Ashish Burman


Прости, Аруна
Аджай, бедняк, и Аруна, дочь богача-адвоката, любят друг друга. Желая во что бы то ни стало выбиться в люди, разбогатеть, обрести тем самым право на брак с Аруной, Аджай организует маленькую фирму, но становится жертвой заговора крупных бизнесменов и попадает на скамью подсудимых. Аруна остается верной своему возлюбленному и в беде. Но...
A political activist escapes the prison van and is sheltered in a posh apartment owned by a sensitive young woman. Both are rebels: the activist against political treachery and the other on social level. Both are bitter about badly organized state of things. Being in solitary confinement, the fugitive engages himself in self-criticism and, in the process, questions the leadership. Questions are not allowed, obeying that is mandatory. Displeasure leads to bitterness, bitterness to total rift. The struggle has to continue, both for the political activist, now segregated, and the woman in exile.
Ranjit is a young man who has been assured a lucrative job. All he has to do is turn up for the interview dressed in a western style suit, but all the city laundries are on strike that morning, and his only suit is dirty.
Over Again
A film by Mrinal Sen.