Giuliano Papi


Каприз по-итальянски
Costume Design
Фильм состоит из шести новелл, созданных разными режиссерами, но всех их объединяет одно: теплая ирония к текущим событиям.
Menage Italian Style
Costume Design
In Italy in the 60's it is difficult to get a divorce. Carlo gets a visit from his Swedish wife, but he is already remarried. Every time he meets a new woman, he vanishes away from the last wife.
Snow Job
Costume Design
Lucio sees his holiday on the Italian Alps interrupted when he is suddenly and unwillingly involved in an International plot involving fake dollar bills.
Corpse for the Lady
Costume Design
Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested.
The Cavern
Costume Design
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
The Maniacs
Costume Design
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
The Little Nuns
Costume Design
Two nuns come to Rome to protest to an airline about its jet planes which have been flying over their convent school, disrupting teaching of the little orphans who study there and damaging the ancient fresco of their patron saint through sound vibrations.
I 4 moschettieri
Costume Design
4 con men take the place of the real musketeers and manage to steal the Queen's necklace but then give it back to her, moved by her tears.
Totò vs the Four
Costume Design
The day of Chief Constable Saracino begins badly when his new car is stolen. Then, in his office, he meets Alfredo Fiori who believes that his wife and her lover, a veterinary, are trying to murder him.
The Hours of Love
Costume Design
Gianni and Marietta get along wonderfully as lovers, but not as a couple. Despite being married, they agree to become lovers again.
Two Colonels
Costume Design
In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.
Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino
Costume Design
Antonio goes to West Berlin and meets Giuseppe. But Antonio looks like Canarinis, a wanted war criminal, So the daughter of the criminal pays Antonio to impersonate him.
Eighteen in the Sun
Costume Design
An Italian variation on the Frankie & Annette-Gidget beach party movies that were all the rage in North America in the early 60s. Nicole Molino (Catherine Spaak) and Nicola Molino (Gianni Garko) are not related to one another. In fact, they don’t even know each other until both are inadvertently assigned the same hotel room on the island of Ischia. Nicole isn’t interested in any hanky-panky, so Nicola reluctantly promises to keep his hands to himself.
Тото Дьяболикус
Costume Design
Маркиз Галеаццо ди Торреальта найден убитым за своим рабочим столом. Таинственный Дьяболикус расправился с ним. Но кто виноват? Он не успел написал завещания, по которому его огромное состояние переходило бы к его невесте. Следовательно, наследники - родственники, братья. Полиция принимается за расследование. У маркиза, оказывается, довольно много братьев и сестра. Тут и генерал Шипионе ди Торреальта, на старости лет устроивший у себя в доме маленький заповедник времен дуче. Профессор Карло ди Торреальта, доктор, хирург. Баронесса Лаудомия ди Торреальта, милейшая женщина! Преподобный монсиньор Антонио ди Торреальта, святейший человек! Кто же из них таинственный Дьяболикус?
Crazy Desire
Costume Design
A middle-aged businessman meets a band of rowdy youths and is smitten by one, named Francesca.
His Women
Costume Design
Stefano Garbelli is employed by a pharmaceutical company. One evening Daniela, a young independent prostitute, approaches Stefano pretending to be a nurse. They get together, but Daniela has a sinister plan.
The Two Marshals
Costume Design
September 1943: in the general confusion a thief dressed as a priest and a sergeant exchange clothes and roles.
The Orderly
Costume Design
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
Joseph and His Brethren
Costume Design
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Totòtruffa '62
Costume Design
Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.
Фашистский вожак
Costume Design
Фашистское руководство Кремоны приказывает унтер-офицеру милиции Примо Арковацци арестовать скрывающегося профессора Эрминио Бонафе, известного антифашистского философа, и доставить его в Рим. Исполнительный и стремящийся к должности окружного секретаря партии Арковацци приступает к выполнению задания немедленно и на мотоцикле едет за профессором в его загородный дом. Миссия с виду проста, но обратная дорога в Рим полна приключений…
Его Превосходительство остался покушать
Costume Design
Квартирный вор, шантажируя неверного мужа, втирается в доверие его семьи и выдаёт себя за личного врача Муссолини, чтобы украсть золотые столовые приборы.
Atlas Against the Cyclops
Costume Design
Strongman Maciste must battle the one-eyed Cyclops monster that is ravaging the land of Sadok, while at the same time fending off the advances of the evil Queen Capys, who wants to do a little ravaging of her own.
Toto, Fabrizi and the Young People Today
Costume Design
A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.
Signori si nasce
Costume Design
Baron Zazà, always broke due his dissolute lifestyle, decides to con a hefty sum of money out of his wealthy but greedy brother.
Un militare e mezzo
Costume Design
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
Типы с пляжа
Costume Design
Четверо безденежных друзей узнают, что в Таормину, знаменитый итальянский пляжный курорт, с целью найти себе нового мужа приехала известная миллиардерша Барбара Паттон. Недолго думая, они решают поправить свои финансовые дела с помощью брачной аферы.
Guardatele ma non toccatele
Costume Design
An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crash lands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers.
Il nemico di mia moglie
Costume Design
Marco and Luciana are married and in love, but the passion of Marco for football distract him, and make him impossible to keep a job for a long time: that's why the young couple keeps arguing.
Nel blu dipinto di blu
Costume Design
Turi, a young Sicilian, makes ends meet by doing some occasional work and singing in taverns in a popular district of Rome.
Totò, Peppino e le fanatiche
Costume Design
A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness.
Peppino, le modelle e... chella llà
Costume Design
Young painter Teddy is successful with women but not very clever about selling pictures. He is in love with Elisabetta but cannot marry her because he is penniless. The couple asks for help from Peppino, a retired clerk who often uses Teddy's painting, pretending that they are his so he can impress the women he likes.
Тото, Пеппино и бандиты
Costume Design
При богатой жене-скряге Антонио вечно без гроша в кармане. Да ещё в округе объявился безжалостный бандит Иньяцио, гроза всех богачей! Как же быть бедняге-подкаблучнику? К счастью, у него есть верный друг Пеппино, которые предлагает инсценировать похищение Антонио бандитом Иньяцио, и получить самим выкуп с Терезы. Всё придумано как нельзя лучше, но... как говориться, что-то пошло не так.
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy
Costume Design
Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).
Банда честных
Costume Design
Антонио Бонокоре работает портье в одном из домов Рима. Один из жильцов перед смертью раскрывает ему страшную тайну о том, что во время своей работы на Монетном дворе этот жилец похитил клише и бумагу для изготовления денег. На смертном одре, он просит Антонио их уничтожить. Но обстоятельства и нужда складываются так, что у Антонио не поднимается рука уничтожить клише и бумагу для печати денег. Он берет в сговор еще двоих бедолаг, замученных долгами и безденежьем. Удастся ли им стать настоящей бандой фальшивомонетчиков и разбогатеть?
Orient Express
Camera Operator
Orient Express
Costume Design
The Bachelor
Costume Design
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Girls of Today
Costume Design
Peppino Bardellotti, a widower, lives in Milan with his four daughters and ex sister-in-law Matilde, who urges girls to settle down by marrying a wealthy man.
Раба греха
Costume Design
Мара Гуалтьери, девушка легкого поведения, во время железнодорожной аварии спасает маленькую польскую девочку, родители которой погибли. Девочка напомнила Маре её умершую дочь. Мара хочет удочерить девочку, но она не может этого сделать, пока не устроится на работу. С трудом она находит работу на заводе. Случайно Мара встречает своего бывшего любовника, который был отцом её дочери. Он женат, но в семье нет детей. Он думает, что девочка - его дочь...
Noi cannibali
Costume Design
Toto and the Kings of Rome
Costume Design
An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.