For the second time the two curious boys named Pelle and Proffen get mixed up in dangerous business.
"Herman", based on Lars Saabye Christensen's novel of the same name, tells the story of the young boy Herman who suddenly loses his hair and becomes bald at the age of eleven. It follows him through what is a very difficult period in his life, through big mood swings and irrational behaviour until he finally learns to accept himself for who he is.
At the height of the cold war, a known Russian spy ("Kyril") is sent to the UK under falsely reported pretenses in order to hopefully indirectly spark an unknown mole in the KGB to reveal himself; the endeavor eventually has repercussions which none of the initial players could have predicted.
The life and times of the Scandinavian artists' colony who lived in Skagen on the Danish coast during the 1890s. Not so much a biographical account, rather a portrait of a way of life. The painters became famous for the way they used the light in their work, and this has also been mirrored in the cinematography.
Славянский юноша Кукша, попавший в плен к викингам, за мужество и отвагу получает имя Эйнар Счастливый. Начинается новый период в его жизни, полный приключений и обещаемого викингами счастья. Но единственное его желание - вернуться домой...
The film opens in a small theatre, where the management of the company Clinox A/S watches their latest advertising push for the red condom Ding Dong . Everyone is excited and expect that here has been really could become a big bestseller . But the day after optimism disappears , Consumer Council prohibits the new condom . It is election year and the government is afraid the color offensive . Meanwhile, a mysterious woman named Lucy Ferner goes towards Oslo . She represents a Hong Kong group that is looking for a place where they can develop their energy consuming cosmetics industries.
Norwegian Sci-Fi short based on William Tenn's short story "Time in Advance". In the far future a law is passed enabling citizens to serve out sentences for crimes they intend to commit, serving the full term, but with a 50% pre-criminal discount. Post-criminals and pre-criminals alike are sent to carry out hard-labour on hellishly perilous, far-flung Convict Planets. Few return. Those pre-criminals who are not killed, drop out before their terms are up, with nothing but scars and nightmares to show for their troubles. Two pre-criminals however manage against all the odds to serve out two full terms for murder, and return to Earth as minor celebrities, with the right to kill one person each.
In the midst of an atomic war on Earth in the near future, a number of colonists are sent to establish an outpost on Mars. Strange events begin to affect the Terran life brought as part of the settlement effort, including the seeded grass sprouting purple, the family cow growing a third horn in the middle of its head, and other anomalies with the vegetable garden. Slowly people begin to show signs of transforming into Martians, as their limbs and bodies elongate and their irises turn to a shimmery gold, along with their skin darkening.
Espens far
In this film, Norwegian writer, director, cameraman and musician Ragnar Lasse has fashioned an intricate, exquisitely photographed and multilayered examination of the lives, problems and relationships of a father and this two children, a boy and a girl. The story ranges over a wide time period and is covered in multiple flashbacks and from a number of different points of view.
Young Maria lives her upper class life in the shadow of her husband Carl, and gets pregnant. She doubts her value as a wife, and is drawn to a couple of other less respectable men., which leads to a crisis.
Based on a play by Tom Eyen.
Lars Lundstrom, Peter's Father
Нейтральная и миролюбивая Норвегия была оккупирована нацистской Германией в 1940 году. Группа норвежских детей занимается тем, что любит больше всего — катается на лыжах. Но на самом деле они не просто катаются, а спасают норвежское золото от нацистских захватчиков. Нацисты обыскивают всех взрослых и не подозревают играющих детей. Ребята перевозят золото через горы на рыбацкую лодку по одному слитку за раз и вскоре начинают состязаться со временем: наступает весна и снег быстро тает. Теперь они вынуждены кататься каждый день от рассвета до заката…
Arne Allnes
A surveillance radar is to be placed at the Norwegian coastline. Three soldiers volunteer to guard it, but only so that they can have a party afterwards.
Ola Haussing
Mopedersen and Claus Grønn is starting as assistants of a professor who researchers in the use of atomic dust when a gang steals the formula and kidnaps the researchers.
Brothers Ola and Jon waiting for his father's new boat to go out fishing for herring. The father has invested a lot of money in the boat and is hoping for the big catch, but Ola is heartbroken and goes on a drinking binge.
As part of the U.N. patrol in Gaza, A group of Danish soldiers run into a series of misadventures.
Harry Smidt
Mountain climbing and its dangers get a different twist in this standard drama by Norwegian director Tancred Ibsen. When one of two climbing buddies returns from an attempt to scale Eagle Peak, he is happy to claim his award for being the first to reach the summit. But his celebration is short-lived after his friend comes back down from the mountain with another version of his "victory" climb. This second version has the supposedly successful climber cast as an attempted murderer. The story behind the climb comes out in flashbacks as the Alpine Club reviews the accusation.
A love triangle of two men who desire the same woman. We follow them through three days of grouse hunting, a chase that ends violently. Or does it?
Tom Ek
Finn Ek has a lover, Monica. When his wife Cecilia finds out, she is devastated and leaves town.