
Mr. Cambridge
An early Thomas Edison short. A young woman is kidnapped while attending a play in Chinatown. A reporter attends another play in Chinatown, is likewise kidnapped and rescues the young woman.