Michalis Koutsogiannakis
Рождение : 1959-11-22, Crete, Greece
Benzel Braude
During World War II, millions of Jews from all over Europe are deported and killed in German concentration camps. When the German troops invade Norway, the Norwegian Jews feel safe and protected. But anti-Semitism knows no borders and as the war escalates in Europe, the situation changes drastically. Suddenly, their radios are taken away; their passports are stamped with a big J and one day, all the men men over the age of 15 are arrested and taken to prisons camps. Many of the women left behind are too frightened to escape and are desperately waiting for their husbands and sons to come back home. On November 26, 1942, hundreds of Jews are picked up by the police in the middle of the night and are transported to the dock in Oslo. Unknowing and frightened men, women, children, sick and old are forced on board the awaiting German cargo ship "SS DONAU". The ship leaves with 532 Norwegian Jews onboard; 302 men, 188 women and 42 children. The end station is Auschwitz.
Sidi (voice)
Eleven-year-old Wardi’s great-grandfather leaves behind a will suggesting looking to the past to find the future. Searching the house, Wardi finds out about her Palestinian homeland from family memories.
A comedy about the new alternative family and how different family situations and relationships come to a head during the premier family weekend.
A man and a woman meet once a year in different hotel rooms. Their passionate love affair has been going on for 30 years. But this year things have happened in their lives, things that might change everything.
Fernandez Fernandez
Фраганция арестованa за покушение на убийство Ричарда Перссонa, сынa влиятельного владельца обувного завода. Во время ее допроса открывается удивительная и замечательная история ее жизни. Мы следуем за ней через ее бедное детство, ее юность, где она встречает большую любовь своей жизни, звезду хоккея Петтерсона-Йонссона, прямо к той роковой ночи, откуда и начинается история.
Dragan Armanskij
Лисбет Саландер находится под неусыпным наблюдением в отделении интенсивной терапии шведской городской больницы. Она борется за жизнь и не только в физическом смысле: когда она почувствует себя достаточно хорошо, ей предстоит предстать перед судом по обвинению в трех убийствах и в покушении еще на одно. С помощью своего друга, журналиста Микаэля Блумквиста, она должна будет доказать свою невиновность и опознать продажных политиканов, из-за злоупотреблений которых страдают простые люди.
Dragan Armanskij
Поздно вечером в своей квартире застрелены журналист и его подруга — люди, изучавшие каналы поставки в Швецию секс-рабынь из Восточной Европы. Среди клиентов малопочтенного бизнеса замечены представители властных структур. Кажется очевидным, каким кругам была выгодна смерть этих двоих. Микаэл Блумквист начинает собственное расследование гибели своих коллег и друзей и вдруг узнает, что в убийстве подозревают его давнюю знакомую Лисбет Саландер, самую странную девушку на свете, склонную играть с огнем — к примеру, заливать его бензином.
Dragan Armanskij
Микаэль Блумквист — талантливый журналист, который верой и правдой добивается справедливости в самых скандальных делах — неожиданно терпит фиаско в своей деятельности, в результате чего вынужден отбыть срок лишения свободы.В то же время влиятельный человек Хенрик Вангер поручает ему дело о пропаже его племянницы, которая таинственным образом исчезла из имения Вангеров, и о которой вот уже множество лет нет никаких новостей. А попытки Хенрика разыскать родственницу так же не приводят к положительным результатам.
Almost 30 years has passed and Gösta and Gun are retired. This summer they're going on a trip to their sons wedding in Göstas new RV.
The supermarket clown Ulrik is dreaming of becoming a stand-up comedian, the handicapped Amnesty girl Kristin is in love with Alexander, but does not dare to tell him, and Maya is to be deported from the country because she is a "consumed" mail order bride.
Mirush leaves Kosovo hoping to find his father in Norway, who abandoned the family when Mirush was very young. Now the father runs a restaurant in Oslo, but he is also in deep debt to the Albanian Mafia. Mirush starts to work in his father's restaurant without letting him know that he is his son.
Alfred's father
11-летний Альфред — третируемый группой ребят школьный изгой. Бенни поначалу тоже участвует в травле Альфреда, но вскоре между мальчиками возникает дружба. Бенни не рискует рассказать в своей компании о новом друге, отношения с которым становятся все важнее и ценнее для Бенни, пока одно событие не расставляет все на свои места.
He refuses to accept charity and he does his morning exercise, he makes a living collecting cans and exists without a home, personal number or social control. In itself quite an achievement in today’s Sweden. The film is about this man getting one last chance as he unexpectedly receives a large amount of money. About his path to reconciliation with the people he thinks he let down thirty years ago. It’s a journey filled with temptation and ambivalence. But also one about an important friendship with a young hitchhiking girl.
Darjosh's Father
Following her son's death, Victoria moves to a small community to work as a doctor at the local clinic. She attempts to forget and move on with her life but finds it impossible when a local boy is found dead in the snow and Victoria must tell the boy's parents. Police quickly explains it as an accident but Victoria finds that there is something strange about the whole affair.
Tahmed Ahmed
A man is found dead, stabbed to death with a knife. The chocking thing is that his face has been removed. After questioning his wife who described the marriage as happy also told that a mysterious foreign man knocked on their door the day before the murder. Beck and his men are given the case.
Saras Läkare
The wife and son of an unemployed, foul-tempered man suffer under ever-worsening domestic violence. One day while his father is taking a nap, the young son decides to take matters into his own hands. In a panic, the wife and son both believe the man is dead and dump him on a roadside. The man survives, however, and returns home weeks later confined to a wheelchair probably for the rest of his life. How will each member in the family cope with this new situation?
Johan and Anna-Karin have been a couple for years but despite many attempts, Anna-Karin doesn't get pregnant. A visit to a fertility clinic shows why: Johan's sperm quality is too low. Johan is waiting to take over his father's farm, but what's the point if they can never have children? The news also puts a strain on their relationship since Anna-Karin desperately wants to be a mother.
A 15-year-old Somalian boy meets a 40-year-old Iranian man in a refugee camp in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. With the threat of deportation hanging over them, they decide to take their faiths in their own hands and together they go on a journey in the Swedish summer.