Serkan Genç

Рождение : 1980-01-01, Antakya, Türkiye


Dalavere tells the story of Baybars and Münir, who are dragged into a challenging adventure to find their stolen cars. Baybars is a young man who lives his life with cunning. Together with his brother-in-law Münir, he runs a car rental company in Zeytinburnu. One day the stealing of Münir's car causes both of their lives to change. Trying to find the stolen car, the couple are dragged from Istanbul to Bodrum after thieves. Baybars and Münir, who want to teach a big lesson to the thieves, are caught between a swap between two mafia groups without even realizing it. What happened to them is not limited to this. When they become aware of their involvement in the mafia, they also cause many mistakes in the hotel. Baybars and his brother-in-law Münir, who tried to get rid of their troubles,
Aç Kapıyı Çok Fenayım
Why Can't I Be Tarkovsky?
Bahadır, an aspiring 35-year-old director, spends his life making cheap television films inspired by the stories of folk songs. On the other hand, he has a great ambition to make films like his idol, Tarkovsky. He stands between his dreams and the real, tragicomic conditions.
The Real Policestation
Laz Vampir Tirakula
Пусть это будет в последний раз
Пятеро бездомных ребят: Яшар, Ковбой Али, Апо, Эртурул и Джеват создали свою группировку в окрестности Балата. Единственная их цель в жизни — жить безбедно и заливать свою страсть вином. Для достижения своей цели им сопутствует политический климат, который был в восьмидесятых годах. Благодаря этому, им нередко удается получить вино бесплатно. Однажды они попадаются в комендантский час. Их всех сажают, и тюрьма становится для них вторым домом. Положение нестабильности в стране и незнание законов тюрьмы поначалу пугает ребят. В тюрьме, как и в стране, многие военные не довольны своим и чужим назначением и продвижением по службе. Пользуясь таким положением, каждый пытается «урвать побольше». В связи с этим, лихая пятерка начинает использовать борьбу за власть для своего вольготного пребывания. Вместе с тем, ребята пытаются поменять существующие законы, а также освободить тех, кто попал сюда случайно.
Народ моего деда
Драма, вдохновленная детством режиссера, о насильственной миграции между Турцией и Грецией в 1923 году, как это видит десятилетний мальчик.
Muhafız Veysel
Фильм посвящен жизни последней фаворитки Султана Ахмета I, — взаимно и горячо им любимой законной супруге Махпейкер, или Кёсем-султан, — матери султанов Мурата IV и Ибрагима I, жившей в XVII веке и фактически правящей Османской Империей в течение 10 лет после смерти Ахмета I.
A Step into the Darkness
The film tells the tragic story of an Iraqi-Turkish girl, Cennet, who loses her entire family during a US-led operation against insurgents in her village in US-occupied Iraq. She makes a distressing journey through the border between Turkey and Iraq to find her brother who had been sent to Turkey for treatment.
CIA Şefi
The political drama "Zincirbozan" was written by journalist Avni Özgürel, and depicted the period between 1979 and 1983, the most tumultous years in the recent Turkish history. Zincirbozan shows a chronology of the most significant events in this period , such as the assassination of the famous journalist Abdi İpekçi, the escalating terrorism in the run up to the 1980 military coup, the futile attempts of politicians to stop the turmoil and terror on the streets, the military taking over the government, and the exiling of the political figures, and depicts the period with new insights into its less known aspects. The movie is named after the Zincirbozan military complex in the city of Çanakkale, where the leading politicans of the period were interned.
Eve Giden Yol 1914
Где ты, Фируза?
Mal Sahibi Çırağı
Hayri and Orhan are two music producers head over heels in debt. In an attempt to find the next big thing to turn the business around, they contact Ferhat, a gastarbeiter in Germany, and desperately bring him to Istanbul to sign him. As they are struggling to find the necessary funds to promote Ferhat's debut album, a mysterious rich woman named Firuze shows up and starts supporting them. The future now seems bright, but things are not always what they seem...
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