Hilmi Özçelik

Рождение : 1968-01-01, Rize, Türkiye


Ragıp, a fine arts graduate, is deceived by the older painter Feridun with the promise of art. He gets involved in human trafficking in France and gets out of this business years later. 25 years later, he comes back to Turkey and aims to open a workshop and enter the market in order to practice his main profession as a painter. On the one hand, he started to give painting lessons. Since he lost all his human feelings during the period he was trafficking in human beings, he wants to recapture them through art. On the other hand, the schizophrenia he tries to escape from increases and makes his daily life unbearable. Ragıp keeps the trainees he teaches and the people he does not want in his life in the basement and starts to use them as painting material.
Dersaadet Apartment
Altan, a physics professor who has been working in the field of green energy in America for a long time, returns to Istanbul, the city of his childhood, where he has been away for years after losing his family. In the place of the city he left, he finds a new world knitted by earthmoving trucks, gravel, iron and endless noise. Dersaadet Apartment Building, which is forced to surrender to the transformation, will be transferred to the contractor and will be replaced by a residence. Altan, who struggles to save the family home, is accompanied by Deren's voice that floats from the radio every day and reminds us of the precious and a turtle who survived the construction site, questioning our real "houses".
Три сестры скованы рамками патриархата в поселении в горах Анатолии. Их мечты о лучшей жизни умирают, но связь между ними остается столь же крепкой…
Maide'nin Altın Günü
When a meticulous homemaker hosts a lavish get-together, her family heirloom gets stolen. She teams with her out-of-towner nephew to find the thief.
Çetin Ceviz 2
Кислые яблоки
Азиз Озай в Хаккари - глава местного управления. Он славится своим весьма вызывающим поведением и неуравновешенным характером. Но у него есть страсть всей его жизни—прекрасный фруктовый сад, которому завидуют все. К своему детищу Азиз относится трепетно. Однако не только сад находится под строгим контролем мужчины. Но и три красивые дочки, которых вскоре пора будет выдавать замуж. Но несмотря на их красоту, поклонников у них нет. Девушки стараются не выходить на улицу лишний раз, не показываться людям и хлопотать по дому. Азиз взволнован тем, что к дочерям никто не сватается. А парни просто боятся подходить к этому дому. Да и как можно предлагать руку и сердце человеку, если его ни разу не видел. Местные жители поговаривают, что в этой семье явно есть проблемы. Что же происходит в этом семействе, каким образом сложится их жизнь и как разрешится проблема замужества...
Mix Tape
Ulas, the son of a music-lover father tries to declare his love to Irem with a mix tape he's put together. However, they fall apart and it takes him 10 years to complete this declaration. 10 years later, Ulas who has become a music critic meets Irem by coincidence and yet it will take them another decade to get together.
Hastane Polisi
Cenk has just arrived back to Istanbul from the United States. Suppressed love slowly begins to resurface after he encounters Ece, a woman whom he had a romantic relationship with in the past. Suddenly, there is a robbery attempt in a quiet and gloomy house, which results in a crime being committed.
Eve Giden Yol 1914
Laz İsmail