Jørgen Reenberg

Jørgen Reenberg

Рождение : 1927-11-08,


Jørgen Reenberg


Я – Дина
Merchant #1
Дина была еще совсем маленькой, когда случившееся по ее вине несчастье навсегда отвернуло от нее отца. Девочка жила в полнейшем одиночестве, и только забота друга семьи Джейкоба смогла остановить ее прогрессирующее безумие. Дина выросла и превратилась в красавицу, но так и осталась для всех странной девушкой, от которой можно ждать самых невероятных выходок. Однако влюбленного в нее Джейкоба это не пугало несмотря на значительную разницу в возрасте и общественное мнение, он женится на Дине. Что не принесет счастья ни ей, ни ему…
Max Hartmann
В 1945 году молодой немец Леопольд Кесслер считал, что война закончилась, и приехал из Америки в оккупированную союзниками Германию с самыми лучшими намерениями. Он устроился работать проводником в железнодорожной компании и думал, что теперь жизнь пойдет как по рельсам…
Волк на пороге
Овири — это «Дикарь». Так звали знаменитого французского художника-постимпрессиониста Поля Гогена, когда он жил на Таити. Фильм посвящен последним годам жизни и творчества Гогена после возвращения в Париж, где он не находит ни счастья, ни денег.
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person. The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life. He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.
Watch Your Back, Professor!
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.
Good and Evil
Jørgen Leth can squeeze poetry from a stone and wit from dust, and he can find love where the milk of human kindness runs dry. In a series of tableaux of Life in Denmark, he carries absurdism to a happy extreme. To act out his minuscule non-dramas, he uses a motley crew of professional actors like Ghita Nørby and Claus Nissen, writer Dan Turéll plus a snake charmer, a bicycle racer and a circus queen.
Dr. Falka
I, A Woman
Dr. Dam
Liv is a frankly sexual being. She finds herself in a series of sexual relationships with men who, she says, fall too much in love with her and become opressive. Finally she meets a man who is very much like her, but that brings its own problems.
Skovrider Berg
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Indenfor murene
Løgn og løvebrøl
Tom Thomsen
Flemming and Kvik
Anton Winther
A Danish movie about the life of Flemming and his best friend Kvik.
Skibet er ladet med
Musikforlægger Peter Bangel
"The ship is loaded with" four angry young men, an original skipper, a fashion model, a radio station, a pirate flag and various musical instruments. And the ship is at anchor in international waters and can not sail forward or backward. On the other hand it can emit radio advertising, and it does.
6-Day Race
Otto Bertelsen
Semi documentary on a famous cycle race in Copenhagen. The story is about the competition between the riders as well as about their private and marital struggles.
Krudt og klunker
Be Dear to Me
Lærer Harting
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
Ild og jord
Father of Four
Jørgen Stæhr - skolelærer
Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children
Søren Holm, præst
-Søren Holm bliver præst i den lille by Harslev. Sognerådsformanden fru Andersen blander sig i præstefamiliens privatliv, og da Søren, for at komme i tale med byens mandlige ungdom, spiller med i en fodboldkamp, bliver fru Andersen gal. Halvdelen af sognet vender Søren ryggen. Men Søren gør et godt arbejde for ungdommen og efterhånden bliver han med degnens mellemkomst både accepteret af sognerådet og af byens ungdom.
I gabestokken
We Want a Child
Else and her husband want a child but Else can't have one following an abortion performed before she got married. When Jytte, her friend, a salesgirl who is the mistress of a married man, tells her she is pregnant, Else thinks she has worked things out: along with her husband she will adopt the unwanted child. But things turn out differently since Jytte decides to keep the newborn the moment she sets eyes on it.
3 years after
Henrik, Visteds Søn
Soya's satirist take on variations of Danes, who willingly or unwillingly came to deal with German troops during the five year Second World War occupation.