Sven Rudestedt

Sven Rudestedt


Sven Rudestedt


Земляничная поляна
Sound Mixer
78-летний профессор из Стокгольма вспоминает и пересматривает разочарования своей долгой жизни. Вместе с женой сына он едет на машине на вручение почетной докторской степени, посещая по пути места, где был молод, встречая разных людей и старых знакомых, вспоминая сны и былое.
Summer Place Wanted
Sound Mixer
Married couple have romantic interludes in the summer, she at their summer cottage, him in the apartment in town.
The Glass Mountain
Sound Mixer
The successful glass artist Stellan Sylvester ends up in the hospital after a car accident. He looks back at his life and finds it empty and meaningless. He falls in love with the nurse Marta but when he finds out that she engaged life turns out to be even more meaningless.
The Great Adventure
A vixen mother invades a chicken coop to provide food for her cubs. She continues to raid the coop until she is shot by a farmer. The cubs are attacked by the farmer and only one survives. An otter trapped in a burrow is rescued by 10-year-old Anders and his six-year-old brother, Kjell. In secret, the boys cage the animal and finally domesticate it. They obtain food for the Otter by fishing through the ice on a frozen lake. The boys manage to keep their secret from their family. On the eve of the May Day festival, Kjell reveals to family and friends the otter's presence. Anders is so distressed that he runs into the woods with the otter. The otter breaks away and returns to its life of natural freedom. The film was a prize winner at the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
Лето с Моникой
Sound Mixer
Влюбленные Моника и Харри бегут из города, чтобы уединиться на природе. Проходит время, у них даже появляется ребенок. Но недопонимание и бытовые проблемы молодой семьи начинают рушить идиллию в их отношениях, грозя разлучить пару раз и навсегда.
Женщины ждут
Sound mixer
Ракель, Марта, Карин и Аннетт замужем за четырьмя братьями. Ожидая своих супругов в летнем коттедже, каждая из них рассказывает свою историю.
Летняя игра
Sound Mixer
Мари - юная балерина, которая встречает богатого мальчика Хенрика, студента колледжа и влюбляется в него. Через некоторое время с Хенриком происходит несчастный случай - у него повреждения головы и тела, которые приводят к его смерти. Много лет спустя Мари размышляет над ошибками, которые она сделала в жизни после смерти своего любимого Хенрика.
This Can't Happen Here
Sound Mixer
Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, a local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death of one of the refugees. Natas has a list of agents operating in the host country and wants to sell them to the Americans. However before he can do so, Vera tries to kill him, after an argument about getting her parents out of Liquidatzia.
Sound Mixer
Ян-Эрик Видгрен — ученик старших классов в средней шведской школе, в которой все боятся преподавателя латыни с характерной кличкой Калигула. Ян-Эрик встречается с девушкой Бертой, работающей в табачной конторе и влюбляется в неё. Однажды она сознаётся, что её преследует один садист, но умалчивает, что это — Калигула.
Just a Trumpeter
An army musician is mistaken for a company manager and fall in love.
Sara Learns Manners
Day to day life for an aristocratic family is upended when they lose their fortune and their housekeeper suddenly receives a large inheritance.
65, 66, and Me
Wholesaler Pettersson ends up in the military after being mixed up with a soldier on the run, who has stolen his identity.
It Pays to Advertise!
Mr. Miller is the CEO of a big soap company whose son Henry like to spend his father's money but isn't interesting in working. Henry's laziness makes Mr. Miller upset and stressed out, so he assigns his young secretary (who the son also is in love with) to figure out a way to make Henry work and she will get 10,000 crowns ($1000). But things doesn't really to turn out the way Mr. Miller imagined.
Samvetsömma Adolf
Operetta singer Adolf Berg will be called up for military duty just as he gets assigned a major role in an operetta. On the train he meets Ulla Wern and complications occur.