Donatella Marrosu


Planets Around Us
An alien race sends cyborgs — made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet — to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion.
Saeta rubia
Julia Rey
Some urchins simulate an accident and steal a wallet. To their surprise, it turns out to be that of the famous footballer Alfredo Di Stefano, popularly known as "La Saeta Rubia". Driven by the admiration for their idol, the urchins decide to return it. At this time, Di Stefano and his wife establish a great friendship with the guys and project together the creation of the football team "Saeta".
Mamma, perdonami!
Любовь в городе
Пять разворачивающихся в Риме историй любви от классиков итальянского кино.
La grande rinuncia