Erwin Dumbrille

Рождение : 1930-10-18, Traverse City, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 2013-01-29


Summer's End
10-year-old Kathy prefers pigtails to curls and runs away for the day to avoid a hair appointment. While she's off having adventures with her best pal Jeeter, her parents clash over how to handle the situation. Kathy's mother worries that her daughter doesn't "fit in" while her father believes she's "just an individual" and should be allowed to grow up at her own pace. At the end of the day, Kathy must return home to face the inevitable.
Дело Картье
Курт Тэйлор выходит из калифорнийской тюрьмы и, чтобы расплатиться с долгами, устраивается секретарем к Картье Ранк — таким образом он планирует украсть её драгоценности. Но задача осложняется, когда он влюбляется в своего босса.
Человек-паук: Вызов Дракону
Spider-Man goes to China to help an official accused of World War II treachery. Two episodes of the TV series "Spider Man" edited together and released as a feature.
Состоятельная молодая женщина после смерти мужа открывает модный магазин в Голливуде для богатых клиентов. Ей постоянно приходится отстаивать собственные интересы перед конкурентами — настоящими «акулами» в бизнесе, которые в борьбе за покупателя не останавливаются ни перед чем — идут на подкуп сотрудников магазина, прибегают к услугам бульварной прессы..
The Last Song
An aspiring singer unwittingly comes into possession of several tapes for which her engineer husband and his partner, in their electronic eavesdropping business, were murdered, and discovers that she and her daughter are now being stalked by the killers.
A Rainy Day
A television star goes home to Texas for her father's funeral and spends time with her mother for the first time in five years. Reminiscing about her childhood allows the daughter to work through lifelong resentments and to forgive her mother.
Человек-паук: Снова в бою
At the New York State University, one of Peter Parker's tutors has accidentally given three students all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb. While Peter Parker tries to find out what's happened, the police suspect him of the crime, and Peter has to deal with an attractive journalist determined to get an interview with Spider-Man. Then dastardly millionaire Mr. White shows up, and will stop at nothing to get his hands on the atomic bomb. Spider-Man must defeat this scheming villain and stop him blowing up the World Trade Centre.
Hazel's People
An NYU student visits a Mennonite friend in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after a fellow Mennonite is killed while protesting the Vietnam War.
The Aquarians
A scientist and his team of underwater explorers search for the culprit who has stolen the world's supply of nerve gas and hidden it somewhere in the ocean.
Hello Down There
Given the chance to live in a simulated underwater home for a month, a scientist convinces his family to take advantage of the offer. Once the family agrees to move in, underwater mayhem occurs!
Birds Do It
Melvin Byrd, who dreams of being a scientist, is a Cape Kennedy "miniscule molecular particle surveillance monitor" - in short, a janitor. His job is to keep a major rocket project completely dust-free, and this he does with his own hilariously fantastic inventions - including a literal attack on dirt by a "knight on a white horse". In his work, he meets Judy, a chimp involved in a top-secret project, which leads Melvin into the one room strictly off-limits to him. Not until he has entered the project room does Melvin learn that any man entering it will be negatively ionized - making him fly like a bird.
Наму, кит-убийца
Спасаясь от рыбаков, косатка («кит-убийца») заплывает в бухту, в которой расположена научно-исследовательская станция. Работающий на ней морской биолог д-р Доннер не хочет упустить шанс впервые в мире изучить жизнь этих загадочных морских животных и ограждает выход из бухты сетью. Кит-убийца, получивший имя «Наму», остаётся на станции. Но местные рыбаки не прекращают попыток убить косатку, боясь, что она распугает всю рыбу в округе…
The Mennonite Story
The Mennonites first came to North America in 1683. Who were they? Where did they come from? And who are they today?