An unidentified body is found in the remains left after a fire in a trailer at a run-down caravan park. The owner of the trailer, a young drug-addicted woman, is missing, but is she really the victim? And what role has the so-called neighbourhood watch from the nearby community played? The case is difficult to solve, with everyone involved guarding their secrets, regardless of social class. Furthermore, police supervisor Klas Fredén decides to go over Martin Beck’s head and recruit charismatic, Norwegian homicide investigator, Steinar Hovland. The newly-structured Beck group faces the blight of a power struggle. And Martin struggles to find his way back to his old self.
Salvo and Valentino are two Sicilian friends who have moved to Turin, and now run a small business together. They drive foreign tourists around in a double-decker bus, and Salvo always tries to approach the pretty girls.
Tatanka в переводе с языка индейцев Сиу, означает «бизон». Бизон — символ духа, священное животное олицетворяющее свободу, силу и дикую природу. После первых побед в боксе, Мигеля стали звать Татанкой. Вкусив прелести победы, перед Мигелем стоит вопрос выбора: продолжать заниматься криминальным бизнесом или серьёзно заняться боксом и попасть в Олимпийскую сборную страны. Что перевесит?
Several groups of Italians experience amusing adventures and tests of character on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Some of the characters are there simply for rest and relaxation, while others act with different motivations. Multiple plot lines unfold simultaneously as different characters' stories are presented.
«Язык любви» — это передача для полуночников, в которой подробно рассказывается о сексе, проблемах с потенцией, венерических заболеваниях и пр. с подробной демонстрацией.