Jack Trevor

Jack Trevor

Рождение : 1893-12-14, Lambeth, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1976-12-19


Jack Trevor


Der ewige Klang
Жизнь Рембрандта
Драма о жизни голландского художника Рембрандта рассказывает о том, как гениальный художник преодолевает невзгоды и неудачи. Он настойчив духом, верит в искусство и верен себе, но, в конце концов, финансовые проблемы по вине «еврейских мошенников» делают художника бедным и больным.
Carl Peters
British Consul
National-Socialist propaganda film that serves to memorialize one of the early representatives of colonialism: the German philologist Carl Peters. He is, at the end of the 1900′s, a noted advocate of the establishment of a German colony. Without support from Germany, he struggles on his own account against the English in East Africa. Later he is named Reichskommissar and promotes the expansion of a German colony. But Jewish and Social-Democrat opponents order him back to Germany and force him to resign.
Моя жизнь за Ирландию
В 1903 году ирландский националист Майкл О’Брайен был захвачен в Дублине за нападение на британских полицейских и приговорён к смертной казни. Пока он находился в тюрьме, его беременная невеста Мэйв посещала его и однажды они тайно поженились. После этого Майкл вручил ей серебряный крест, который достойны носить лишь лучшие борцы за свободу. На кресте были выгравированы слова «Моя жизнь за Ирландию». Восемнадцать лет спустя, в 1921 году, его сын Майкл мл. доучился до выпускных экзаменов в специальном колледже, где ирландских детей ассимилируют в английское общество, боясь, что те пойдут по стопам отцов и также будут бороться за независимость. Но получится ли у них изменить Майкла?
Der Polizeifunk meldet
Percy Duffins
Der letzte Appell
Frauen für Golden Hill
Women are being sent to an all male settlement. The marriages are planned in advance, but not everything goes according to plan.
Napoleon Is to Blame for Everything
English Lord Arthur Cavershoot is a passionate Napoleon scholar who badly neglects his wife Josephine for his obsession with the French emperor. When the cranky historian travels to a Napoleon conference in Paris, his smart spouse secretly follows him. Unnoticed by her, the city of love threatens to spark a romance between Arthur and a chorus girl.
Spiegel des Lebens
Der Scheidungsgrund
Ralph Fenton
Das schöne Fräulein Schragg
James MacKerry
Unter heißem Himmel
Mr. Hicks
Engel mit kleinen Fehlern
Henker, Frauen und Soldaten
Capt. MacCallum
Lily Christine
Ivor Summerset
Lily is threatened with divorce by her husband after spending an innocent night with friend Rupert Harvey.
The Five Accursed Gentlemen
European tourists on holiday in Morocco are threatened by a native sorcerer who predicts five of them will die, one by one, before the full moon.
A Voice Said Goodnight
Gerald Creighton
A British crime film directed by William C. McGann
The Song of the Nations
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
Two Worlds
Captain Stanislaus
An old Jew is forced to hide the Austrian lieutenant who killed his son and loves his daughter.
Three Around Edith
Thomas Morland
Notorious jewel thief Roger "Tiger" Brown sneaks into the trust of diamond dealer Thomas Morland. Not only does Morland's jewels appeal to him, but also his fiancée, Lady Edith Trent. But when Morland acquires the largest diamond in the world in Amsterdam, Brown decides against Edith and for the diamond, takes it and runs away.
Meine Schwester und ich
Die weißen Rosen von Ravensberg
The child of a woman who killed her husband is raised as the daughter of a count without any knowledge of her true origins.
A 1929 British-Austrian romance film directed by Géza von Bolváry.
The Alley Cat
Jimmy Rice
"The Alley Cat" - A man who thinks he killed a millionaire is cared for by a Cockney girl and becomes a composer.
Fräulein Else
While staying with her aunt at a fashionable spa, Else receives an unexpected telegram from her mother, begging her to save her father from debtor’s jail. The only way out, it seems, is to approach an elderly acquaintance in order to borrow money from him. Through this telegram, Else is forced into the reality of a world entirely at odds with her romantic imagination – with horrific consequences.
Moderne Piraten
Major John Brent
Unfug der Liebe
Rasputins Liebesabenteuer
Fürst Youssoupoff
Portrays the deep intrigue and mystical fanaticism of the last days of the Romanoffs, when Rasputin, the mad monk had such a hold over them.
The Devious Path
Walter Frank
Neglected by her husband, an ambitious lawyer, Irene seeks variety in Berlin's nightlife-- An evening of dancing, dolls, cocaine and immoral passion. Irene takes the "devious path" as she seeks to make her husband jealous.
Die Pflicht zu schweigen
Die Sandgräfin
Das Mädchen mit den fünf Nullen
Paul Neurath
Ein rheinisches Mädchen beim rheinischen Wein
Baron Wendlinger
The Cat's Bridge
Boreslav - Baron von Schrandens Sohn
In 1807 Prussia, Napoleon supporter Baron von Schranden forces his maid Regine to lead the French enemy across “Cat’s Bridge”, up behind a corps of Prussian volunteers who the French then decimate. In retaliation for this betrayal, the people of Schranden set the lord’s castle on fire. When the baron’s son Boleslav returns to the village a Prussian war hero in 1813, he is faced with a self-righteous village community that has denied his late father a decent burial. Regine is Boleslav’s only ally, and Boleslav is Regine’s only ally. The conflict escalates, and the villagers set up an ambush for him at Cat’s Bridge …
Die Frau ohne Namen - 2. Teil
Die Frau ohne Namen - 1. Teil
Der große Unbekannte
Major Paul Roy Amery
The Golden Butterfly
A restaurant cashier, who has a mutual attraction to the restauranteur, has a secret passion for dance. As soon as she finishes work she is off down to the dance studio for a practice. She has a chance meeting with a handsome impresario, who promises to make her into the greatest dancer the world has ever known. (IMDb)
Secrets of a Soul
Werner Krauss, who had played the deranged Dr. Caligari six years earlier, stars as a scientist who is tormented by an irrational fear of knives and the irresistible compulsion to murder his wife. Driven to the brink of madness by fantastic nightmares (designed by Ernö Metzner and photographed by Guido Seeber in a brilliant mix of expressionism and surrealism), he encounters a psychoanalyst who offers to treat the perplexing malady.
Фиакр №13
François Tapin
В Париже умирает молодая женщина. Её квартирная хозяйка подбрасывает новорождённую дочь покойной в фиакр извозчика Каротэна, и тот удочеряет её. Спустя 18 лет юная Лилиан является единственной отрадой одинокой жизни старого кучера. Но он не подозревает, что её свидетельство о рождении вместе с прощальным письмом матери попали в руки авантюриста Франсуа Тапэна, который обнаружил, что никому не известная девушка из парижского предместья является единственной дочерью миллионера Ландона. Решив заработать на воссоединении отца и дочери, Тапэн снимает квартиру по соседству с Каротэнами и принимается очаровывать наивную девушку.
Die tolle Herzogin
Die zweite Mutter
Baron Fred Brochstädt
Hellmuth Roeder
Die Venus von Montmartre
Prince von Cheran
Not For Sale
Desmond North
An Earl's disowned son becomes a chauffeur, loves a landlady, and is jailed for theft.