Eduardo Casanova
Рождение : 1991-03-24, Madrid, Spain
Eduardo Casanova Valdehita is a Spanish actor, screenwriter and director. He is mainly known to the public thanks to his role as Fidel Martínez in the television series Aída.
Mateo lives with his mother Libertad in a rose-tinted world: a microcosm that has precisely two inhabitants, mother and son. One day Mateo is diagnosed with cancer.
A square sound engineer employs unusual research efforts to reveal the secrets behind the quintessential icon of kitsch, the Pink Flamingo. His bizarre adventure will unexpectedly turn into a creative journey to self-discovery.
Production Design
A solid middle American couple meet a stranger who will have a big role in history as we know it.
A solid middle American couple meet a stranger who will have a big role in history as we know it.
A solid middle American couple meet a stranger who will have a big role in history as we know it.
Carlos Zaldívar
Одна дочь беременна, вторая встречается с коммунистом, сын - гей, а жену сбила машина... Со всем этим придётся как-то разбираться не очень дружелюбному главе семейства. Ещё и последняя воля погибшей супруги - чтобы вся семья поехала на выходные в маленький город Санлукар развеять её пепел над Гвадалквивиром и заодно попытаться наладить отношения.
Внешний вид во многом определяет положение человека в обществе. Сюжет фильма повествует об одиноких людях, изгоях, которые испытывают серьёзные трудности в социализации.
Production Design
Внешний вид во многом определяет положение человека в обществе. Сюжет фильма повествует об одиноких людях, изгоях, которые испытывают серьёзные трудности в социализации.
Внешний вид во многом определяет положение человека в обществе. Сюжет фильма повествует об одиноких людях, изгоях, которые испытывают серьёзные трудности в социализации.
Production Design
Production Design
Cuba, as we knew it, is dying. The US Embassy has just opened in Cuba, and the Cuban in the USA after 54 years. Cubans are craving to be connected to the Internet, buy at Zara, eat at Burger King and have Apple gadgets Nevertheless, Fidel, the leader of the Revolution, is alone and hiding. He is, like Cuba, in decline.
Cuba, as we knew it, is dying. The US Embassy has just opened in Cuba, and the Cuban in the USA after 54 years. Cubans are craving to be connected to the Internet, buy at Zara, eat at Burger King and have Apple gadgets Nevertheless, Fidel, the leader of the Revolution, is alone and hiding. He is, like Cuba, in decline.
Cuba, as we knew it, is dying. The US Embassy has just opened in Cuba, and the Cuban in the USA after 54 years. Cubans are craving to be connected to the Internet, buy at Zara, eat at Burger King and have Apple gadgets Nevertheless, Fidel, the leader of the Revolution, is alone and hiding. He is, like Cuba, in decline.
Makeup Artist #3
Телезапись зрелищного «новогоднего огонька» оборачивается абсолютным сумасшествием, когда череда несчастных случаев обрушивается на съемочную площадку один за другим. Съемочный кран только что разгромил столик с массовкой… включая массовку. Одержимая фанатка шантажирует Адана, сексапильную сверх всякой меры поп-звезду. За легендарным певцом Альфонсо открывает вооруженную охоту сумасшедший автор песен. Один из актеров массовки, Хосе, пытает свое счастье с прекрасной Паломой, однако всех ее мужчин обычно преследуют беды. Тем временем снаружи разъяренная толпа требует ареста бесчестного продюсера шоу. В любой момент все окончательно выйдет из под контроля. Как всегда, «праздник» подкрался незаметно!
Carta 3
Production Design
Eat My Shit tells the tale of a woman with the unfortunate defect of having a butthole for a mouth.
Eat My Shit tells the tale of a woman with the unfortunate defect of having a butthole for a mouth.
Eat My Shit tells the tale of a woman with the unfortunate defect of having a butthole for a mouth.
Eat My Shit tells the tale of a woman with the unfortunate defect of having a butthole for a mouth.
A screaming baby awakens madness and bloodlust.
A screaming baby awakens madness and bloodlust.
Lucio is an introverted boy who spends his nights dreaming of Greta. Little by little, he begins to prefer to spend his time dreaming, escaping reality and sharing his time with Greta and a mysterious knight.
Production Design
She only smokes and waits for the man she loves. Sometimes we fall for the wrong person even if we are aware of it. But blind love, insane love can fight against all and 100 hours waiting with 100 cigarettes is the least a woman can do when she is madly in love.
Executive Producer
She only smokes and waits for the man she loves. Sometimes we fall for the wrong person even if we are aware of it. But blind love, insane love can fight against all and 100 hours waiting with 100 cigarettes is the least a woman can do when she is madly in love.
She only smokes and waits for the man she loves. Sometimes we fall for the wrong person even if we are aware of it. But blind love, insane love can fight against all and 100 hours waiting with 100 cigarettes is the least a woman can do when she is madly in love.
She only smokes and waits for the man she loves. Sometimes we fall for the wrong person even if we are aware of it. But blind love, insane love can fight against all and 100 hours waiting with 100 cigarettes is the least a woman can do when she is madly in love.
Comedy about a family of Gran Canaria island that shown in a "situation totally on edge" and reflects the way to be the canaries, as its author.
The love that a mother feels justifies everything, a mother is capable of murder because of her child, she kills, she steals, she works the corner or any other thing that keeps her child alive; the love that a mother feels, brings up the better and the worst in every woman. Ursula (Ana Polvorosa) is a mother and she is living two tragedies at the same time, a zombie invasion and the fact that her husband left home with their son, Nicolas. To Ursula, the zombie invasion is just “an anecdote” because she, as a mother and as a woman, only cares about her missing child, helpless and alone in a world surrounded by green and crazy beings.
The love that a mother feels justifies everything, a mother is capable of murder because of her child, she kills, she steals, she works the corner or any other thing that keeps her child alive; the love that a mother feels, brings up the better and the worst in every woman. Ursula (Ana Polvorosa) is a mother and she is living two tragedies at the same time, a zombie invasion and the fact that her husband left home with their son, Nicolas. To Ursula, the zombie invasion is just “an anecdote” because she, as a mother and as a woman, only cares about her missing child, helpless and alone in a world surrounded by green and crazy beings.
Безработный пиарщик Роберто пытается устроиться на работу, но его кандидатуру отвергают все агентства. Никого не интересует тот факт, что именно он придумал слоган Кока-колы «Она настоящая». Ситуация резко меняется, когда Роберто попадает в аварию и висит на волоске между жизнью и смертью. Роберто подключает свой опыт в области пиара и превращает аварию в медиа-событие. Он тут же нанимает агента и поручает ему продать эксклюзивные репортажи с места аварии на телеканалы, дабы обеспечить свою семью до конца жизни. Неужели Роберто выживет? Или поплатится жизнью ради денег?
Violetta Lagartija is a great prima donna with social phobia. Violetta can neither speak nor relate to anybody that knows her. With her lovesick character, she survives feeding of tranquilizers. Berto is crazy in love with Violetta, but he knows her problem and has a plan to know her. Anxiety is a story about tranquilizers, an eccentric story, egocentric, excessive, melodramatic, dark, but, especially anxious.
Violetta Lagartija is a great prima donna with social phobia. Violetta can neither speak nor relate to anybody that knows her. With her lovesick character, she survives feeding of tranquilizers. Berto is crazy in love with Violetta, but he knows her problem and has a plan to know her. Anxiety is a story about tranquilizers, an eccentric story, egocentric, excessive, melodramatic, dark, but, especially anxious.
Водопроводчик Рэй и инструктор вождения Лео небогато, но счастливо живут в Чуэке, — элитном квартале Мадрида, — центре модного шопинга и гей-тусовок. Нежданно-негаданно этот райский уголок сотрясает серия жестоких убийств пожилых женщин. Лишь в полицейском участке Рэй узнает, что убитая накануне соседка, не имевшая родственников, завещала ему свою квартиру. Столь нелепым образом добродушная гей-семья становится главным подозреваемым в серии ужасных преступлений. Новым жильцом злополучной квартирки становится не в меру темпераментная мамаша Рэя, одержимая единственной жизненной целью: развести любимого сына с никчемным автоинтруктором. Тем более что по пятам давно уже кружит красивый и богатый владелец ресторана…