Vittorio Bestoso

Vittorio Bestoso


Vittorio Bestoso


Аида из Арбореи
Satam (voice)
Волшебный мир разделился пополам. Злобный каменный дракон Сатам и его преспешники из города Петра объявили войну мирному древесному народу Арбореи. Прекрасная принцесса Аида, дочь арборейского короля, была похищена и стала служанкой во дворце петранцев. Там она познакомилась с Радамесом - солдатом Петры. Радамес и Аида полюбили друг друга и теперь эта ужасная война может разделить их. Сможет ли любовь и верная дружба вернуть мир в волшебную страну?
The House with Arched Windows
Narrator (voice)
Seen from the outside, it’s an old arch-windowed house overlooking a field isolated from the center of the village. But the rooms of this dark haven of demons hide unimaginable secrets. It was within those very four walls that an artist ordained to Lucifer killed himself with a razor blade in the winter of 1931. Many occultists maintain that his ghost still wanders like a shadowy agent of evil, desecrating the bodies of those who come too close to his hypnotic, diabolical allure...
Kamillo Kromo
Karminio tells about the time when chameleons, because of their bright red color, were easily spotted and eaten by predators, especially dinosaurs and black birds. To avoid extinction, one of them proposed to change their color by painting themselves green, so as to camouflage themselves.