Lutero Luiz

Lutero Luiz

Рождение : 1931-01-05, São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Смерть : 1990-02-20


Lutero Luiz


Vai Trabalhar Vagabundo II: A Volta
Exiled in Acapulco, the bon vivant Dino cheats a rich widow into financing his coming back to Brazil. To avoid getting caught, he hides in a coffin. His fake burial is celebrated in high style and it doesn't take long before he starts getting himself into weird situations.
Solidão: Uma Linda História de Amor
Луна над Парадором
Среднестатистический нью-йоркский актер Джек Ноа волею судеб оказывается в диктаторском государстве Парадор, где ему предстоит сыграть самую главную роль в актерской карьере — партию самого президента и диктатора Альфонса Симмса. Ведь когда тот внезапно покидает сей бренный мир прямо накануне выборов, начальнику тайной полиции, хитроумному и властолюбивому Роберто Страусманну, ничего не остается, как режиссировать спектакль общенационального масштаба, в приказном порядке назначив на главную роль Джека! Но Роберто даже предположить не мог, что неожиданно для себя, Джек обнаружит в себе истинного лидера народа!
The Dolphin
According to an Amazonian legend, every month, during the full moon, a Brazilian fishing village receives a mysterious guest: the Boto, who transforms into a human to seduce and be loved by women and hated by men. One of her conquests is the daughter of a fisherman, who has a son with the Boto. He constantly reappears to seduce her, and even when she marries, he continues to look for her. This provokes the ire of the husband, who wants to kill him anyway.
Tanga (Deu no New York Times?)
The dictator of a small Caribbean island receives the New York Times daily, sent by a nephew. Through the newspaper, he gets in touch with the world. Guerrilla groups try to neutralize this information system.
Опера мошенника
Бразильский художественный фильм-мюзикл 1986 года, экранизация одноимённой пьесы, написанной Шику Буарке на основе сюжетов «Оперы нищих» Джона Гея и «Трёхгрошовой оперы» Бертольта Брехта. Действие в фильме разворачивается в начале 1940-х годов в Рио-де-Жанейро.
Para Viver Um Grande Amor
Poor people who live in the slums in Rio de Janeiro decide to occupy an empty apartment building in the rich part of the city. Meanwhile, a rich girl falls in love with a poor composer. Based on the musical play "Pobre Menina Rica", by Vinícius de Moraes and Carlos Lyra.
O Cangaceiro Trapalhão
Prefeito de Águas Lindas
Severino do Quixadá (Renato Aragão), a humble northeastern shepherd of goats, rescues Captain Virgulano or simply Captain (Nelson Xavier) and his band of cangaceiros of an ambush armed by the lieutenant Zé Bezerra (Jose Dumont), its eternal persecutor. Captain escapes taking with him the mysterious box that he removed from the interior of the assaulted train in the city of Cajarana. Seeking to escape the shooting, Severino ends up finding himself in the cangaceiros' camp, along with the mishap friends Mussum and Zacarias who, taking advantage of the confusion, fled the chain.
Габриэла, Гвоздика и Корица
Cel. Manoel das Onças
Фильм поставлен по роману известного бразильского писателя Жоржи Амаду - "Габриэла, Гвоздика и Корица". В 1925 году, Габриэла становится поваром, хозяйкой, а затем женой Насиба, владельца бара в маленьком бразильском прибрежном городе, находящемся под властью местных крупных землевладельцев-полковников. Насиб устает от выходок необразованной и необузданной Габриэлы и аннулирует брак после того, как он застает ее в кровати со своим другом Тонико. Нравы горожан меняются медленно, и Габриэла снова возвращается к Насибу, но на этот раз в качестве любовницы. В фильме много юмора и эротики.
The Wizard and the Sheriff
Powerful magician goes to jail for creating illusion of affluence in Brazilian town.
Índia, a Filha do Sol
A military man picks up a Native Brazilian woman and heads to a gold panning site where he has undisclosed business to attend to.
The Saint and the Star
Paulo Chupadinha
Successful businessman, Paulo Chupadinha send his wife to a convent every year to really enjoy Brazil’s carnival. He meets a cabaret woman that wants to make a show in his little nd peaceful village. For that, however, she will have to seduce every important man of the city: the police chief, the priest and the mayor.
Parceiros da Aventura
Motorista da greve
O Coronel e o Lobisomem
Se Segura, Malandro!
Paulo Otávio is the host of a pirate radio station on the slums of Rio de Janeiro. He struggles to mantain the station working, since the only help he's got comes from news reporter Calói. Their story goes beyond as the city starts to face a crime wave.
Fish in a Barrel
Young robber, son of a prostitute who had killed herself, gets involved with two police informers, who force him to share the loot he gets.
Ladrões de Cinema
After assaulting a Hollywood film crew, a group of residents of a community in Rio de Janeiro decided to produce a film that would express the reality of Brazil - with the theme of Inconfidência Mineira.
Simbad, O Marujo Trapalhão
Kiko and Duda, circus workers, get into a big mess when Kiko is mistaken for the trampist Sinbad. The bumbling boy is then abducted by the minions of the magician Ali Tuffi, who already has in his power the genius of the magic bottle, but they need the trapeze artist, descendant of the true sailor, to locate the philosopher's stone with which he will become a man very rich, with lots of fortune and power. In an attempt to help his friends, the real trampist Simbad and his girlfriend Luciana also end up being held prisoner on the bandits' ship. After a confusion, everyone will stop on an island full of dangers, where the stone is hidden.
Costinha, o Rei da Selva
Супружеская война
Адвокат Осирис занимается делами о разводах. Любую клиентку он рассматривает как возможный вариант для интима. А работы много... Череда историй о супружеских конфликтах людей самого разного возраста.
O Marginal
Fleeing from the orphanage where he was living, young Valdo immediately entered the life of the crime, establishing himself as a dangerous adult criminal. However, his petty thefts do not satisfy him and he longs for bigger things and when he becomes a lover of Beth, the young criminal realizes that he can enrich himself very and very fast.
Дьявольская королева
Главный герой криминальной драмы — жестокий наркоделец, не скрывающий своих гомосексуальных пристрастий, одна из самых ярких фигур преступного мира Рио-де-Жанейро, известен окрестным бандам под именем «Дьявольская королева».
Caseli, a young writer and teacher, creates in his imagination characters who would frequent a motel, the subject of the book he is writing. He and Dilma, his student, decide to spend a night in a motel in Rio, where eight couples meet: - Fábio, visual artist and Stefânia, fashion editor of a magazine; - Ferraz, flirtatious dentist and his secretary Cleonice, shy and virgin; - Vera, wife of Ferraz and Kiko, big boy from Ipanema; - Leopoldo and his wife, an elderly couple celebrating their golden anniversary; - Detective Camilo and his assistant Dorô, who try to catch Vera in the act of adultery; - Renato, on vacation from São Paulo and Cláudia, a woman he recently met in Rio; - Gustavo and Lazinha, a couple who use extravagant artifices to achieve sexual fulfillment. In the middle of the night, the corpse of an unknown man appears, and the arrival of the police determines the most diverse outcomes for those who were looking for just one night of love.
Аладин и волшебная лампа
Aladdin and Dracolim sell a miraculous elixir with help from Marina by Aladdin who is passionate. Bandits come disguised in Aladdin's house and try to take the ring since Aladdin has the power to run a magic lamp.
Vai Trabalhar Vagabundo!
Having come out recently from jail, a tramp, willing to make quick money, decides to organize a pool match between two famous retired players.
A Marcha
O Jogo da Vida e da Morte
Brazilian adaptation of Hamlet, set in the outskirts of São Paulo City. A teenager hears through a medium the voice of his father, who accuses his brother of murdering him. He confirms his suspicions of his uncle, and decides to retaliate, but kills the wrong man, triggering a terrible game of life and death.