Didier Naert


Production Design
Джеймс Фурлонг — наследник древнего рода, все представители которого обладали необыкновенными способностями. К тому времени, когда Джеймсу исполняется 10 лет, он уже знает, что он — последний в роду. Его эксперименты с собственным даром окончились трагически для всех остальных Фурлонгов. Напуганный до смерти, он старается понять, что за уникальный дар передан ему в качестве единственного наследства его рода. В ужасе от своих смертельных для окружающих способностей, Джеймс скрывается в лесу, надеясь, никогда в жизни больше не встречать людей. Но однажды его многолетняя добровольная ссылка в глухих лесах прерывается появлением странной девушки Мэй, которая вовсе не боится полудикого незнакомца.
The Words
Production Design
On his way to a nameless destination, a man decides to stop by his father's house. The awkwardness of the relationship between the man and his old and ill father marks an ordinary visit that could very well be their last.
Production Design
In the year 60 B.C. a group of Druids, including the arch-druid Guttuart (Max von Sydow), witness the passing of a comet and interpret it as the sign of the coming of a king for their country Gaul, which has not had a king for a long time. Guttuart goes to Gergovia, the capital of the Arvenes tribe, to attend a meeting of Gallic tribal chieftains. The young boy Vercingetorix, along with his friend the young girl Eponia, sneak into a large cavern where Celtill, Vercingetorix's father and chieftain of the Arvenes, hosts the meeting of chieftains with the intention of proclaiming himself king of all Gauls. When Celtill shows off the crown once worn by the old kings of Gaul, an arrow from two Roman spies (dressed as Gauls) hits Celtill in the back.
Set Decoration
In the year 60 B.C. a group of Druids, including the arch-druid Guttuart (Max von Sydow), witness the passing of a comet and interpret it as the sign of the coming of a king for their country Gaul, which has not had a king for a long time. Guttuart goes to Gergovia, the capital of the Arvenes tribe, to attend a meeting of Gallic tribal chieftains. The young boy Vercingetorix, along with his friend the young girl Eponia, sneak into a large cavern where Celtill, Vercingetorix's father and chieftain of the Arvenes, hosts the meeting of chieftains with the intention of proclaiming himself king of all Gauls. When Celtill shows off the crown once worn by the old kings of Gaul, an arrow from two Roman spies (dressed as Gauls) hits Celtill in the back.
Лесной царь
Art Direction
Француз Абель Тиффож отбирал детей в элитный тренировочный лагерь, не осознавая, что готовит их к войне.
Похититель радуги
Production Design
Мелкий воришка, надеясь «найти горшок с золотом там, где заканчивается радуга», пытается войти в доверие к наследнику огромного состояния. Однако, старый миллионер оказывается хитрее всех, оставив все свое имущество собачкам и хозяйке борделя…
Production Design
Attorney Henry Strauss grew up in Germany, but left the country with his Jewish family during the rise of the Third Reich. Still wondering about what happened to his boyhood friend Konradin Von Lohenburg, Strauss travels back to Germany for the first time since he was a young man, bringing up some painful memories.
The Bengali Night
Art Direction
Allan is an engineer working in 1930s Calcutta. He is invited to stay with the family of his boss, Narendra Sen which includes his wife, Indira and daughter Gayatri. Gayatri and Allan become romantically involved leading to tragedy.