Joe Cheng


Marry a Rich Man
Mi, a propane delivery girl, declares to the heavens that she must marry a rich man. On a flight to Milan Me meets Christmas, a cute, rich Hong Kong resident who immediately takes a shine to Mi. She thinks she’s hit the jackpot, but as soon as they land the two are pick-pocketed by a local. Undaunted, they go on a “poor man’s date” making the run of Milan without a penny. And the two get along famously, leading Me to the conclusion that her cynical gold-digging plans have worked.
Police Precinct Head
In Hong Kong, the special force of the police known as 2002 is composed of the twenty-two year-old cop Chiu and his ghost partner and they fight against supernatural phenomena under the guidance of the mystic Paper Chan. When his partner reincarnates, the rookie policeman Fung applies for the position; but Paper Chan explains Chiu that the team is to be formed by a man and a spirit, and Chiu has a death star on his hand that dooms his friends to die. Meanwhile, Chiu falls in love for Nurse Danielle, but he avoids her to protect her life against the fate of the death star. When the fiend Water Ghost possesses Fung seeking revenge against Chiu, he has to battle against the evil spirit trying to protect also his friend.
You Shoot, I Shoot
Mrs. Ma's Mahjong Friend
A hired killer pairs up with an amateur filmmaker to provide clients with satisfying footage of enemies getting whacked in this black comedy. Business is down, so hit man Bart is thrilled when Mrs. Ma hires him to kill her enemies and film the murders. But Bart's first video killing stinks, so he hires filmmaker Chuen. Although business subsequently picks up, their notoriety creates complications.
Wu Yen
Emperor of Wei
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
The Lucky Guy
Master Ng's 1st disciple
Lucky Coffee Shop is well-known for its egg tarts and tea. Waiter Sui, named as Prince Egg Tart, attracts lots of girls but only loves Candy. He and his friends, Nam, and Fok, all have love problems. At the same time, the coffee shop may collapse since the landlord is increasing the rent tremendously. Let's see how the lucky guys of the shop can revert this situation.
Too Many Ways to Be No. 1
A small-time triad must make a fateful decision to discover who he is. With that decision, his life can diverge in two paths, each leading to an ultimate fate.
Ангелы улиц
Fat Lai
Героиня всю свою жизнь провела на улице, прибившись к местному крутому парню Пи, расчищающему себе дорогу наверх. Он жесток, но она любит его и безо всяких сомнений садится за него в тюрьму, в то время, как он покидает Гонконг. Выйдя через девять месяцев, Йен устраивается в приватный ночной клуб, владелец которого, Плейбой Ман, выглядит намного презентабельнее других подобных ему заправил теневого бизнеса. Клуб идет в гору, и Йен поднимается по карьерной лестнице, заодно влюбляя в себя и Плейбоя, но тут возвращается Пи, при этом он совершенно не рад тому факту, что теперь Йен готова выйти замуж за другого.
Ten Brothers
Shan / Witch
A silly fantasy/adventure film about a man and wife who inherit a magical bracelet that bestows ten sons unto them. It soon becomes apparent that there are ill-intentioned others who want to use the ten brothers to their own advantage.
Sixty Million Dollar Man
After mobsters blow him up, a rich, arrogant prankster is resurrected as a cyborg with unique skills, a real job and a new love interest.
Romantic Dream
A spiritualist can put you into a dreamworld where you can have your greatest desire
Peace Hotel
Grand Hall bandit
After his wife's murder, widow Wong A Ping sets up a Peace Hotel to act as a sanctuary for anyone who needs protecting. One day a mysterious women shows up who seeks shelter from a gang hunting her. Vowing to never turn anyone away, Wong A Ping must decide whether to help the women or risk confronting the gang.
Tricky Business
Happy specializes in playing tricks. But he refuses to work for Shi, a rich man, as the job is against his principle, Shi is very angry and asks for the help of Ling, the enemy of Happy. By coincidence, Happy meets Moon, a blind girl suffering from cancer. Happy feels pity and also falls for her. However, he isn’t aware that it is just a trick…
Из Китая с любовью
Killer with metal mouth
Герой Стивена Чоу — бывший суперагент, ныне работающий мясником в небольшой деревеньке. Но дела зовут, и контора вызывает его обратно в свои ряды в связи с похищением раритетного черепа какого-то ископаемого. Он приезжает на место, но выясняется, что он — только подставное лицо, и продажный начальник поручил его связной убить его по прибытии. Но тут, естественно, любовь-морковь, так что начальнику-подлецу придется обломаться…
Love on Delivery
Master Blackbear
Ho Kam-An is a lovestruck dim sum delivery boy who falls for a beautiful judo student. After being humiliated by her boyfriend, Ho Kam-An seeks the services of an aging master who teaches him a half-assed style of kung fu, "Karate Kid"-style.