Eric Jordan


Night of the Zomghouls
When a serial killer escapes while being transported to prison, the psychopath makes a sacrifice, and possesses the animatronics at a kids restaurant.
В темноте
Главный герой фильма — Леопольд Соха, рабочий городского коллектора, а по совместительству мелкий вор. Когда фашисты занимают Львов, он случайно сталкивается с группой евреев, пытающихся спастись от отправки в гетто. За денежное вознаграждение он прячет беглецов в лабиринте подземных коммуникаций города. То, что начинается как циничная деловая договоренность, постепенно перерастает в нечто гораздо большее. За это время, когда на протяжении 14 месяцев женщины, мужчины и дети испытывают судьбу, обманывая верную смерть, сердце Леопольда проникается чувством сострадания к этим несчастным людям.
Oliver Sherman
Feeling lost and disconnected, with no family of his own, veteran Sherman Oliver sets out to the countryside in search of the soldier who saved him back in the war. That man, Franklin Page, has long since moved on - to a wife, two children, and a reliable job in a reliably safe and quiet rural town. The stability Franklin worked so hard to establish is soon threatened, and the violence he believed he'd left behind in the war begins to re-emerge and cloud over both the household and the town itself.
Wrath of Gods
When Canadian director Sturla Gunnarsson set upon Iceland to film Beowulf & Grendel starring Gerard Butler and Stellan Skarsgard in 2004, they expected the usual complication involved in making a movie, but what they encountered made them wonder if the Norse gods were actually working against them.
Беовульф и Грендель
История, леденящая кровь, основана на англо-саксонской легенде о противостоянии древнескандинавского воина Беовульфа и могущественного тролля-убийцы, напавшего на датское королевство, которым правил всеми уважаемый Хротгар. Преданный Хротгару Беовульф отправляется со своим войском через море, чтобы избавить жителей деревни от мародерствующего монстра Гренделя, который оказывается не мифическим существом, а человеком из плоти и крови, жаждущим отомстить за нанесенную ему обиду…
The Planet of Junior Brown
Powerful story about love, struggle and passion of an over protective mother and her piano prodigy.
Lyddie (Tanya Allen) faces a daunting task: She's struggling to reunite her family and save their farm. To do that, she takes a job at a cotton mill and, with the help of Diana (who's toiled in the mills since age 10), learns that there are risks involved with being a factory girl -- namely, dangerous working conditions and low wages. Soon, Lyddie finds herself in the forefront of a suffrage movement to better those appalling conditions.
Life With Billy
Executive Producer
A Nova Scotian woman falls into a violently abusive relationship with a disgusting man, finally taking drastic measures to get rid of him forever.
Where the Spirit Lives
In 1937, a young First Nations (Canadian native) girl named Ashtecome is kidnapped along with several other children from a village as part of a deliberate Canadian policy to force First Nations children to abandon their culture in order to be assimilated into white Canadian/British society. She is taken to a boarding school where she is forced to adopt Western Euro-centric ways and learn English, often under brutal treatment. Only one sympathetic white teacher who is more and more repelled by this bigotry offers her any help from among the staff. That, with her force of will, Ashtecome (forced to take the name Amelia) is determined to hold on to her identity and that of her siblings, who were also abducted.