Frank Rivera


Sasquatch Mountain
Ken Robinson
A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.
Det. Jesus Vasquez
Detective Ray Morgan accidentally kills the son of a mob boss. The mob boss orders to have Morgan killed unknowing that the assassin killed Morgan's wife and kids. Now Morgan's out for revenge..and he'll do it his own way
Высокое напряжение
After unknowingly robbing a money laundering operation the heist crew must avoid mobsters.
Последний удар
Stevie Olivares
A former kick-boxing world champion discovers a young fighter, and believes together they can win back the world crown.
Project Eliminator
Carlos (as Frank Reeves)
A scientist working in a top-secret government weapons technology research becomes so disillusioned that he destroys his latest creation: an ultra-sophisticated flying attack laser. Soon, terrorists who want him to re-create the invention kidnap him. A shady government contact recruits two veteran Special Forces operatives Ron Morrell and John Slade who soon find themselves in a frantic race against the clock to rescue the scientist and keep his deadly knowledge a secret.
Axel (as Frank Reeves)
Сделав аборт, молодая женщина избавляется от своего будущего ребенка. В клинике человеческий зародыш выкидывают в канализацию, где он начинает развиваться. В публичном доме были жестоко растерзаны 12 человек. Единственная оставшаяся в живых свидетельница рассказала историю настолько невероятную и ужасную, что ее приняли за сумасшедшую.