Lim Yu-Beng

Lim Yu-Beng

Рождение : 1965-11-20,


Yu-Beng is a familiar face on stage and screen. He won Best Actor in 2005 for The Lover, and The Dumb Waiter, Best Supporting Actor in 2004 for Bent, and was in the Best Acting Ensemble in 2002 for Animal Farm, all for the Life! Theatre Awards. He has played leads in the acclaimed local films Singapore Dreaming, and Solos, as well as the soon to be released Universe; and internationally in Kung Fu Killers, and The Great Wall; and supporting roles in numerous international films, including Anna and the King, and HBO Asia’s Grace. For Singapore television he has played leads in Firasat, Do Not Disturb, 9 Lives, The Second Singapore Short Story Project, and The New Home; and all four seasons of the hit series Triple 9. Theatregoers know him from shows like Another Country, Animal Farm, Members Only, Doubt, The Lover and The Dumb Waiter, Bent, Lear, The First Emperor's Last Days, The Blue Room, The Yang Family and As If He Hears. In the last few years he wrote and directed It’s My Life, an original teen musical, as well as 2 Houses, and Pearl of the Eastern & Oriental, both sell-out successes specially commissioned by the Georgetown Festival in Penang. In 2018, he performed an evening of his original songs as part of the Writers’ Festival. Yu-Beng’s latest television projects include 20 Days (2018), Warrior (2018), Lion Mums S3 (2019), After Love (2019), Raksasa (2019) and In The Wind (2019). He continues to explore new ground, and works extensively as an actor, director, writer, acting coach, lighting designer, fight choreographer and whatever it takes to get the show up. Yu-Beng is represented by FLY Entertainment.


Lim Yu-Beng


As You Like It
Duke Fredrick / Duke Senior (voice)
An animated adaptation of the famous play by William Shakespeare. It transposes the setting to a Southeast-Asian environment. Created in close collaboration with the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon and its director Prof. Michael Dobson.
Agent Chai
A group of film students burn paper effigy cameras for the wandering spirits during the ghost month in Singapore and receive a collection of horror movies in return.
(as Yu Beng Lim)
In a dingy motel room that is as hot and clammy as the jungle painted on its walls, a sexual threesome has been arranged to take place. Except that the two men lying in wait are officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau, ready to apprehend their suspect, who is going to show up with crystal meth at any moment. Staff Sergeant Boon is garrulous and relaxed; for him, this is a job just like any other. Inspector Anton, on the other hand, is preoccupied and tense, and is increasingly restless. As the wait for the suspect lengthens, it is apparent Anton has something infinitely more personal at stake. In what appears to be a routine crackdown operation, which walls will come tumbling down, and what thresholds will be crossed? In the film’s tropical swelter, how does one ascertain that everything one sees is not a mirage from a fragmenting mind?
Kung Fu Killer 2
This is the second part of the kung fu killer. China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge.
Школа боевых искусств
China is in unrest, as the Republic falls prey to Warlords like Kahn Xin, who holds an entire province hostage to the opium trade—and destroys all who oppose him. Only the revered Wudang monks dare stand in Kahn’s way in order to protect the very soul of China. Among them is the Westerner, White Crane, a spiritual master of the martial arts and protector of the innocent. Revenge is not in Crane’s heart—until a mercenary army storms the temple and slaughters the beloved female Grandmaster Myling. Out of the ashes of the temple ruins, Crane rises—with vengeance in his heart. Crane comes upon Jane Marshall, a New York lounge singer and her gangster boss Bingo Quo. But it’s Bingo’s dangerous professional ties to Kahn that draw both Crane and Jane deep into the Warlord’s lair. Now torn between the spiritual Wudang teaching and the cold-blooded life of an assassin, Crane is about the cross the fine line between justice and revenge.
Inspired by true events, Solos explores relationships among three individuals who are struggling to open up their feelings towards each other. Filmmakers Kan Lume and Loo Zihan co-directed this pathos that dramatizes the selfishness of love and its tragic outcomes. Set in contemporary Singapore, Solos follows the endeavors of Boy, Man and Mother. Having been in a relationship with Man (Lim Yu Beng) for years, Boy (Loo Zihan) eventually grows up and wishes to quit the relationship. Conversely, Man still wants to be with Boy and for them to settle together. Meanwhile, Mother (Goh Guat Kian) is devastated that her son (Boy) has abandoned her and has been in relationship with MAN. As the three characters fight their own demons, Solos juxtaposes reality and surreal scenes in order to give clues of each character’s inner desires. The film has minimum conversation to give freedom to the audience individual interpretation of the film.
Марко Поло
Burmese Priest
13 век. Венецианский торговец Марко Поло сопровождает двух священников в путешествии на Восток ко двору Кублай Хана, монгольского завоевателя Востока с тем, чтобы обратить самую многочисленную и богатую нацию в христианство. Однако священники сомневаются в существовании китайского государства. Ведь, в конечном счёте, Господь положил Европу в центр Вселенной, и что может быть за её пределами, как не одно сплошное варварство? Не будучи готовыми рисковать своими жизнями в горах Памира, священники отступают и бросают Марко, его отца и дядю наедине со снежными бурями и знойными пустынями. Измученные голодом, жаждой и палящий солнцем они продвигаются вперед в сердце владений Хана.
Singapore Dreaming
Disappointed by his failed dreams, Loh Poh Huat visits his frustrations on his family. So when he wins the lottery, everyone believes the money will deliver them from their struggles. However, Loh dies abruptly and his elaborate and surreal Taoist funeral pitches the family into a battle where the stakes are the very meaning of life itself. Singapore Dreaming is a poignant yet darkly humorous story which follows the lives of six individuals as they navigate the rapidly changing conditions experienced in today’s modern South-East Asian cities.
2000 AD
Colonel Ng
The Y2K Bug. Real Warfare vs Electronic Gaming. Peter Tong, a carefree Hong Kong youngster, finds himself drawn into the web of a deadly espionage conspiracy. A clandestine organization schemes to use the Y2K Bug to cause mayhem throughout Asia. To survive, Peter has to call on reserves of courage and stamina he has never needed before.
Анна и король
Scarfaced leader
Школьная учительница из Англии Анна Леоноуэнс приехала учить детей короля Монгкута в экзотический Сиам. И неожиданно западная чувственность сталкивается с психологией восточного владыки. Напряжение нарастает по мере того, как Монгкут узнает о готовящемся против него и его режима заговоре. Когда политическая ситуация готова взорваться, для Анны и Короля остается только один выход — стать союзниками в отважной борьбе за спасение Сиама от могущественных врагов, жаждущих его разрушения…