Simone Spoladore

Simone Spoladore

Рождение : 1979-10-29, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil


Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore
Simone Spoladore


Rudder of Destiny
Two women, long-time friends, embark on a love story. They are writers who do not write to publish but for themselves. Their mutual conversation, their desires, the risks and phantoms of existence, the privilege of the wounded and of condemnation, traverse their speech, are a confession.
The Book of Delights
The film brings Clarice Lispector’s novel Uma Aprendizagem ou O Livro dos Prazeres to the current days. In the plot, Lóri is a lonely and melancholic woman. She divides her time between her duties as a school teacher and her relationships, which are always fast and shallow. By chance, she meets Ulisses, an acknowledged Philosophy professor, who is self centered and provocative. Although he knows nothing about women, Lóri learns with him how to love and to face her own loneliness.
В клочья
Один мужчина, двое влюбленных: Ана и Анна, живущие в одинаковых квартирах. Паранойя - это название игры в этой галлюцинаторной фантазии.
O Crime da Gávea
Paulo (Ricardo Duque), a film editor, arrives at home and find his wife murdered. While the police investigates the crime, Paulo begin his own quest to find the criminal.
Ralé: The Lower Depths
Young directors are filming “The Exhibitionist” in the middle of a farm in a paradise-like region. The film poetically investigates the Brazilian soul, with the Amazon as the center of the world, reflecting on existential issues, the right to sexual freedom and individuality.
Poder dos Afetos
A study that unwraps a paradisiac scenery, reaching the subjects of Brazility and its force in the change of habits, breaking taboos and bringing out a magical and original reality throught its characters.
The Volcano Exiles
She menage to save from a fire a bunch of pictures and a diary written by hand. Those words and faces becomes the last traces left from the man she one day knew and loved. Crossing mountains and roads, she tries to remake his steps. The places she vists bring people, gestures, memories and histories that slowly become part of her life.
Memories They Told Me
A group of friends, who resisted the military dictatorship, and their children will face the conflict between the daily life of today and the past when one of them is dying.
Nove Crônicas para um Coração aos Berros
In a mosaic of human relationships and day-to-day situations, men and women of different ages feel a pressing need to reinvent themselves. As they cross each other's paths, they all are at a turning point in their lives.
Light in Darkness: The Return of Red Light Bandit
Jorge, bastard child of the infamous Red Light Bandit, decides himself to pursuit a life of crime after meeting with his father, who has been incarcerated for the last 30 years.
Balzac's Last Novel
Documentary about the reminiscence of Balzac's works, spiritually and scientifically the documentary shows the strenght of this important work of French literature through the years.
In a Brazilian coastal village where everything seems motionless, Clarice grasps her life in a single day, unlike those she meets and who are living this day like any other. She tries to understand her obscure reality and the destiny of the people around her in a circular time that haunts and disorients.
Elvis & Madona
Elvis & Madona is a romantic comedy that deals with an unusual subject in a delicate and realistic way: a love story between young lesbian Elvis and a transvestite Madona. The story takes place in Copacabana, neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The screenplay comprehends a full array of human types and, by following the journey of both protagonists, illustrates the conflicts generated by the evolution of behavior and custom. It is a modern and agile picture, and its soundtrack will follow the latest musical trends. Nevertheless, it is essentially a love story, proving that love can exist in any situation.
Não Se Pode Viver Sem Amor
The Impassive Muse
In "The Impassive Muse", Adrine is of Armenian descent and has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Edivaldo is from Pernambuco and suffers from immobilizing absence seizures which make him stand as still as a statue. Adrine is married to Adilson, a brutalized man who do not bear to be touched by the woman. Edivaldo wants to marry Gladis, unlikely aspirant to the fashion world. Adrine don't want to be noticed. Edivaldo need to 'be somedbody' to win back his bride. One morning, the lives of Edivaldo and Adrine cross because of ripe orange. Among historical monuments, sculptures, people of different backgrounds and dreams, Edivaldo and Adrine share a journey of recognition and acceptance without imagining that what they live, in fact is the oldest and necessary of the stories: a love story.
A talent scout brings a young singer to São Paulo, intent on introducing her to a renowned conductor. As they wait for the day of the audition, they stay in a hotel room where, between coffee and cigarettes, the scout foresees the singer’s future in the cigarette pack warnings as if they were tarot cards. During all this waiting, his true intentions will be revealed.
O Gerente
A bank manager has a secret. He is compelled to bite society women hands.
In an empty city, scorched by the sun, the young and old confuse the fever of sunstroke with the delicate birth of passion. Like ghosts, they hover around buildings and endless flatlands in search of the ever elusive love. Inspired by 19th century Russian short stories, the plots weave and unravel together in the improbable city of Brasilia – a distorted mirror-image of the Soviet utopia – located in the heart of the Brazilian desert.
Lulu's Dream
'Lulu's Dream' integrates the actress Simone Spoladore's monologue "Louise Valentina", conceived from two female figures who hold strong personality traits and independent spirit: the north american actress Louise Brooks and the comic book character Valentina, created by the Italian Guido Crepaz. These are dreams from both characters, fantastic frames from the imaginary of a silent movie actress who left many words.
Lulu's Dream
'Lulu's Dream' integrates the actress Simone Spoladore's monologue "Louise Valentina", conceived from two female figures who hold strong personality traits and independent spirit: the north american actress Louise Brooks and the comic book character Valentina, created by the Italian Guido Crepaz. These are dreams from both characters, fantastic frames from the imaginary of a silent movie actress who left many words.
Canção de Baal
A marginal version of Brecht’s piece, “Baal”.
O Melhor Sorriso de Getúlio
Кузен Базилу
Луиза — молодая мечтательница, томящаяся в браке с инженером, который посвящает всю свою жизнь работе. Жизнь Луизы меняется, когда она встречает кузена Базилиу, свою давнюю любовь. Но тому, что должно было стать легким приключением, суждено обернуться кошмаром. В результате неожиданных и непредсказуемых событий Луиза открывает для себя истинную цену своей неверности.
Vestido de Noiva
While in the hospital, after being run over, Alaíde thinks about her life, specially after the moment she'd found the diary of Madame Clessy, in the house where her family had moved in, which was a former bordello.
Год, когда мои родители уехали в отпуск
Bia - Mauro's mother
Эта ядовитая и забавная история взросления, действие которое происходит в 1970-м году, бросает двенадцатилетнего Мауро в водоворот политического и личного бунта. Когда его родители, левые активисты, вынуждены уйти в подполье, Мауро остается на попечении соседки и еврейского дедушки в Сан-Паоло. Вдруг оказавшись в ссылке в собственной стране, он вынужден создавать псевдо-семью из своих новых соседей с разным цветом кожи и религией. Мауро начинает дружить с маленькой хулиганкой Ханной и по уши влюбляется в симпатичную официантку в местном баре, куда, будучи горячим футбольным фанатом, вместе со всеми приходит посмотреть игру божественного Пеле на Кубке мира 1970 года.
Blood and Wine: A Brazilian Story
Unable to meet in the city, Alice and Alex embark on an emotional journey of love and loss.
Freely inspired by the poem Hierarquia (1970), by Pier Paolo Pasolini, which launches his vision of Brazil at that time, the film takes up and confronts the hybrid reality of a convulsed country, its dramatic tensions, based on radical experiences.
Infinitamente Maio
A short story of love, betrayal, revenge, sex, death and mistreated hearts: Raul comes home to find his wife, Assyria, having sex with another man. He begins for him a spiral of depressive and violent feelings that only seem to pause in the brief moments of leaving the house, attracting the attention of Amanda, a saleswoman. a flower shop.
The story of Orisbela, a young and religious woman who comes from Portugal to Brazil to marry Francisco de Albuquerque, a rude sugar-cane plantation owner, in 1570.
Старая фазенда
Каждый вечер отец собирал их за бедным крестьянским столом. Каждый вечер он говорил своим детям, что семья — это самое дорогое и святое, что когда-либо будет в их жизни. От твердил, что грех никогда ни должен коснуться ни одного из его чад. Строгость отца и безграничная любовь матери в краю, где люди трудятся от заката и до рассвета вдали от неизведанных радостей мирской жизни. Но дети, сидящие за столом слева от отца — это чахлые ветви, проклятые грехом и безумием.