Sound Editor
"Gerboise bleue", the first French atomic test carried out on February 13, 1960 in the Algerian Sahara, is the starting point of France's nuclear power. These are powerful radioactive aerial shots carried out in areas belonging to the French army. Underground tests will follow, even after the independence of Algeria. From 1960 to 1978, 30,000 people were exposed in the Sahara. The French army was recognized recognized nine irradiations. No complaint against the army or the Atomic Energy Commission has resulted. Three requests for a commission of inquiry were rejected by the National Defense Commission. For the first time, the last survivors bear witness to their fight for the recognition of their illnesses, and revealed to themselves in what conditions the shootings took place. The director goes to the zero point of "Gerboise Bleue", forbidden access for 47 years by the Algerian authorities
The adventure of a film that uses the real as matter, needs to keep an eye on any detail, any sign that would occur in the course that runs from the first take to the last final choice of editing, because each small event, each causal chain or each flashing chance, will determine the form and content of the film which at the beginning was only a possibility, a simple idea: make a film about the origins of jazz using as a backdrop its most important contemporary expression forum.
Sound Director
Вторая часть трилогии о жизни поэта Юсуфа. Это не биография какого-то конкретного поэта, а скорее попытка рассмотреть, как живётся такому типу человека как «поэт» в обществе и в семье как маленькой ячейке общества. 18-летний Юсуф живёт вместе с матерью за городом. Он пишет стихи и больше всего сейчас озабочен своим творчеством. Его мать, вынужденная одна обеспечивать семью и вести хозяйство, уговаривает его быть более практичным: найти работу и помогать ей деньгами. Юсуф пытается примирить свои творческие изыскания и необходимость зарабатывать на жизнь.
Two boys (Tamir & Amine) awake one morning to find that their father has abandoned their family. Shocked, they begin to misbehave. While surreptitiously watching a movie, they think they see their father speaking to them and steal the film to examine the frames. Their mother (Achta) eventually despairs and sends them to Koranic school. Unhappy, they plan their escape until the eldest boy falls in love with a deaf girl (Khalil).
Sound Engineer
An all night party in a building on the outskirts of Paris provides the setting of this provocative French meditation on life and waiting. As the title states, the film centers on seven main characters at the party. Each of them is privately waiting for something and all of them engage in conversations about the fundamental concerns of life, including love, sex, truth and responsibility. Among the seven are a pregnant woman waiting for her baby, a playboy, a gay man, and a young woman with poor taste in men. To make the film, director Francoise Etchegaray gave the actors a sense of who they were supposed to be and what they should do, placed them in a room, and let them improvise their dialog.
Кузнец падает с велосипеда когда он попытался избежать черепахи, пересекающую его путь. Он приносит животное домой к своему двенадцатилетнему сыну, Раби, который так им очарован, что забывает о своих делах в папином магазине. Когда сердитый кузнец убирает черепаху, дед Раби, Пусга, помогает ему найти такую же побольше, чтобы успокоить мальчика. Раби хочет приручить животное, и эта новая одержимость заставляет его бросить вызов родителям...