Brian T. Jaynes

Рождение : 1964-11-24, Houston, Texas, USA


The Shadow People
Newlyweds Megan and Andrew have just moved into their dream home with aspirations to start a family. But soon strange events start happening. Voices and shadowy figures haunt Megan, and even Andrew, starts questioning his own sanity as their marriage is being torn apart. The visions grow increasingly real..and threatening, yet Megan is unwilling to relinquish her home. When the appearance of a mysterious priest unveils the truth behind their nightmare, Megan's reality takes a desperate turn that her haunting visions never could have predicted.
Spirit Riders
When a rebellious teen is arrested and sentenced to an equine therapy camp, she forms a connection with a spirited thoroughbred that she helps train with the guidance of the ranch's no-nonsense owner.
Мертвое море
Executive Producer
Известный в научных кругах морской биолог получает приглашение посетить небольшой город, расположенный неподалёку от солёного озера. За последнее время несколько здешних обитателей умерли при весьма странных обстоятельствах. И все они перед гибелью купались в том самом водоёме. Из-за этого по городу расползаются слухи об ужасном чудовище, якобы обитающем на дне озера. Опровергнуть (или наоборот, подтвердить) эти слухи и предстоит молодому ученому.
Bigfoot Wars
Executive Producer
After the sheriff of the small town of Boggy Creek receives reports of attacks from a vicious beast bearing resemblance to the legendary Sasquatch, he enlists the help of an expert survivalist (The Outsider's C. Thomas Howell) and sets out to hunt down the creature. However, as they wander into the wilderness they discover that an entire tribe of Sasquatches awaits them. Now the enraged creatures descend from the hills and into the town to declare war upon its citizens.
Bigfoot Wars
After the sheriff of the small town of Boggy Creek receives reports of attacks from a vicious beast bearing resemblance to the legendary Sasquatch, he enlists the help of an expert survivalist (The Outsider's C. Thomas Howell) and sets out to hunt down the creature. However, as they wander into the wilderness they discover that an entire tribe of Sasquatches awaits them. Now the enraged creatures descend from the hills and into the town to declare war upon its citizens.
The Underneath
A young newlywed couple find themselves trapped in a network of underground caves. With her husband injured, the new bride is forced to find her way back to the surface in order to save his life. In the process, they discover a terrifying truth about the "underneath", they are not alone. Something evil is hunting them.
The Underneath
A young newlywed couple find themselves trapped in a network of underground caves. With her husband injured, the new bride is forced to find her way back to the surface in order to save his life. In the process, they discover a terrifying truth about the "underneath", they are not alone. Something evil is hunting them.
Executive Producer
A scientist working on an energy project discovers his family have undergone strange changes in their personalities, while a series of natural disasters are happening across the globe. He realises that his work has accidentally pushed the planet forward in time seven seconds - and the loss of those few moments has had devastating effects on the world and the human race.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Eugene, a man dealing with the tragedy of his family's death by living at the vacation cabin that they last stayed, discovers he's completely snowbound. During Eugene's desperate attempts to dig himself out, he discovers he's not alone.
Executive Producer
Eugene, a man dealing with the tragedy of his family's death by living at the vacation cabin that they last stayed, discovers he's completely snowbound. During Eugene's desperate attempts to dig himself out, he discovers he's not alone.
G.I. Joe: Initiate
Visual Effects
An elite G.I. Joe team confronts a Cobra force in Springfield, USA to rescue a comrade and deal with a traitor.
G.I. Joe: Initiate
Executive Producer
An elite G.I. Joe team confronts a Cobra force in Springfield, USA to rescue a comrade and deal with a traitor.
Humans vs Zombies
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.
Humans vs Zombies
Executive Producer
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.
Humans vs Zombies
Visual Effects Supervisor
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.
Humans vs Zombies
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.
Humans vs Zombies
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.
Biohazard: Patient Zero
Two young scientists are swept up in a government plot to suppress the truth about a biological disaster at a genetic research facility.
Biohazard: Patient Zero
Two young scientists are swept up in a government plot to suppress the truth about a biological disaster at a genetic research facility.
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
Boggy Creek
Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.
Boggy Creek
Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.
Boggy Creek
Executive Producer
Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.
Boggy Creek
Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.