Documentary on "Antonio das Mortes", Glauber Rocha's 1969 film.
Contemporary film critics regard the epic film I Am Cuba as a modern masterpiece. The 1964 Cuban/Soviet coproduction marked a watershed moment of cultural collaboration between two nations. Yet the film never found a mass audience, languishing for decades until its reintroduction as a "classic" in the 1990s. Vicente Ferraz explores the strange history of this cinematic tour de force, and the deeper meaning for those who participated in its creation.
"Portraits and excerpts from Brazilian films from all times. Actors, directors and images that affirm cinema."
A religious comedy in 5 segments, illustrating maniqueism on Earth, as shown by movies. God and his son Jesus disagree on how to manage human life on Earth.
Dono da buchada
Earning her living by dubbing American TV Series, a woman dreams of becoming an international Hollywood star.
Geraldo Viramundo (Diogo Vilela) is a nice guy with absurd ideas. Genial and / or insane, he decides to leave her small town in Minas Gerais and win the world. Your goal is to destabilize the system and their accomplices are the prostitutes and the destitute.
Biography of one of the legendary names in the Samba genre of Brazilian music. Although he could hardly dance or play an instrument, he became one of the main composers of Portela, an important Samba "school" in Rio de Janeiro.
The team of Galinheiro Futebol Clube, formed by emeritus fighters, has as technical Cardea, advised by three direct assistants: Elvis, former player as Cardinal and aspiring singer; Fumê, cook of Independência Futebol Clube, great team in which Cardeal also works as a wardrobe; and Lupine, samba and composer.
Líder dos bandidos
The Bunglers do a show for the benefit of an orphanage run by Sister Maria (Xuxa Meneghel), facing financial difficulties. While performing the show, 'money is stolen tickets. Didi, and Sister Maria Dede pursue the bandits, while Mussum Zechariah and continue with the show. The three go at Beto Carrero World, where the scene is recreated from the old Western North America. The film also features a series of 20-minute cartoon of Bunglers.
Coronel Fereira
Didi, Soró and Tatu in search food and water head for the town of Oróz. On their journey they find a Scarecrow, a man in a metal vat, and later are arrested by a Lion Sheriff.
Domingos Jorge Velho
Quilombo dos Palmares was a real-life democratic society, created in Brazil in the 17th century. This incredibly elaborate (and surprisingly little-known) film traces the origins of Quilombo, which began as a community of freed slaves. The colony becomes a safe harbor for other outcasts of the world, including Indians and Jews. Ganga Zumba (Toni Tornado) becomes president of Quilombo, the first freely elected leader in the Western Hemisphere. Naturally, the ruling Portuguese want to subjugate Zumba and his followers, but the Quilombians are ready for their would-be oppressors. The end of this Brave New World is not pleasant, but the followers of Zumba and his ideals take to the hills, where they honor his memory to this day. Writer/director Carlos Diegues takes every available opportunity to compare the rise and fall of Quilombo with the state of affairs in modern-day Brazil.
A senator having contacts with illegal betting activities is killed by the man who is his right arm, who wanted to get his position. But the power structure resents this disturbance and can fall apart, specially since there's a witness.
Cel. Amâncio Leal
Фильм поставлен по роману известного бразильского писателя Жоржи Амаду - "Габриэла, Гвоздика и Корица". В 1925 году, Габриэла становится поваром, хозяйкой, а затем женой Насиба, владельца бара в маленьком бразильском прибрежном городе, находящемся под властью местных крупных землевладельцев-полковников. Насиб устает от выходок необразованной и необузданной Габриэлы и аннулирует брак после того, как он застает ее в кровати со своим другом Тонико. Нравы горожан меняются медленно, и Габриэла снова возвращается к Насибу, но на этот раз в качестве любовницы. В фильме много юмора и эротики.
A public relations man is invited to guide an American millionaire during his stay in Rio de Janeiro. He gets involved in the most bizarre situations, from orgiastic mega-parties to confrontations with the police, meetings with drug dealers and movie stars, facing corruption and even murder.
The destiny of four women - a beautiful model, an alcoholic, a middle-aged spinster and a famous model - is traced inside an advertising agency. They all look for true love and professional recognition, but get involved in turbulent relationships instead.
Young women in the Amazon are kidnapped by a ring of devil-worshipers, who plan to sell them as sex slaves. Some of the women escape, but are pursued into the jungle by their captors. The women must band together to turn the tables on their kidnappers.
Four Third-World Christs try to stop the American industrialist John Brahms in Glauber Rocha's experimental film inspired by Pier Paolo Pasolini's murder.
Noronha is a low middle-class civil servant who lives with his frustrated wife Gorda and their three elder daughters. The youngest one, virginal Silene, is unexpectedly sent back home. Noronha discovers she has been expelled from boarding school for having killed a female cat and her seven newborns in a hysterical fit. Many dark family secrets will emerge from that episode leading to tragic events.
After separating from her abusive husband, Analu knows Fernanda, a lovely lady who offers her shelter. The friendship between the two turns into an intense love affair, but Fernanda shows possessive and violent. The situation worsens when her husband discovers her whereabouts Analu and starts chasing her. And even worse when Fernanda also rejected, decides to put an end to the life of the lover, without considering the consequences.
Countryman Onofre is convinced by his cousin to live in Rio de Janeiro together with him so he can enjoy the delights of summer in Rio.
Gerente da empresa de ônibus
Matias Cardoso
The life of Fernão Dias, a 17th century Brazilian frontiersman known as "the Emerald Hunter".
From Friday night 'til Sunday morning, the doors of a new world open inside a nightclub in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. We watch the emotions and conflicts experienced by a series of characters, who find on the dance floor the ideal stage to represent the tragedy of their lives.
A documentary about the most famous Brazilian jockey of all times, who remembers his glorious past in Rio's Jockey Club.
This adaptation of a classic Brazilian novel focuses on the relations of charismatic characters within a tenement.
João Ramalho
Life and death of the jesuit who fought for the peaceful relationship between colonists and the indigenous peoples of Brazil.
The dreams and problems of three friends: Malagueta, an inveterate gambler; Perus, former factory worker who abandoned the assembly line to earn his living at the billiards; and Bacanaço, trickster who puts on chic airs, always dreaming of performing the ultimate big swindle.
Man leaves his family behind and moves to Nova Iguaçu, a poor and violent city in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. He tries to rebuild his life, but falls in love with a woman who despises him, which drives him mad.
'Bruce' goes to head with bandits who are terrorising and murdering villagers.
"Jaws" spoof. The title means "Cod". A terrible monster threatens the beach season: the cod from Guinea. To catch the fish, local authorities count on the expertise of a Portuguese oceanographer, a fearless fisherman and baits made with Amália Rodrigues's records.
Brazilian comedy in two segments. 'Theft of the Panties': Four friends are broke during Christmas. Genaro decides to rob a brothel because he thinks that the victims won't call the police. To get to know the place, one of the friends, Alfredo, disguises as a woman and goes there with Genaro. They set up a plan and then return to execute the robbery. 'I Love Cod': The owner of a bar in the suburbs, the Portuguese Manuel, wins the sports lottery. Three mechanics find themselves wronged for having almost won the prize and abduct Manuel's wife, demanding ransom. Manuel refuses to pay, as he finally got rid of his wife and can now win the woman of his dreams. Knowing this, the wife collaborates with the kidnappers to reverse the plan: Manuel will have to pay the ransom if he does not want to see her again.
Fleeing from the orphanage where he was living, young Valdo immediately entered the life of the crime, establishing himself as a dangerous adult criminal. However, his petty thefts do not satisfy him and he longs for bigger things and when he becomes a lover of Beth, the young criminal realizes that he can enrich himself very and very fast.
Segment "Prólogo": interviews and scenes with some of the most important filmmakers of the "Boca do Lixo" of São Paulo. Segment "A Badaladíssima dos Trópicos x Os Picaretas do Sexo": shenanigans of a troubled fictional film production. Segment "Amor 69": Actress Maria Vargas is expected to appear nude in a scene, but ultimately refuses to do so.
Domador de leões
The story of a fakir who works in a decadent circus. He and his colleagues do weirder numbers each day to attract audience, and warrant their survival. The numbers resemble a horror-show and they get marginalized. Through fable and allegory, reality turns stronger and stronger, and more absurd.
В 16 веке по просьбе короля Португалии дон Себастьян де Соуза и его супруга София возвращаются в город Пиндорама, который помогли основать. Название города означает «область высоких деревьев». Молодая колония населена индейцами и неграми, метисами, европейским духовенством и членами правительства и суда. Себастьян и София встречаются с губернатором и узнают, что местным шахтерами живется несладко. Отчужденные люди следуют за своим лидером без политического сознания. Но борьба за власть по-прежнему ведется.
Antônio das Mortes
Это история Антонио Мортеса, известного убийцы, нанятого богатыми землевладельцами, чтобы устранить лидеров крестьянского восстания.
Capitão Jagunço
After robbing and massacring a village, the head of a gang of bandits, Captain Jagunço, kidnaps Flô, Mayor Cisso's wife and tortures her.
In the interior of Brazil, a farmer is responsible for the education of the daughter of one of his settlers. Years later, the girl returns from school with a nun and the farmer does everything to prevent her from know her parents.
Poor and beautiful girl is hired by a sales promoter to advertise a new brand of soap. The success is immediate, but the need for a new face hinders her way to stardom.
Главный герой Пауль Мартинс, анархист и идеалист, по профессии — журналист, пишущий стихи, борется против популистского губернатора и консервативного президента Порфирия Диаса. В этом его поддерживают революционные силы. Мартинс мучается, так как эти два коррумпированных политических деятеля были в прошлом его друзьями, и были избраны при его моральной поддержке.
Augusto Matraga is a violent agressive farmer who, after being betrayed by his wife and trapped by several enemies, is bitten up and left for dead, being rescued by a couple of humble small farmers who nurse him for a long time until he is well again. Influenced by the couple, Matraga starts a long penitent life while waiting for his hour and chance to payback, starting a fight between his violent nature, his hidden desire of vengeance and the mysticism and goodness which is also part of him.
Cowboy Riobaldo is attracted to same sex Diadorim, not knowing that "he" is a girl dressed in man's clothes. After Diadorim's father is killed, she swears revenge, being joined by Riobaldo in this mission.
Antônio das Mortes
Герои картины, Мануэль и Роза, крестьяне, сначала, сбегая от нищеты, примыкают к проповеднику, но, отшатнувшись, по причине его жестокости, присоединяются к отряду разбойников — кангасейру Кориско, но и здесь не находят счастья.
For his first in a long series of wildly imaginative literary adaptations, dos Santos reinvented Nelson Rodrigues' novel about a pathological gangster with solid gold teeth and a voracious appetite for women and power. Embracing radically modernist narrative techniques, Golden Mouth offers a splintered, refractive portrait of brutal masculinity that returns repeatedly to the same moment from different vantages, each time revealing unexpected perspectives on the brutal yet strangely charming criminal. Lurid and disturbing, Golden Mouth delivers a savage satire of marriage and class pretensions, revealing a similar venality at the corroded heart of the sanctimonious bourgeoisie, the moneyed elite and the working class as they all mercilessly claw their way up and down the rickety and ruthlessly hierarchical Brazilian social ladder. -Harvard Film Archive
In a company trading maté, workers are treated as slaves. Some of them try to escape, but those who are caught suffer severe punishments.
In Sao Paulo , young Sergio works in a bank in which her rich uncle is the president. Using his name to borrow money, Sergio takes a wasteful life frequenting nightclubs and dating the sophisticated starlet 's revues Margo. His uncle refuses to pay the loans and Sergio finds himself in difficulties that lead down a dark path.