Edry Abdul Halim


Лягушонок Риббит
История лягушонка, который ненавидит воду и прыгать и старается разобраться в своей уникальности.
Лягушонок Риббит
История лягушонка, который ненавидит воду и прыгать и старается разобраться в своей уникальности.
Королевство викингов
Co-Executive Producer
Воин, пытающийся забыть жестокость своего прошлого, вынужден вновь взять в руки меч, чтобы сразиться с невообразимой силы божеством.
29 Februari
The first Malaysian 3D film, "29 Februari" focuses on a man born on the leap day of 29 February, and ages only one year in every four years. Because of this unique trait, he has lived through many historical periods of Malaysia; from the colonial years to the Japanese invasion and Independence. Though some may consider it a gift, the man's long life can also be a curse as he has to face the reality of seeing the ones he loves die. A highlight of the film will be the changing landscape of Malaysia from the early days up to 2012.
Битва за империю
Original Music Composer
Римский принц отправляется с путешествием в древний Китай, чтобы женить на себе прекрасную китайскую принцессу и, тем самым, заполучить контроль над обширными азиатскими землями. Однако, далеко не все разделяют рвение принца. Народ Древней Китайской империи вступает в открытое противостояние с жадным до власти римским завоевателем, кровью отстаивая свое право на независимость.
Pokok Bersaudara
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing that he was the main cause of his mother's death. During one of the evenings after a fight with his sister, Malik left to take a stroll in the forest. On and on he went until he realised he was lost and the next very moment, he appeared in another dimension called Magika.
Cinta Metropolitan
The story begins when a photographer, Haris accidentally met his brother, Irwan in a dinner. They met with Chloe managed to catch a thief after her handbag. Irwan was actually a female accomplice who tries to find Chloe's attention, even though she has named Monisa sugar mummy. Haris less pleased with the attitude of his sister, especially when his lover She also seduced by Irwan. Rizal, Chloe handbag thief told Haris and Irwan about counterfeit money held by Chloe. Chloe's brother, Farouk, finally realized that the secret syndicate was uncovered counterfeit money and sent the lock-extended arm Haris hunting, Irwan, Rizal, Nurul and Monisa to force them all to flee abroad.