Kiran Vairale

Kiran Vairale


Kiran Vairale


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Равидас вместе со своим отцом-брадобреем живут в маленькой индийской деревушке. Получив образование в городе, он не хочет заниматься семейной профессией, а пишет стихи. Рави и Джоти влюбляются друг в друга, и об этом всем становится известно. Из-за кастовых различий Рави не может жениться на Джоти, браминке про происхождению.
Море любви
Maria (the bride)
Вся жизнь Моны прошла на глазах друга ее детства Раджи. Раджа всегда был другом и партнером Моны в детских играх, но никогда не мог признаться девушке в том, что влюблен в нее. Недалеко от морской деревушки проживает высокомерная миллионерша Камаладеви. Погостить к ней прибывает ее внук Рави. Однажды на рассвете Рави неожиданно для себя наблюдает за тем, как из моря подобно богине Венере выходит Мона. И этот случай становится началом романтических отношений между Моной и Рави.
Журналист Мехта, спасаясь от людей контрабандиста Джагмохана, передает конверт с уликами против него Раму Прасаду Сингху и просит доставить документы инспектору Шарме в полицейский участок в Бандре. Узнав о гибели Мехты, Рам Прасад передает конверт инспектору, в результате чего Джагмохан на два года отправляется за решетку. Спустя время Раму Прасаду начинают угрожать, и он просит у Шармы защиты. Так, Рам Прасад, его жена Раджни и их сын, изменив имена и биографии, становятся участниками программы по защите свидетелей.
Ek Jaan Hain Hum
Coming from a decent upper middle-class family, Vikram Saxena meets with gorgeous Seema Singh, and both fall in love. But their respective families have other plans for them. While Vikram is able to convince his advocate dad, Shyam Sunder, to change his mind, Seema is unable to do so, and her marriage is being planned with a U.S. resident. Things take a turn for the worst when the police arrest Vikram with arson, with evidence that he had burned down a property belonging to Seema's dad, Colonel Ram Mohan Singh. Due to this, Vikram's dad comes forward to defend him, and Seema will not have anything to do with him anymore. Shyam Sunder realizes that the only way he can save his son from being imprisoned is to have him certified as insane, but will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life, as well as the the stigma this will place on his family for years to come.
Pallavi Anu Pallavi
A man falls in love with an older woman who is separated from her husband. As he struggles between the demands of a relationship and those of society, he also tries to find the definition of love.
Любовный недуг
Сирота Девдхар и дочь богатого помещика Манорама дружат с детства. Постепенно, сам того не замечая, Девдхар полюбил девушку, но так и не решился признаться ей в любви. Тем временем Манораму выдают замуж, но сразу же после свадьбы ее муж погибает в автокатастрофе. По законам индуизма жена должна быть верна мужу и после его смерти. Теперь, чтобы отстоять свое право на любовь, Девдхару и Манораме придется бросить вызов всему обществу.
Saath Saath
The story is about a simple man with high moral values. Avinash (Farookh Shekh) is a poor but self respected guy. His policy is to earn while you learn. He excels in his studies and wishes for an idealistic society to live in. He wants to change the world with truth and simplicity. Movie has beautiful Gazals from Jagjit Singh and Chitra Singh
Nimki (Sharmila Tagore) is the mortar that holds her fragile family together. She looks after her younger sisters, the mute, sweet Meethu (Shabana Azmi) and spirited Chinki (Kiran Vairale). Together the three sisters care for their aging Amma (Waheeda Rehman), a troubled, frail woman bordering on senile dementia. Geru (Sanjeev Kumar), an itinerant construction hauler in the family's village for a brief contract, rents a room from the family, and before long bonds of friendship and even love develop between Geru and the sisters.
Naram Garam
Ramprasad is appointed as a house-keeper for Bhavani Shankar Bajpai's ancestral home, won after a hard-fought legal battle. Ramprasad wants to marry Kusum but cannot as he doesn't earn enough or has a decent place to live. Circumstances change and Kusum and her father come and live in the Bhavani Shankar's ancestral home. Bhavani Shankar, his brother and Bhavani Shankar's manager come one by one to evict the trespassers and are infatuated by Kusum. Ramprasad somehow manages to deal with all of them and marries Kusum after assurances to better pay and a nice place to live.
Скажи только раз
Ravi is in love with Aarti but unable to express his feelings to her. With Aarti's marriage arranged, will he be able to confess before it's too late?
Sudarshan Sahni would like his son, Raju, to marry his Europe-based friend's daughter, Rita, but Raju is in love with Anu, and both plan to marry each other. Anu's dad, Pradeep Rai Choudhry, does not approve of Raju, and warns Anu not to have anything to do with him, in vain though. Both Anu and Raju elope, and get married and re-locate to a small and remote village, where they spend several months in perfect harmony. It is then that their respective parents come to know of their location, and descend on them to bring them back to their world.
Трудная роль
Sushma Dalvi
Головокружительную карьеру сделала бедная крестьянская девочка Уша. И с самого детстве ей всем помогал ей сосед Кешав. Небескорыстный Кешав мечтал, что когда Уша станет прославленной актрисой, он, женившись на ней, обеспечит себе безбедную старость.