Danielle Smith


Song of Umm Dalaila, the Story of the Sahrawis
The film takes place in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria against the historical backdrop of Spanish colonialism and the Moroccan invasion of the Western Sahara. The Saharawi women, who make up 80% of the adult refugee population, provide a powerful voice as they reveal how they came to assume primary responsibility for the survival of the remains of their families and in turn the entire refugee population.
Song of Umm Dalaila, the Story of the Sahrawis
The film takes place in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria against the historical backdrop of Spanish colonialism and the Moroccan invasion of the Western Sahara. The Saharawi women, who make up 80% of the adult refugee population, provide a powerful voice as they reveal how they came to assume primary responsibility for the survival of the remains of their families and in turn the entire refugee population.
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Danielle White
В Аризоне происходит серия ужасных убийств: кто-то проникает в дома одиноких дам и садистки расправляется с ними, оставляя после себя эстетские "панно" из бытовых предметов и частей тел жертв. Подозрение падает на профессионального эксперта-"звуковика" Пола Уайта, собирающего и монтирующего "хай-эндовую" аппаратуру в домах богатых красоток. Но может ли любящий отец и верный муж оказаться патологическим маньяком, безжалостно мстящим слабому полу?!