Peter Horak


Национальная безопасность
Стать полицейским — мечта многих мальчишек. Стать офицером — мечта многих курсантов полицейской академии. А быть офицером службы «Национальной безопасности» означает только одно — быть неудачником. Эрл Монтгомери очутился там за систематическое нарушение дисциплины — его сочли недостойным носить звание полицейского. Незадолго до этого он подставил Хэнка Рафферти. По иронии судьбы они становятся напарниками, и отношения между ними скорее напоминают боевые действия. Своими выездами на дежурство они умудряются «достать» весь город. И теперь в городе найдется немало желающих «замочить» эту парочку. Если только бравые блюстители порядка первыми не перебьют друг друга!
Die Hard Dracula
Baker Fuksa
We find Steven, a good-looking American hero devastated by the death of his girlfriend, wandering through Europe and looking for happiness. A car accident leads him to a small town sitting literally in the shadow of Dracula's castle. The frightened villagers have been preyed upon for generations. Steven is stunned to discover Carla, the innkeeper's daughter looks identical to his dead girlfriend. When she begs for his assistance against the vampire, he agrees to help them. Together with Dr. Van Helsing, he attacks Dracula using a variety of ingenious weapons against the supernatural. Dracula shows unusual powers that defeat them at every turn, including fireballs and lightning from his fingertips. He is constantly on a search for blood to satisfy his centuries-old bickering brides. When Dracula kidnaps Carla right out of her bed, Steven and Van Helsing desperately try to kill him before it is too late.
Die Hard Dracula
We find Steven, a good-looking American hero devastated by the death of his girlfriend, wandering through Europe and looking for happiness. A car accident leads him to a small town sitting literally in the shadow of Dracula's castle. The frightened villagers have been preyed upon for generations. Steven is stunned to discover Carla, the innkeeper's daughter looks identical to his dead girlfriend. When she begs for his assistance against the vampire, he agrees to help them. Together with Dr. Van Helsing, he attacks Dracula using a variety of ingenious weapons against the supernatural. Dracula shows unusual powers that defeat them at every turn, including fireballs and lightning from his fingertips. He is constantly on a search for blood to satisfy his centuries-old bickering brides. When Dracula kidnaps Carla right out of her bed, Steven and Van Helsing desperately try to kill him before it is too late.
Die Hard Dracula
We find Steven, a good-looking American hero devastated by the death of his girlfriend, wandering through Europe and looking for happiness. A car accident leads him to a small town sitting literally in the shadow of Dracula's castle. The frightened villagers have been preyed upon for generations. Steven is stunned to discover Carla, the innkeeper's daughter looks identical to his dead girlfriend. When she begs for his assistance against the vampire, he agrees to help them. Together with Dr. Van Helsing, he attacks Dracula using a variety of ingenious weapons against the supernatural. Dracula shows unusual powers that defeat them at every turn, including fireballs and lightning from his fingertips. He is constantly on a search for blood to satisfy his centuries-old bickering brides. When Dracula kidnaps Carla right out of her bed, Steven and Van Helsing desperately try to kill him before it is too late.
Die Hard Dracula
We find Steven, a good-looking American hero devastated by the death of his girlfriend, wandering through Europe and looking for happiness. A car accident leads him to a small town sitting literally in the shadow of Dracula's castle. The frightened villagers have been preyed upon for generations. Steven is stunned to discover Carla, the innkeeper's daughter looks identical to his dead girlfriend. When she begs for his assistance against the vampire, he agrees to help them. Together with Dr. Van Helsing, he attacks Dracula using a variety of ingenious weapons against the supernatural. Dracula shows unusual powers that defeat them at every turn, including fireballs and lightning from his fingertips. He is constantly on a search for blood to satisfy his centuries-old bickering brides. When Dracula kidnaps Carla right out of her bed, Steven and Van Helsing desperately try to kill him before it is too late.
Чокнутый профессор
Любовь заставляет страдающего от чрезмерной полноты профессора Шермана Клампа провести над собой смелый эксперимент. Чудодейственный препарат превращает неуклюжего, но доброго и деликатного толстяка в нахального повесу-ловеласа.Две ипостаси гениального ученого вступают в борьбу за право существования. Неконтролируемые метаморфозы героя порождают множество комических ситуаций.