Trapped in an unhappy marriage, a woman mourns the devastation of the forest around her. An unexpected affair instigates an explosive metamorphosis, and she finds perfect release as a tree. But the world is a dangerous place for trees, and deep in the forest a forester and a student lay claim to a body of wood and leaf - one for money and one for love. A subversion of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Like flesh is the fruit of a collaboration between a group of committed young artists. The Israeli composer Sivan Eldar creates an intriguing sound world by combining orchestral and electro-acoustic music. The British playwright Cordelia Lynn is already well known in English theatre circles for, among other things, her collaboration with Katie Mitchell to re-stage The Tempest.
Чикаго, 1968 год. Демонстрация против войны во Вьетнаме вылилась в стычки с полицией. Семь участников беспорядков предстают пред судом по обвинениям в заговоре против американского правительства
A comedy about a family that's crazy for Christmas. Except for the 16-year-old daughter -- her family's over-the-top Christmas celebrations have made her life miserable. When her long distance boyfriend decides to visit for the holidays, she's determined to spare him her family's Christmas obsession, so she hires actors to play her parents and stages a fake Christmas dinner in the empty house next door. What could go wrong?
Singing sensation Madison Park is back in the spotlight after years of bad luck, but her world is turned upside down when handsome firefighter John Kelly saves her life in more ways than one.
Герои фильма — жители города, который никогда не спит. Нью-Йорк накануне Нового года переплетет жизни нескольких героев: умирающего в больнице пожилого человека, секретаршу, решившую осуществить данные себе обещания, продюсера знаменитого новогоднего шоу на Таймс Сквер, человека, который вообще ненавидит этот праздник.
In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious six year old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing again. Just as they begin to, Cody's will reveals that he named his sister as Chip's guardian. The years of Joey's acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away from him. In his now solitary home life, Joey searches for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are. Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and closer to his son.