Jamison Selby


One Take
Life is a one take proposition. In ONE TAKE, Kevin never stopped loving Jessie even though she left him years ago and is reported to be dead. When Kevin, out-of-the-blue, receives a card in the mail - an old photo of the two of them with a mysterious message - he is spurred on to discover who sent it and the truth behind Jessie, both past and present.Kevin is suspicious that she might still be alive though this means everyone he meets including Jessie's brother, Jerry, is lying to him. As he tracks down old friends and family, Kevin carries on a running conversation with an imagined Jessie. Just as he is coming to terms with the fact that some questions will remain forever unanswered, he uncovers a shattering truth the will forever change his take on life, love, and sacrafice.
Puddle Cruiser
Traci Shannon
A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court. He "proves his love" (more like his masculinity) to her by playing rugby against her ex-boyfriend.
Каков отец, таков и сын
Rick's Friend
Известный кардио-хирург доктор Джек Хаммонд с головой поглощен работой и практически не имеет возможности полноценно общаться со своим сыном-подростком Крисом. Но однажды происходит странное событие: Джек по ошибке добавляет в свой бокал сыворотку, составленную по рецепту древних индейцев. В результате приема этого чудодейственного снадобья происходит невероятное: мозги Джека прямиком переселяются в голову Криса. Что из этого получится - смотрите сами.