Майкл Трэйнер – юрист, а Джамал – озлобленный юноша, которого заключили в тюрьму после многих лет жестокого обращения в разных приёмных семьях. Вместе они должны разоблачить влиятельную в системе опеки детей компанию Белькор.
Father, author and relationship expert, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind book tour promoting his new best seller, The Bounce Back. He's got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who's convinced he's nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.
Father, author and relationship expert, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind book tour promoting his new best seller, The Bounce Back. He's got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who's convinced he's nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.
Father, author and relationship expert, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind book tour promoting his new best seller, The Bounce Back. He's got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who's convinced he's nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.
Father, author and relationship expert, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind book tour promoting his new best seller, The Bounce Back. He's got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who's convinced he's nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.
Since he was 5 yrs old, Jose's abuelita taught him to play chess like his grandfather who was a champion in Mexico. Now as part of the Brownsville school team, Jose has the chance to use his skills and for once in his life, finds himself in the spotlight, as he tries to help his team make it to the Texas state finals. As their coach, Mr. Alvarado, teaches his students the meaning of perseverance and team effort in the face of adversity, Jose discovers his own strengths and uses them to bring his broken family together.
“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.
“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.
“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.
“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.
Это история об одарённом, но патологически интровертном музыканте, выражающего себя через модный дабстеп. Второй одержимостью, значительно более вредоносной, чем электронные звуки музыки, для героя становится увлечение молодой социальной работницей. Девушка восхищена музыкальным талантом молодого человека и начинает проявлять к нему романтический интерес, не подозревая, что хэппи-энда у этой истории любви не будет.
Bolivar De La Cruz (Kuno Becker) and Lola Sara (Danielle Camastra) share only ethnicity. He's just arrived from Mexico looking for work. Father´s Lola made the same journey twenty years ago. Now, Bolivar and Lola find themselves on a collision course with the events that will change their lives forever.
Visual Effects Coordinator
С самого начала Федерации Генеральная Директива четко гласила: «Ни одна из экспедиций Звездного Флота не должна вмешиваться в естественное развитие других цивилизаций». В этот раз отважному Пикару пришлось столкнуться с приказом, нарушающим это постановление. В случае если капитан звездолета «Энтерпрайз» подчинится приказу, 600 безобидных обитателей планеты Ба Ку будут насильственно вывезены за пределы их прекрасного мира. Это будет сделано во имя мнимого благоденствия миллионов, которые почерпнут энергию из знаменитого Фонтана омолаживающих сил. Если же Пикар откажется выполнить приказ, то он рискует своим кораблем, карьерой и… жизнью. Но справедливость превыше всего, и у капитана остается лишь одна возможность: восстать против Звездного Флота и возглавить восстание во имя сохранения Рая!
Documentary starring social media star Sommer Ray and her ongoing struggle with an obsessed fan showering her with gifts, solicitations, and unwanted contact. Inspired by true events, the film delves into the tragic family history of her stalker and the psychology of fandom gone awry.