Theu Boermans

Theu Boermans

Рождение : 1950-01-11,


Theu Boermans


Sea of Time
Two former lovers find themselves struggling for shared closure as one of them prepares to stage a play about the unspeakable tragedy that tore them apart decades ago.
Slaughter Night
After her father gets killed in an automobile accident, Kristel Lodema discovers that her dad was investigating an old mine where convicted child killer Andries Martiens died back in 1857. Kristel decides to check out the mine along with a group of young adults. However, said mine turns out to be haunted by the dangerous and murderous spirit of Martiens.
The Chosen One
The two brothers Van der Laan, of strict religion, have been running Holland's most successful software company for 10 years when suddenly their financial manager leaves the firm. The lives of the brothers and their families get turned upside down when they hire a young hot shot financial specialist, in order to pursue their goal to bring the company to the NASDAQ.
Мальчик-оборотень и волшебный автобус
Никогда не обижайте мальчишку, который умеет превращаться в оборотня! Иначе вы можете стать героем страшной волшебной сказки — истории о школьной экскурсии в замок ужасов, которая обернулась самым настоящим кошмаром.
Off Screen
Leo Verkerk
March 11th, 2002. John R. takes the head of security and 17 others hostage in Amsterdam biggest skyscraper. John R. demands to speak with the Philips head of Sound&Vision. His goal is to warn people about a large-scale fraud, aimed at brainwashing consumers by means of widescreen TV sets. In the film, we find out about John's preliminary frustrations, his bizarre encounter with Philips head of Sound&Vision Gerard Wesselinck, their impossible friendship, rivalry and John's armed attempt to force the executive to do penance in public.
1,000 Roses
In a small, unnamed European town the entire population depends upon the local, ailing factory. When American investors arrive, prosperity fever infects the residents.
1,000 Roses
In a small, unnamed European town the entire population depends upon the local, ailing factory. When American investors arrive, prosperity fever infects the residents.
Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story
Father Fidelius
Set in Curacao in the 1940s, Ava & Gabriel: A Love Story tells of the painter Gabriel Goedbloed, who arrives from Holland to paint a mural of the Virgin Mary in a local church. Gabriel is black, originally from Surinam. The colonial Antillian society proves less than tolerant towards him, especially after he chooses as his model a young Black teacher, Ava
Feature film.
Mijn vader woont in Rio
The Lion of Flanders
Jacques de Chatillon, comte de Leuze
A tale centered on the Battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302 where the Flemish rank and file won a major victory over the glorious French knights.
De Anna
Dutch drama about a former mine worker plagued with bad lungs.
De zwager
A factory worker is employed in the desolate, cold-storage cellars of a brewery. His spare time he devotes to collecting romantic images of wild flowers and sticking newspaper cuttings in an album, demonstrating a preference for more gruesome stories. Murders, rapes and acts of violence are the events which accompany his everyday existence and invest it with a tinge of color.
В основе фильма лежит автобиографическая история Китти Ниил Дофф, которая за это произведение была выдвинута на Нобелевскую и Гонкуровскую премии. Чтобы заработать деньги для своей семьи, деревенская девушка стала в Амстердаме заниматься проституцией. Обладая сильным характером, она пробивается в избранные слои общества.