Главные герои не владеют своим рассудком. Их наваждение — луна, и однажды им кажется, что они ее изловили…
1943 год. Спасаясь от американских бомбардировок, вдова Чезира возвращается в свою родную деревню вместе с дочерью-подростком, Розеттой. Там она встречает Микеле, сына местного фермера, в которого влюбляется юная Розетта, а сам юноша влюбляется в ее прекрасную маму.
The different faces of love provide the theme for this beautifully photographed film comprised of four short episodes. In the first story, two sisters head out for a New Year's Eve celebration and end up getting a ride with a car full of boys. The lads rape one of the girls, and strangely, the victim ends up falling in love with one of the rapists. In the second story, two young bucks who have been friends for ages spend a weekend at one of their wealthy father's homes. Eventually, they become much more than friends. The third tale deals with the emotions of an abandoned lover. While moping about, he watches TV and sees the picture of a Bengal tiger. Soon he becomes obsessed by the creature and spends many hours observing it at the zoo. His lover decides to return, but he spurns her. In the last story, a homeless fellow lives in an abandoned car. Among the locals he is known for his wisdom. One day, the doorkeeper of an adjacent building goes to see the derelict.
В провинциальном городке местный ловелас решает соблазнить жену мэра, однако переоценивает свои силы.
У молодого миланского рабочего-коммуниста Ганди, есть прекрасная девушка и уважение товарищей. Как-то ночью, один таинственный парень, подвергается нападению фашистов и он укрывает его у себя дома. Парень оказывается гомосексуалистом и их знакомство вскоре превращается в клубок неразрешимых проблем.
Alessia returns from the convent where she was educated to the farm where she spent her childhood. As she arrives, she starts to remember the crime that made her an orphan. The animosity she feels towards her aunt starts to get explained. Aunt Agnes was responsible for the crime, so she could get the land. Alessia starts to use her sexuality to manipulate the men around her and set a trap for her aunt as revenge.
The town drunk of Gallatin, Missouri is former outlaw Franky James, brother of Jesse James. He is reformed by a woman, a young boy and a dog. He helps rid the town of corrupt town boss Mr. Morgan.
presidente del Tribunale
Two friends grow up together in the Sicily of the '50s. Two different destiny, two different way of life. Could their friendship survive to the mafia shadow?
Collega di Luigi
Luigi, a middle-aged engineer who, getting increasingly worried about the rising crime rate in his surroundings, follows the advice and example of his sleazy drinking cronies to arm himself with the titular weapon; the problem is that he starts carrying – and, occasionally, brandishing – it with him everywhere.
A wife of a pastor gets involved in lot of bed-hopping among the citizens of their pastoral town, which becomes even more complicated when it's revealed that one of them is an imposter.
The city suffers and succumbs unarmed, but an ex secret agent succeeds in winning the struggle against the gangsterism. Intrigue and violence grip a society victim of the crime.