Robert F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy

Рождение : 1925-11-20, Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1968-06-06


Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy was an American politician and lawyer from Massachusetts. He served as a United States senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was previously the 64th U.S. attorney general from January 1961 to September 1964, serving under his older brother President John F. Kennedy and his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Kennedy was a member of the Democratic Party and is seen as an icon of modern American liberalism.


Robert F. Kennedy


Тайна Мэрилин Монро: Неуслышанные записи
Self (archive footage)
Расследование загадочной смерти Мэрилин Монро, включая впервые показанные интервью с близкими знаменитой актрисы.
Лето соула
Self (archive footage)
During the same summer as Woodstock, over 300,000 people attended the Harlem Cultural Festival, celebrating African American music and culture, and promoting Black pride and unity. The footage from the festival sat in a basement, unseen for over 50 years, keeping this incredible event in America's history lost — until now.
Self (Archival Photos)
От выдающегося таланта до звания национального героя: этот документальный фильм рассказывает о невероятном пути, пройденном Пеле в непростое для Бразилии время.
I Am Jackie O
Self (archive footage)
Jackie Kennedy Onassis was the most famous woman in the world, impossibly glamourous and universally admired. She was also complex, layered, and extremely guarded, making her endlessly fascinating and enigmatic. This incredibly compelling film provides a definitive exploration of her life, from iconic first lady to widow, unofficial royalty and fashion icon.
John Lewis: Good Trouble
Self (archive footage)
The timely biopic focuses on John Lewis’ longstanding prominence as a civil rights champion and his continuing crusade for racial and social equality. The documentary illuminates the 80-year-old Congressman’s life as it chronicles the moments on the extraordinary journey that have shaped his place in history and make him such a galvanizing figure today as protests circle the globe. Lewis’ schedule has increased ten-fold as he has become the go-to figure for TV news shows, podcasts and newspapers and magazines from the Washington Post to Vanity Fair, commenting on and leading the way forward through today’s worldwide protests and demonstrations.
Leadership Loveseat: Thoughts from the Class of 1968
Archival (voice recording)
On October 6th, 2018, Storm Lake High's Class of '68 had their 50th class reunion. We sat down with them to talk about their high school experiences.
The Kennedy Who Changed The World
Self (archive footage)
Bill Clinton, Nicole Scherzinger and members of the Kennedy family reveal how JFK's sister Eunice used sport to change the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.
1968: A Year of War, Turmoil and Beyond
Self (archive footage)
The Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the May events in France, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, the Prague Spring, the Chicago riots, the Mexico Summer Olympics, the presidential election of Richard Nixon, the Apollo 8 space mission, the hippies and the Yippies, Bullitt and the living dead. Once upon a time the year 1968.
Будешь моим соседом?
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Фред Роджерс — педагог и известный ведущий детской телепередачи «Наш сосед мистер Роджерс», выходившей в Америке с 1961 по 2001 год. Роджерс умел говорить с детьми о доброте, переживании разных эмоций, внимании к тем, кому оно требуется, открытости к людям, которые отличаются от нас. Фильм состоит из архивных записей и рассказов коллег о важных и часто революционных для своего времени выпусках программы Роджерса.
Return to Mount Kennedy
In 1965, Robert Kennedy was the first man to summit Mount Kennedy in the Yukon Territory, named in honor of his late brother. Leading that expedition was Jim Whitaker, the first American to summit Everest and original fulltime employee of REI. 50 years later, Jim’s sons Bob and Leif, along with Christopher Kennedy, decide to climb the mountain again in honor of their fathers’ joint accomplishment and unique friendship. Seattle-based filmmaker Eric Becker’s touching documentary combines archival footage—including several Kennedy home movies—with interviews from Jim himself and those who them best as we follow three sons and the journey literally in their fathers’ footsteps. Eddie Vedder, a personal friend of Bob’s, writes original music for film that tailor shots of the expansive mountain ranges together in this wholesome story.
The American Dreams of Bobby Kennedy
(archive footage)
On June 6, 1968, Robert F. KENNEDY, a staunch opponent of racial discrimination, supporter of the inhabitants of poor neighborhoods and advocate of social change in America, was assassinated. With him, a whole section of the American dream collapsed. From the day of President Kennedy's assassination to the death of his brother Bobby Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel almost five years later, this film looks back at the journey of this statesman and his fight for a fairer world. Four years during which Bobby Kennedy will fly on his own wings in politics, four years that will leave an indelible mark on American politics, four years full of hope, but ending with a bitter disillusionment. Through unique archives, discover a new portrait of this Kennedy that everyone called "Bobby".
Мартин Лютер Кинг: Король без королевства
Self (archive footage)
Фильм рассказывает о закулисье жизни лауреата Нобелевской премии мира Мартине Лютере Кинге и показывает совершенно иную точку зрения на его характер. Для одних он — воплощение упорства и пламенный борец за равноправие. Для соратников — обычный человек со своими терзаниями. Основа документальной картины — интервью с теми, кто был с героем незадолго до его убийства. Фильм включает в себя уникальные архивные материалы, а также записи телефонных разговоров с президентом США Линдоном Джонсоном.
Я вам не негр
Self (archive footage)
История расизма в США сквозь призму воспоминаний Джеймса Болдуина о борцах за гражданские права: Медгаре Эверсе, Малкольме Иксе и Мартине Лютере Кинге. Также лента содержит наблюдения Болдуина на тему американской истории.
Robert Drew in His Own Words
Self (archive footage)
An overview of the life and career of documentary filmmaker Robert Drew, in his own words.
Andrew Cohen on Crisis and Its Outtakes
Self (archive footage)
Historian Andrew Cohen discusses Robert Drew's 1963 documentary Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment.
Sharon Malone and Eric Holder
Self (archive footage)
An interview with Sharon Malone and Eric Holder regarding the 1963 desegregation of the University of Alabama.
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
Self (archive footage)
The real reasons and orchestrators behind Hitler, to an incredible theory of the JFK assassination, all the way to 9/11 and the current age of the terrorist. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War 1 leading to present day.
Dark Legacy II
Self (archive footage)
Jaw-dropping evidence of foul play in the death of JFK Jr., all based on official gov't documents. The prime suspect, George W. Bush, though very publicly running for president, disappeared the day of the murder, and stayed missing for 3 days.
MLK: The Assassination Tapes
Self (Archival Footage)
Relive an unspeakable tragedy detailed with unforgettable images, videos, and recordings only recently rediscovered.
Self (archive footage)
Filmmaker Rory Kennedy interviews her mother, Ethel Kennedy, who discusses family, marriage and politics.
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby
Self (voice) (archive footage)
A personal exploration into the life of America's controversial former CIA Director told through the eyes of his wife and filmmaker son, Carl. Through extraordinary events in twentieth century history, this consummate soldier/spy stood at the center of the Agency's most clandestine activities and operations. The film reveals the 'cover life' of this CIA operative, who followed orders and took on the dirtiest assignments until the Nixon Administration ordered him to 'stonewall' Congress about the CIA's past abuses, but he refused. This film reveals why, for the first time, he could not obey.
Self (archive footage)
Свежий взгляд на карьеру Рональда Рейгана, его путь к власти и его наследие. В фильме рассматриваются различные мнения на его счёт, высказываемые его коллегами, историками, сторонниками и семьёй, что в купе с архивными съёмками, фрагментами из не видевших свет интервью и комментариями самого Рейгана, создаёт подробный портрет человека, который променял статус звезды киноэкрана на карьеру в политике, и в итоге стал лидером свободного мира.
The Second Dallas: Who Killed RFK?
As with the plot to frame Lee Harvey Oswald, the verdict on Robert Kennedy's murder was decided even before the case went to court. A lone, deranged assassin has always been the best way to explain away, and distract attention from, much more intricate conspiracies. This landmark documentary summarizes the best evidence that has ever emerged, contradicting the official story of Robert Kennedy's assassination. While sold by the corporate media as an open and shut case against "Palestinian radical" Sirhan Sirhan, this riveting film presents meticulously researched evidence, by several independent investigators, exposing outrageous procedure violations, blatant forgeries, and unexplained dismissals on the part of the authorities, revealing a world-class cover-up.
Robert F. Kennedy - Legacy
This collection of archival footage features the most compelling speeches, press conferences and appearances made by Robert F. Kennedy, easily one of the most beloved political figures in the history of the United States. Highlights include RFK's eulogy to Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, a tribute to John F. Kennedy at the 1964 Democratic National Convention and his stirring address at Columbia University later that year. 1) Senate Investigation on Organized Crime (August 1957) 2) Tribute to JFK at the Democratic National Convention (August 27, 1964) 3) United States Senate Campaign 4) Campaign Appearance at Columbia University (October 5, 1964) 5) Presidency Candidacy Announcement (March 16, 1968) 6) Eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 4, 1968) 7) Campaign for President (1968) 8) Eulogy Given by Ted Kennedy at St. Patrick's Cathedral (June 6, 1968)
James Brown - The Night James Brown Saved Boston
Self (archive footage)
On April 5, 1968, soul legend James Brown performed a concert in Boston that many say shielded that city from the kinds of devastating riots that ripped other cities apart after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
A new investigative documentary exploring the controversies surrounding the assassination of Bobby Kennedy on June 5, 1968 as he looked set to challenge Nixon for the White House. Munir Sirhan tells how his brother Sirhan has never been able to remember the shooting. Sandra Serrano speaks for the first time in forty years about the girl in the polka-dot dress fleeing the scene, yelling "We shot him! We shot him!" And Dr. Herbert Spiegel of Columbia University describes how Sirhan was hypnotically programmed to kill Robert Kennedy.
Oswald's Ghost
Self (archive footage)
For the Baby Boomers, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy took on the same sense of tragedy as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks did for Generation Y - not only for the effect that it had on the nation's morale but for the conspiracy theories that would follow in its wake as well. In the aftermath of the assassination,
...So Goes the Nation
Self (archive footage)
A look at the role of the Buckeye State in the 2004 Presidential Election.
Доброй ночи и удачи
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
В 1953 году американский тележурналист Эдвард Марроу развязал в эфире настоящую войну против ярого антикоммуниста, сенатора Джозефа Маккарти. В ответ Маккарти, устроивший в стране «охоту на ведьм», обвинил Марроу в симпатии к коммунистам. Но отстаивание демократических прав американцев журналистом стало началом конца одиозного политика…
Self (Archive Footage)
David Grubin's probing and perceptive biography reassesses the remarkable and tragic life of Bobby Kennedy, whose early life was spent in the shadow of his elder brother John. After JFK's assassination, he discovered his own identity in the forefront of American politics before his career was also tragically curtailed by an assassin's bullet.
Jack Paar: Smart Television
PBS documentary examining the work of Jack Paar.
John F. Kennedy: A Personal Story
Self (archive footage)
Relive the glory moments of John F. Kennedy's life as A&E's award-winning "Biography" series presents the compelling story of this unforgettable leader and the rich dynasty he left behind. John F. Kennedy will always be remembered as the youthful president who inspired America, a charismatic leader who gave the nation a sense of pride and confidence. His sharp mind, quick wit, and boundless determination won him friends, confidantes, and devoted followers. A World War II hero, respected senator, and author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Profiles in Courage," Kennedy regarded life as a race against boredom. Through archival footage and interviews with friends, famous journalists, Hollywood actors, and former staffers- including ex-cabinet member John Kenneth Galbraith- "JFK: A Personal Story" revisits pivotel moments of Kennedy's life and presidency with clarity and insight.
All Power to the People!
Self (archive footage)
Using government documents, archive footage and direct interviews with activists and former FBI/CIA officers, All Power to the People documents the history of race relations and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the 1960s and 70s. Covering the history of slavery, civil-rights activists, political assassinations and exploring the methods used to divide and destroy key figures of movements by government forces, the film then contrasts into Reagan-Era events, privacy threats from new technologies and the failure of the “War on Drugs”, forming a comprehensive view of the goals, aspirations and ultimate demise of the Civil Rights Movement…
Death Scenes 2
Self (archive footage)
DEATH SCENES II continues the exploration into the dark recesses of violence and rage that ended in such heinous crimes as the Manson Family's assault on society. You'll see the gruesome aftermath of mob reprisals, public executions and international terrorism. DEATH SCENES II uniquely ushers the brave and curious into a spellbinding trip through the reality that is our world today.
Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy
Self (archive footage)
A documentary destined to calmly explain and analyze the facts, myths and rumours about John Kennedy's assassination and the overwhelming use of information in Oliver Stone's epic "JFK" (1991), at the same time it presents a behind the scenes documentary on the controversial film. Features interviews with the cast and director, and the personalities who lived and remember the facts concerning the November 22, 1963, like reporters, eyewitnesses and others, and some of the real characters from the movie, like Jim Garrison, Numa Bertel, Lou Ivon and Perry Russo.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Классический фильм об известном американском музыканте и секс-символе Джиме Моррисоне, его легендарной группе «Дорз» и славных шестидесятых. Это были годы небывалого стремления к свободе и ошеломляющей популярности рок-н-ролла. Его идолы возводились на пьедестал, поклонялись и подражали. «Дорз» и их раскованная, пьянящая музыка стали символом поколения.
American Expose: Who Murdered JFK?
Self (archive footage)
Investigative reporter Jack Anderson hosts a two-hour investigation of the Kennedy Assassination featuring interviews with experts, eyewitnesses, government officials and authors. Includes dramatic recreations of key events.
The Killing of America
Self (archive footage)
A documentary of the decline of America. Featuring footage (most exclusive to this film) from race riots to serial killers and much-much more.
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
Self (archive footage)
Hosted by Orson Welles, this documentary utilizes a grab bag of dramatized scenes, stock footage, TV news clips and interviews to ask: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? And are there prophecies that have yet to come true?
Jingle Bells: RFK - 1964
Surrounded by his children, his wife Ethel, and Sammy Davis, Jr., RFK visits schoolchildren around the city, and is every bit the good patriarch and dutiful public servant. But it’s the films’ fleeting, in-between, moments where Pennebaker most precisely hits the mark, offering reflection on the possibilities that Robert Kennedy’s all too brief life foreclosed. Set against the pageantry of a long ago Christmas, the film speaks to tragic contingencies of history lying far beyond the ken of politics that continue to circumscribe the tortured destiny of our country.
McCarthy: Death of a Witch Hunter
Self (archive footage)
Documentary of the U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who rose to prominence in the early 1950s by trumpeting allegations of a vast conspiracy by alleged Communist agents whom he claimed had infiltrated the U.S. government, media, film industry, labor unions and other organizations. (IMDb)
Hearts and Minds
Self - Senator (archive footage)
Many times during his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson said that ultimate victory in the Vietnam War depended upon the U.S. military winning the "hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people. Filmmaker Peter Davis uses Johnson's phrase in an ironic context in this anti-war documentary, filmed and released while the Vietnam War was still under way, juxtaposing interviews with military figures like U.S. Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland with shocking scenes of violence and brutality.
Today: While You Were Away (1964-1973 Retrospective)
Self (archive footage)
A 1964-1973 Retrospective for homecoming POWs.
Владыки без масок. Гарольд Хант - апостол «ультра»
Self (archive footage)
Фильм о Гарольде Ханте, именуемом "самым страшным человеком Америки".
King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis
Self (archive footage)
Constructed from a wealth of archival footage, the documentary follows Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from 1955 to 1968, in his rise from regional activist to world-renowned leader of the Civil Rights movement. Rare footage of King's speeches, protests, and arrests are interspersed with scenes of other high-profile supporters and opponents of the cause, punctuated by heartfelt testimonials by some of Hollywood's biggest stars.
The Two Kennedys
Life, career and death of the two protagonists of American life sixties, John and Robert Kennedy, from the days of their ascent to the White House, the first as president, the second as a minister of justice, to the death.
Lions Love
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Three actors in Hollywood live and love together. A director comes from New York to make a movie about actors and Hollywood.
Faces of November
Self (uncredited)
Robert Drew shows the sights and sounds from the funeral of President John F. Kennedy in November, 1963.
Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment
During a two-day period before and after the University of Alabama integration crisis, the film uses five camera crews to follow President John F. Kennedy, attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, Alabama governor George Wallace, deputy attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach and the students Vivian Malone and James Hood. As Wallace has promised to personally block the two black students from enrolling in the university, the JFK administration discusses the best way to react to it, without rousing the crowd or making Wallace a martyr for the segregationist cause.
President Kennedy's Birthday Salute
President Kennedy's birthday celebration was held at the third Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962, and more than 15,000 people attended, including numerous celebrities. The event was a fundraising gala for the Democratic Party. Features Marilyn Monroe singing to JFK.
Communist Target: Youth
Explains techniques used by Communists to gain control over young people. Hosted by then- Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.
Adventures on the New Frontier
A look at the daily business of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, with a focus on some of the political issues he faces six weeks into his term.
Primary is a documentary film about the primary elections between John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey in 1960. Primary is the first documentary to use light equipment in order to follow their subjects in a more intimate filmmaking style. This unconventional way of filming created a new look for documentary films where the camera’s lens was right in the middle of what ever drama was occuring.