Arthur, a young boy with a wild imagination, develops a preoccupation with death and disease and begins to explore mortality in the vivid images he sees in the movies and through a strange visitor from the past.
Arthur, a young boy with a wild imagination, develops a preoccupation with death and disease and begins to explore mortality in the vivid images he sees in the movies and through a strange visitor from the past.
Arthur, a young boy with a wild imagination, develops a preoccupation with death and disease and begins to explore mortality in the vivid images he sees in the movies and through a strange visitor from the past.
В мегаполисе поющих кошек талантливый поэт по уши влюбляется в одну обворожительную сирену. Но одним чудесным днём в райском уголке появилась мистическая личность, похитившая музу нашего героя. Главный герой должен спасти свою любимую и прекратить таинственные похищения…
В мегаполисе поющих кошек талантливый поэт по уши влюбляется в одну обворожительную сирену. Но одним чудесным днём в райском уголке появилась мистическая личность, похитившая музу нашего героя. Главный герой должен спасти свою любимую и прекратить таинственные похищения…
A dog falls in love with Chinatown, but begins to believe he is on the menu.
A dog falls in love with Chinatown, but begins to believe he is on the menu.
The Battle of the Bug Bands.
The Battle of the Bug Bands.
A gastronomical, phantasmagorical nightmare from another time about a little-known condition brought on by carnivorous gorging and excess. This ghastly phenomenon sweeps a restaurant during a gargantuan meat-eating feast attended by all those important, resulting in a bout of explosive indigestion. Like a cut-and-paste cautionary tale, "Carnivore Reflux" is the original ode to overeating.
A gastronomical, phantasmagorical nightmare from another time about a little-known condition brought on by carnivorous gorging and excess. This ghastly phenomenon sweeps a restaurant during a gargantuan meat-eating feast attended by all those important, resulting in a bout of explosive indigestion. Like a cut-and-paste cautionary tale, "Carnivore Reflux" is the original ode to overeating.