Masatō Ibu

Masatō Ibu

Рождение : 1949-03-28, Nakano, Tokyo, Japan


Masatō Ibu (伊武 雅刀), born Satoru Murota (室田 悟) is a Japanese actor and voice actor.  He is also sometimes credited as Masato Eve and Masayuki Ibu (伊武 雅之).


Masatō Ibu
Masatō Ibu


Winter Rose
Kenzo Nagahara
Jun Wataguchi lives a lazy, half-hearted life, not going to school, hanging out with half-witted delinquents, and begging money from his friends. His parents, who run a shipping business transporting earth and sand for reclamation by boat, manage to get by, despite the dwindling number of jobs and lack of successors over time. Jun showed no interest in his parents' business, and the father and son hardly ever spoke to each other. One day, one of Jun's friends is attacked by someone and an unexpected person emerges as the culprit.
London no Yamamoto Isoroku
In 1934 (Showa 9), Maj. Gen. Yamamoto Isoroku was ordered to be the chief representative of the preliminary negotiations for the Disarmament Conference to be held in London. If negotiations break down and Japan becomes isolated from the international community, the gap with Britain and the United States will deepen, and it may eventually become a war. Knowing the mighty national power of the United States and thinking that war should be avoided, Yamamoto is forced to make a tough decision with the speculation of senior military personnel who want to withdraw from the disarmament system and hope for a path to arms race. Under such circumstances, Yamamoto comes up with a secret plan!
The Supporting Actors in Byplaywood
In a studio at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Gaku Hamada is struggling to shoot a movie with a dog in the lead role. Enter a huge cast of veteran actors who get involved in misadventures while on set.
Кайдзи: Последняя игра
Кайдзи ждет самое большое приключение в жизни: ему предстоит сыграть в четыре разные игры.
People of the Isono Family ~Ms Sazae 20 years from now~
It's 20 years later and the Isono family is having a rough time. Katsuo is facing a series of professional setbacks. Wakame is having a tough time coming up with original designs. Tarao is in the process of job hunting but can't find what he wants to do. Sazae wants to do her best to return happiness to her family in the face of an impending storm during the Bon Odori competition.
Вторая страна
Flander-ou (voice)
Ю и его лучшие друзья, Хару и Котона, обретают способность перемещаться в волшебный мир.
Les Misérables
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
Yuukai Houtei: Seven Days
Kohaku no yume
a TV drama special based on the life of SUNTORY's founder Shinjiro Torii
Kenji no Honkai
Yoshio Tsutsui
Prosecutor Sakata of the Yonesaki District Public Prosecutors Office and his colleague Shoji are pulled into assisting the Tokyo Office’s Special Investigation Department to investigate influential Diet lawmaker Okouchi and Masumoto of a technical skills foundation. The two men are believed to be involved in a bribery case. But a key witness in this scandal commits suicide, and the next person believed to hold the key to the case, the foundation’s accountant, has disappeared.
Toshio Okabe
In Tokyo, Japan, several grotesque murders take place on rainy days. Detective Sawamura, who is in charge of the case, soon discovers that his own family is connected to the crimes.
Black Widow Business
Sojiro Takeuchi
Kozo Nakase attends meetings for single widowers looking to remarry. He meets Sayoko Takeuchi and eventually marries her. Not longer after their marriage, Kozo Nakase suddenly collapses and dies. Kozo Nakase leaves everything to Sayako. The rest of his family are left out of his will including his daughter Tomomi. Tomomi hires a private investigator, Honda, to find out more about Sayoko.
Gold Woman
Masayoshi Gondo
A female career banker shatters the glass ceiling of a mega bank by disclosing its shady business to light. Tamaki, the Gold Woman, has worked her way up to be appointed General Manager of the office regarded as the General Staff Headquar- ters of the Bank with an assignment to liquidate its subsidiary by laying off 200 employees in total. Such mentally challenging appointment was made via recommendation by her senior colleague Mai, a smart and foxy woman running ahead of Tamaki in her career. With the help of her male colleague, Tamaki, a lone female wolf dares to challenge the all-male executives to prove what a true business person is all about.
Девочка в матроске и автомат: выпускной
Хоши Изуми ещё только учится в школе, однако в прошлом возглавляла небольшую группировку якудза. После того, как она отомстила убийце своего дяди, банда была распущена. Теперь Изуми живёт обычной жизнью - учится в школе, подрабатывает в кафе менеджером. Однако, спокойная жизнь длится недолго, и опасность снова настигает Изуми.
Fate of a Prosecutor
Yoshio Tsutsui
Hirotoshi Honda, a teacher of a prestigious private girl’s high school, is arrested on suspicion of violating the nuisance prevention ordinance for molestation on a train and sent to prosecutor Sakata. High school student Reina claims he touched her buttocks in the packed train but Honda denies the crime and calls it a fabrication and claims he was blackmailed by Reina on the train platform. Reina denies his allegation. Even for a misdemeanor, Sakata believes not pursuing the truth is like death as a prosecutor.
A Stitch of Life
Ichie is the owner of a dressmaking shop. Her grandmother started the shop and now Ichie runs the business. Her clothes are made with an old sewing machine and are very popular. Following her grandmother’s will, Ichie only makes clothes for individuals and turns down offers to turn her clothing into a brand.
Time Trip App
Noriatsu Oosaki
In 1868, a battle between new government forces and shogunate forces are about to take place in Edo. Katsu Kaishu (Hiroshi Tamaki) wants to avoid useless bloodshed and sends a peace envoy to Takamori Saigō, but Katsu Kaishu is unable to get a response from Takamori Saigō. One day, Katsu Kaishu meets high school teacher Mikako (Satomi Ishihara) and her student Masaya who is captivated by the shogunate. Mikako and her student Masaya tells Katsu Kaishu that they are from the future. Katsu Kaishu takes care of Mikako and her student Masaya, while Mikako hopes to go back to the future where she came from.
Miracle classroom
Yanagi Chusuke
Yanagi Shuji is terrible at being a monk, as he just wants to have fun all the time. His father is the Chief Monk of the Yagira Temple, and Shuji is expected to take over the role eventually.Unfortunately, Shuji is not only not cut out to be a monk, one day, he becomes deep in debt... 10 million yen's worth! In order to repay his loan, he decides to take on the job of teaching literature at a prep school. To be able to earn big bucks, he has to be a charismatic teacher, one that is popular with the students and be in demand all the time. To that end, Shuji decides to put on a bright yellow suit, and help his students learn through comedy and funny jokes.
Pandora: Eternal life
Michitake Sakakibara
Геном опасности
Sato Eisuke Hakase
Зайдя домой, Исигами находит в комнате с зажженными свечами труп своей жены. А следом в квартиру вламывается двое неизвестных, но Исигами удается сбежать. Находясь в бегах, он встречает корейского репортера Кан Джи Вон, проявившую интерес к его тяжелому положению и предложившую свою помощь. Мужчина крайне удивлен тем, что свободно говорит по-корейски, ведь он уверен, что не знает языка, да и воспоминания какие-то смутные о прошлой жизни. Кто же он на самом деле? Считая себя обычным японским служащим, мужчина вскоре узнает, что на самом деле он кореец по имени О Джин У, участвовавший в разработке нового фармацевтического препарата...
Seicho Matsumoto's Black Gospel
Narrator (voice)
In 1959, a body of a flight attendant of an international airline is found, strangled. Detective Rokuro Fujisawa takes charge of the investigation with a young detective Ichimura and his investigations lead him to Father Tolbeck as a suspect. But the police are forced to move very discreetly as the time was right after the Second World War, when a sensitive situation that involves Western people and religion is likely to become an international issue. The investigation leads to an unexpected discloser of a shadowy business behind the church that reflects the uncertainty of the time.
Темный дворецкий
Shinpei Kuzo
Фильм переносит нас в недалекое будущее, а точнее в 2020 год. Влиятельный человек Сиори Генбо возглавляет одну из самых могущественных корпораций в мире. Сиори является потомком одной семьи из Англии с благородными корнями. Его дочке однажды понадобился свой личный дворецкий. Аристократ призывает демонического дворецкого, так как делали это его предки... Но дочка его опережает, она вызывает демона, заплатив за это свою душу, и не знает, что темный дворецкий — это тотальный кошмар, который начнет преследовать и убивать всех, кто станет у них на пути, даже если это будет ее отец и его многочисленная армия помощников и боевиков. Сможет ли девушка остановить демона... ?
Eve in Love
mysterious man
Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao Nanami works in the gift wrapping section of a department store.
The Serialist
Ippei Akabane (Takaya Kamikawa) is an unpopular novelist. He barely makes ends meet writing serials novels under different pen names. Daigo Kurei (Shinji Takeda) is on death row. He killed four women twelve years ago. During his murdering spree, he sent pictures of his decapitated victims with flower decoration to the police. The murders and photos caused widespread panic in Japan. One day, Ippei is contacted by Daigo from prison. He asks Ippei if he wants to interview him and write his memoirs. Soon, more women are killed in the same grisly manner as the serial murders from twelve years ago. Now, Ippei becomes the prime suspect of the police and Ippei must quickly find the real murderer. Based on the novel "The Serialist" by David Gordon (published by Simon & Schuster; Original edition on March 9, 2010).
Kozo Mikami
Акинори Кимура и его жена Мико решают заняться яблоневым садом в родном городе Хиросаки. Из-за аллергической реакции Мико на пестициды, Акинори приходится выращивать яблоки без помощи химикатов. По этой причине их семья терпит серьезные финансовые трудности. Но чудо случается...
Соломенный щит
Kenji Sekiya
Нинагава является влиятельным человеком в японской политике и главным по экономическим связям. Его внучку убивают. Подозреваемый — Киомару, у которого есть судимость за нападение и убийство девушки 8 лет назад.
Koichi Kido
Фильм рассказывает о днях, последовавших за капитуляцией Японии во Второй мировой войне, когда правителем Страны Восходящего солнца де-факто являлся генерал Даглас МакАртур. Одному из экспертов-японистов, генералу Боннеру Феллерсу, поручено найти ответ на непростой вопрос: следует ли признать японского императора Хирохито военным преступником и повесить?
Train Brain Express
Shoichi Satono
Real estate company employee Komachi and steelworks heir Kodama are both train aficionados. Their hobby proves useful for their burgeoning careers, but their romantic fortunes do not go as smoothly. Will the awkward Kodama and the indecisive Komachi find the loves of their lives?
The Woodsman and the Rain
A widowed lumberjack's life is turned upside down when a film crew shooting a zombie movie asks for his help and increasingly starts to rely on him.
Полицейский пес: Собачья работа
С самого детства Хаякава мечтал пойти по стопам отца и работать детективом. Но из-за очередной глупой выходки он попадает в кинологический отряд, где его напарником становиться пёс по имени Широ. Вместе им предстоит поймать таинственного подрывателя, объявившего настоящую войну Токио.
KochiKame - The Movie: Save the Kachidoki Bridge!
Daijiro Ohara
Police Officer Kankichi Ryotsu (Shingo Katori) is back at the Kameari Park Polic Box. Kankichi Ryotsu usually means to do well, but more often than not he ends up causing all kinds of trouble. Like on his way to work he away when he is asked to pay up by a shop owner or cheats an elementary school student. Ryotsu's co-workers Reiko Catherine Akimoto (Karina) and Keiichi Nagakawa (Mokomichi Hayami) have had about all they can take from Kankichi and his boss Ohara (Masato Ibu) is constantly berating him.
Murder in the Kairotei
Sosuke Ichigahara
A woman (Takako Tokiwa) risks her life to exact revenge for her murdered lover.
Scabbard Samurai
Kanjuro Nomi is an aging samurai who only has a scabbard. Deserting his lord to wander the land with his daughter Tae, Kanjuro is captured and sentenced to an unusual punishment: he has 30 days to bring a smile to the sad prince who has lost his mother — or else he must die.
Detective Conan: The Mystery of the Legendary Monster Bird
Juzo Megure
This story takes place 100 days before Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective, arrives in Jugoya Town with Mori Ran and others. In this town a legend exists, claiming that a gigantic bull-headed shrike attacks the townspeople and kills them. The town was about to hold a festival in 3 days to put the giant bird's spirit to rest. While being led on a tour of the bull-headed shrike Shrine by Sonoko's parent's friend, Mr. Wakura, a crime related to the legend occurs. Starting with Kosaka, member of the Wakura family are slowly murdered in the same way...
Tetsuo Ohmori
Neco-Ban: Cats in Your Life
Neco-Ban Cats In Your Life is a short and quiet story about a grumpy old man, his sleepy granddaughter, and the many, many cats that show up in their country home. Ibu Masato frowns away as a proud, retired man with a bad back and a chip on his shoulder about his wife and daughter leaving him at home. He barely speaks out loud, but through narrative voiceover we hear his obsession with time, his grievances with being bored and alone, his concern for appearances, and his crabby curiosity about all the cats running amuck in the house. Through a small, ridiculous turn of events, he ends up stranded on his roof with no way down. The myriad helpless facial expressions the veteran actor rolls out during his attempts to get back down are absolutely hilarious. Who knew an old man on a roof could be so funny?
Chushingura〜Sono Otoko, Oishi Kuranosuke
In the spring of Genroku 14 (1701), Oishi Kuranosuke (Tamura Masakazu), the chief retainer of the Asano family in Ako domain is shocked to learn that his feudal lord, Asano Takumi-no-kami Naganori (Tamayama Tetsuji), had stabbed Kira Kozukenosuke Yoshinaka (Nishida Toshiyuki), the master of ceremonies, at Edo castle. Lord Asano was ordered to commit ritual suicide and the Ako clan abolished. Facing up to the gravity of this unfair ruling, since only one party was being punished instead of both as would be usual, Oishi decides to lead the loyal former retainers in an attack on Lord Kira so that he could take Kira’s head to his lord’s gravesite so that Lord Asano could finally rest in peace.
The Last Ronin
16 years after the fateful "revenge of the Forty-seven Ronin," involving samurais from the Ako domain who avenged their leader and then commited seppuku (ritual suicide), the sole survivor of that incident, Kichiemon Terasaka (Koichi Sato) traverses the country on a mission. His purpose is to find the families of the fallen samurais and spread the truth of the ronin uprising.
2199: Космическая одиссея
Desler (voice)
Космический линкор «Ямато» отправляется в опасную космическую экспедицию. Его цель — планета Искандер, которая является последней надеждой разоренной и отравленной радиацией, планеты Земля. Война с далекими пришельцами не прошла бесследно: бескрайние пустыни и разрушенные города, повсеместные мутации, высокий радиационный уровень атмосферы. Планета Искандер хранит нейтрализатор и только он может помочь нашей Родине…
2199: Космическая одиссея
Космический линкор «Ямато» отправляется в опасную космическую экспедицию. Его цель — планета Искандер, которая является последней надеждой разоренной и отравленной радиацией, планеты Земля. Война с далекими пришельцами не прошла бесследно: бескрайние пустыни и разрушенные города, повсеместные мутации, высокий радиационный уровень атмосферы. Планета Искандер хранит нейтрализатор и только он может помочь нашей Родине…
Sakurada Gate Incident
Mito Domain Samurai Seki Tetsunosuke must pay the consequences for his role in the assassination of Great Elder Ii Naosuke. Based on true events.
Нодамэ Кантабиле: Фильм второй
Tatsumi Mine
Во второй части Чиаки поступит интересное предложение от старой знакомой. Чувства обиды и несправедливости переполнят Нодамэ и заставят совершить непредвиденные поступки. Главным героям предстоит разобраться в своих чувствах и желаниях…
The Negotiator: The Movie
Mikio Kudo
¥ 260,000,000 is stolen from armored vehicle. The criminals escape into a crowded shopping mall and take over 50 hostages. Reiko Usagi (Ryoko Yonekura) and the SIT members are called in to break the stand-off. When Reiko goes into the shopping mall to negotiate, an explosion suddenly occurs. The hostages panic and run, while the criminals are able to blend into crowd of people and escape. A few weeks later, Reiko is at the Haneda Airport to go on a vacation. She then spots Yusuke Kimoto (Kento Hayashi), a man who was one of the hostages at the shopping mall. Reiko remembers Yusuke's bizarre behavior and her instinct starts kicking in. She decides to follow the man and boards the airplane that Yusuke is taking. Shortly after take-off her instincts prove correct. The airplane is hijacked ...
Нодамэ Кантабиле: Фильм первый
Mine Tatsumi
Чиаки выигрывает международный конкурс и становится новым дирижером оркестра Ру Марле. Он отправляется с Франком на выступление оркестра и наблюдает удручающее зрелище. Видимо, из-за недостатка финансирования оркестр потерял часть музыкантов и интерес аудитории…
Жена Вийона
Сати, жене популярного писателя Отани, приходится не только воспитывать сына, но и спасать семейный бюджет от вреда, нанесенного расточительным мужем. Чтобы выплатить его долги, она поступает на работу в бар. В нее влюбляются два постоянных клиента — молодой Окада, поклонник творчества ее мужа, и адвокат Цудзи, в которого она прежде сама была влюблена. Отани мучается ревностью, у него творческий кризис. Он предлагает своей любовнице Акико совершить двойное самоубийство…
Rookies the Movie: Graduation
Yoshio Murayama
Futakotamagawa High School had a Baseball Club, but because of a fight during one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games. Composed of student delinquents, Futakotamagawa High's new Literature teacher Kawato Koichi inspires the Baseball Club to believe in a dream goal once again. For them, it is to play at the Koshien - Japan's National High School Baseball Championship. But, Kawato Koichi and the newly reformed baseball team run into plenty of obstacles along the way...
Ieyasu Tokugawa
1582 год. Великий Ода Нобунага пал от руки своего некогда верного вассала Мицухидэ Акечи. Но и его судьба была предрешена — Тойотоми Хидэёси взял власть в стране в свои руки. Он провёл чёткую грань между самураями и крестьянами, в результате чего пропасть между богатыми и бедными стала как никогда шире. Но 15 лет спустя в стране появился человек, который встал на защиту крестьян в неравной борьбе с правительством. Этим человеком стал великий ниндзя Исикава Гоемон. Тайны прошлой жизни свели его с другим не менее легендарным ниндзя — Киригакурэ Сайзо. Кто же победит в этой борьбе?
What the War Meant
Shigetaro Shimada
The drama stars Beat Takeshi as General Hideki Tojo, who served as Prime Minister of Japan during World War II and was later executed as a war criminal. The story's theme is said to be a look at how the Pacific War began, focusing mostly on the three month period between the Imperial Conference (Gozen Kaigi) on September 6, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
I Want to Be a Shellfish
Commander Onoe
1944, in the depths of World War II. Toyomatsu Shimizu is a completely typical barber from a remote sea-side town who lives frugally but happily with his wife Fusae and their five-year-old son. Eventually, though, the army beckons and he is drafted. One day an officer on the battle-field orders him to kill a captive U.S. soldier. Although Toyomatsu lacks the spirit to kill the man, and only wounds him in the arm, the victorious U.S. soldiers will not accept this, and Toyomatsu is arrested and tried as a war-criminal. And he receives the cruelest sentence possible...
Ахиллес и черепаха
Akio Kikuta
Фильм рассказывает о жизни живописца по имени Матису, который не отказывается от своей мечты быть художником, несмотря на отсутствие успеха.
Моя девушка - киборг
Дзиро, обычный студент колледжа, вел ничем непримечательную жизнь до тех пор, пока не появилась Она. Невероятно привлекательная с нечеловечески холодным взглядом в облегающем сером костюме аниме-персонажа Она перевернула его жизнь с ног на голову. Она оказалась киборгом, которую послал в прошлое восьмидесятилетним Дзиро, чтобы защитить себя-настоящего от ранения в перестрелке в ресторане. По мере того, как Она обретает человеческие эмоции, Дзиро начинает понимать, что влюбляется в нее, но девушка скрывает кое-что, что должно случиться в будущем.
Детектив Конан: Возвращение Кудо Шиничи! Разборки с Черной Организацией!
Keiji Tamagawa
Конкурс Мисс Япония подошёл к концу и победительница уже известна. В честь этого события корпорация Сузуки устраивает званый вечер, в своём новом отеле "Колокол". Но не всё так безоблачно, как кажется на первый взгляд. Перед выступлением девушка получает письмо с угрозой. Ран, Конан, Профессор и Хайбара начинают расследовать инцидент, но повара отеля решают удивить гостей, добавив в пирожные немного байдара - очищенного кансайского ликёра, а новая королева красоты погибает у всех на глазах. И теперь уже Шиничи и Шихо расследуют убийство, спасаясь от Джина и Водки, пришедших по душу Шерри.
Walking My Life
A 48-year-old company chief, Yukihiro Fujiyama (Koji Yakusho) goes to a hospital. There he discovered that he has got terminal lung cancer and will die within half a year. He declines any treatment and decides to go to see some people he has not met for years, to write farewell letters to his family, relatives and friends...
Hissatsu Shigotonin 2007
Toriyama Kageoki
A violent fire one evening kills a husband and wife couple and burns their Kazusaya rice shop to ashes. Their daughter Sachi manages to make it out alive, but she claims the fire was set by henchmen from the rival Harimaya shop who abducted her sister. After policeman Watanabe Shogoro hears her story, he begins investigating the case, but desperate to avenge her parents' deaths, Sachi later enlists the aid of a mysterious woman who offers to kill Harimaya for a price. Watanabe soon discovers that there is more to this case than meets the eye.
Банзай, режиссер!
Narrator (voice)
Виртуозная клюква. Суп и алкогольный коктейль в одном флаконе от пожилого и талантливого японского парализованного клоуна, жонглирующего семью чудесными жанрами одновременно. Китано упорно, входя в ту же воду (комедия) доказывет, что его чувство юмора универсально, а талант в его возрасте смешивается с самоироничным живительным шоу-маразмом естественным человечным способом.
За тех, кого мы любим
Vice Admiral Takijiro Onishi
Этот фильм рассказывает о тех людях, кому начальством и судьбой был приготовлен билет в один конец, о том, как они жили, чем дышали, как любили, как их готовили и как они умирали в самоубийственных атаках во славу императора.
Bubble Fiction: Boom or Bust
It's 2007 and the Japanese Ministry of Finance have calculated that the economy will collapse in two years' time. They intend to prevent this by sending home appliance designer Mariko back in time 17 years using a time machine she accidentally invented. However, things don't go as planned and Mariko's daughter, Mayumi, is also sent back to find her mother and save Japan's economy.
Kindachi Kosuke: The Devil Comes and Blows the Whistle
Tales of the Bizarre: 2006 Fall Special
***Kyouko-san (Miss Kyouko) A young therapist at a hospital investigates when a spirit appears and kills people who say "Kyouko-san, Kyouko-san, please make me pretty" to the bathroom mirror. ***Buchou OL (Manager-OL) [office lady] An OL and her boss switch bodies. ***Kinou Kouen (Yesterday at the park) Domoto Koichi plays a man who loses his friend due to a freak accident. He then finds that through a time slip, he can return to the previous day and save his friend. ***Neko ga Ongaeshi (Cat Repays a Favor) Kashiwagi Emi (Uchiyama Rina) is unable to get over her grandmother's death. Her cat Kuro decides he will cure her loneliness. ***Kazoku Kaigi (Family Meeting) A family of three meet with a car accident, but strangely wake up in their home the next morning. They are then told that they have to sacrifice one of them so two may live.
Detective Conan Drama Special 1: The Letter of Challenge
Okino Yoko
In order to uphold his title of High School Detective, a teen sleuth must protect his classmates from kidnapping after receiving a threatening letter.
Isamu Hayakawa
A psychologically thrilling portrait of the severe dysfunction behind a family clinging to decorum and pride.
Moyuru Toki: The Excellent Company
Saikano: The Last Love Song on This Little Planet
Based on the Best Selling Anime Series "SAIKANO" Shy coed Chise (played by Aki Maeda from Battle Royale) is madly in love with high school athlete Shuji. The two share a bond which only intensifies when war breaks out in futuristic Japan. But Chise has a secret that - if revealed - would not only destroy her relationship but would also put her life at risk. Chise is not an ordinary teenage girl, she is actually the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, a genetically engineered cyborg built specifically for extreme military use. When she goes into battle, Chise strikes fear in everyone around her, including her own troops. Her boyfriend must never know.
Неудачное ограбление
Два незадачливых грабителя в канун Рождества, переодевшись в парочку бородатых Санта-Клаусов, ограбили банк. Однако, по выходу из банка оказалось, что пути немедленной эвакуации с места преступления отрублены — эвакуатор лишил их скоростного средства передвижения. Не долго думая, горе-грабители рванули в метро и решили избавиться от неопровержимых улик в виде сумки набитой деньгами, спрятав её в одной из кабинок камеры хранения. Но, как можно догадаться, это была не самая лучшая идея…
Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers
Suzume Katagura, a bored housewife, spends her days doing chores and taking care of her husband's pet turtle. One day, she sees a wanted ad for spies. Hoping for some excitement in her life, she decides to give them a call.
Спецназ против самураев. Миссия 1549
Dohsan Saito
В результате строго засекреченного эксперимента с электромагнитным полем группа солдат была случайно заброшена в прошлое, в 1549 год.
Tetsujin 28: The Movie
Keitaro Tanoura
One of the true classic's of anime's much-loved robot genre.
Лорелея: Ведьма Тихого океана
Лето 1945 года. Хиросима и Нагасаки покрыты пеплом. В условиях строжайшей секретности японский флот получает от Германии новую субмарину — лодку, оборудованную секретным оружием «Система Лорелея». С его помощью японские подводники должны предотвратить новые атомные бомбардировки…
Годзилла: Финальные войны
Xilian General
21-й век стал последним в жизни многих крупнейших городов мира. Добрый десяток всяческих гигантских монстров на куски разнес Париж и Сидней, Нью-Йорк и Шанхай. Организация Объединенных Наций срочно собирается для обсуждения главного вопроса: как уцелеть в этой жуткой схватке с чудовищами… И тут совершенно неожиданно к Земле приближается огромный летающий объект, представители которого сообщают, что нашей планете осталось существовать вполне определенный и очень короткий срок. Потому что из глубин космоса к Земле летит комета, после столкновения с которой наступит натуральный конец света… А между тем во льдах Антарктиды спит мирным сном Годзилла…
The Hotel Venus
In a strange alienated world there is a secret hotel in a shabby diner called the Venus Café, harboring some unusual people where compelling secrets lie in each resident's heart. Torturing secrets that have broken their emotional boundaries in the past. In this bittersweet, heart-wrenching story, there lives a man by the name of Chonan (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) who lives in the attic and works as a waiter or handyman at the hotel. Room 1 is shared by two residents; an incapable alcoholic and an illegal doctor named Doctor (Teruyuki Kagawa) and Wife (Miki Nakatani) who used to be a nurse but now works as a hostess living in the hopes of Doctor's recuperation. In Room 3 lives a bubbly girl by the name of Soda (Jo Eun Ji), who came from a deserted town where no one flowers flourished and has a dream to open her own flower shop. Finally, Room 4, occupied by a challenging young boy by the name of Boy (Lee Joon Gi), who carries around a gun longing to become a strong man and wishes to some day.
Locomotive Teacher
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to teach again on a small island where his mother was born. The children there on the island quickly name him "Kikansha Sensei" (Teacher Locomotive) after learning he is mute. The parents on the island are mostly hostile to Seigo Yoshioka, believing he is incapable of teaching their children. But with Seigo Yoshioka's determination and kindness, a strong bond develops between the students and the mute teacher, which then changes the parents' opinions of Seigo Yoshioka. Suddenly, tragedy then strikes ...
Drugstore Girl
Pharmaceutical student, Keiko witnesses her boyfriend having an affair. Shocked and disappointed, she jumps on a train ("destination anywhere, east or west, she don't care") and ends up in a town named Masao in Tokyo's remote suburbs. There, she gets a part-time job at a newly opened drugstore. What do ya know.. The local shopping district's middle-aged men all fall for the young girl's charms, and they start practicing lacrosse once they have found out that that's her favourite sport.
Koichi Enoki
An ordinary salary man, Junosuke, goes in search of his lover, Miharu, who disappeared one night when she handed him the key to her room, and promised to be back in five minutes. She had only gone out to buy apples at the nearby convenience store, because Junosuke has one for breakfast every morning. Slightly drunk from the cocktail he had had earlier, Junosuke falls asleep, and wakes up the next morning to find that Miharu had never returned.
The Negotiator
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Nagamasa Asano
В одном из уединенных монастырей, путем жесткого отбора и специальных тренировок создавалась каста профессиональных убийц. Десять выпускников сошлись в смертельной схватке. В живых останутся лучшие. Ей предназначена миссия по предотвращению гражданской войны путем уничтожения правителей трех провинций. Но время было упущено и теперь Азуми предстоит сражение с огромной армией последнего правителя…
Мой дедушка
Ryuzo Hikita
Кэндзо Годай выходит из тюрьмы, где он отбывал 13-летний срок. Его внучка, Тамако, поначалу шокированная манерами и поведением Кэндзо, постепенно привыкает к нему и начинает звать его «дедушкой». Освобождения Кэндзо из тюрьмы с нетерпением ожидает босс местного клана якудза Хикита, мечтающий расправиться с ним. Кэндзо оказался в тюрьме за убийство подручных Хикиты, которое он совершил, чтобы отомстить за смерть своего друга, павшего от руки Хикиты. Гангстеры похищают Тамако, но Кэндзо удается спасти ее, после чего бывшие враги решают забыть прошлую вражду.
At the turn of the 20th Century amongst tension between China and Japan, a Japanese swindler in Shanghai plans to profit by selling weapons. He steals arms from the Japanese military and sells them to the rich Chinese.
YMCA Baseball Team
Hidenori Nomura
Hochang accidentally sees missionaries and Jeongrim play baseball at the YMCA hall. He falls in love with Jeongrim, and takes interest in baseball. As a result, he gathers people to form the first YMCA baseball team of Joseon.
The Choice of Hercules
Chief Constable Noma
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of diffusing the situation. But the task had its challenges. Upon arriving in mountainous Nagano, Sassa had to compete with freezing winter temperatures, conflicting opinions between the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and the Nagano Prefectural Police, as well as public opinion to gain entrance to the lodge that held the single woman captive.
金融腐蝕列島 再生
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
Drowning Fish
Shuji Ishimaki
When corporate executives are blackmailed into public displays of nudity on the busy streets of Shinjuku, the big guns are called out to locate "Oboreru Sakana". The "big guns" are a misfit duo of ethically questionable characters who must infiltrate a gay nightclub and "fit in" while they search for clues. What ensues is both hilarious and action-packed. Oboreru Sakana is a rather ambitious and often hilarious contemporary crime thriller. Its narrative swings from the grisly to the humorous and pulls in as many pop culture elements as it can manage.
Годзилла против Мегагируса: Команда на уничтожение
Motohiko Sugiura
Чтобы сражаться с Годзиллой, японские ученые сконструировали два новых вида оружия — высокотехнологичный корабль Грифон и устройство «Приливная волна». Испытание «Приливной волны» совпадает по времени с появлением Мегануронов — стрекозообразных существ, которые питаются энергией человека. Королева Мегагирус, повелительница Мегануронов, монстр высотой метров в 60, готовится напасть на Годзиллу, чтобы поглотить ее энергию. Люди здесь, может показаться, совсем ни при чем, однако от исхода битвы двух супергигантов зависит судьба человечества…
Действие этой захватывающей психологической драмы происходит в Киото в 1865 году. Содзабуро, 18-летний юноша, изящный и стройный, как девушка, поступает в отряд самураев императора. Он не знает женской любви. Юноша Содзабуро бесстрашен, блестяще владеет мечом, и его принимают в самурайский "эскадрон смерти" Синсенгуми. Содзабуро ещё не знает, что для самурая любовь и смерть всегда неразделимы. Между Содзабуро Кано и его соперником, хитрым Ташизо, жаждущим главенствующей роли самурая, растёт напряжённость. Противостояние этих двоих повлияет на остальных персонажей, раскрыв давно подавленные эмоции...
Police Officer
Альтернативная история. В Японии идет долгая и кровопролитная война. Никто не помнит, кто ее начал, и никому не известно, когда она кончится. Страна в руинах. Молодой помощник режиссера работает на телестудии посреди разбомбленного города. И мечтает снять фильм о правде жизни, и людях, как они есть.
Let's Get Happy
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
Dr. Akagi
At the end of WWII, Japanese doctor Akagi searches for the cure for hepatitis in the prisoner-of-war camp.
Ikiteita Nobunaga
Saitō Toshimitsu
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Masato Yoshiyama
Toki o Kakeru Shōjo set in 1965.
July 7th, Sunny Day
Hinata Mochizuki (Arisa Mizuki) is a superstar in the pop music scene, and Kenta Yamabe (Masato Hagiwara) is a very ordinary office worker. One day, the two meet, and then fell in love. However, due to the influence of various external factors, the relationship between the two does not go smoothly.
Coo of The Far Seas
Tetsurou Obata (voice)
After a storm hits their island, Yusuke (driving his jet-ski) finds a baby dinosaur. He show it to his dad, they keep it and call it Coo. But there are other parties interested in a 65 million year old creature...
Akuemon (voice)
A fortuneteller tells Hidari Taisho that he must hunt down 1000 foxes in order to conquer the country. So Akuemon, who is disliked by everybody, is hired to do the foxhunting. In response, the foxes send a female fox to Akuemon's house disguised as his wife. A story unfolds between Akuemon, who has never loved anyone, and the female fox, who slowly discovers true love in him even while tormented by sorrow over her comrades' death. This is the 6th work in "The Lion Books" series. It is also the first attempt by visualist Tezuka Makoto, Tezuka's older son, to render an original of his father's into an animated version.
Set in Osaka's Shinsekai, the film depicts the lives of Ayumu Tobita (Hidekazu Akai), who makes a living as a shogi gambler (shinken-shi), and Ryuzo Kayama (Masaya Kato) who aims to become a professional player.
Tales of the Bizarre: Vol. 2
リトルシンドバッド 小さな冒険者たち
Story about the adventures and the friendship of two Japanese-Malaysian boys.
Mikadroid: Robokill Beneath Disco Club Layla
During World War II, the Japanese military established a secret underground laboratory in Tokyo. Three Olympic-level athletes were selected to undergo a process that would turn them into Jinra-go, superhuman armored soldiers. By March 1945, one of the soldiers had been completely transformed into the half man/half machine ultimate soldier called Mikadroid. But American B-29s firebomb the city and, while the two super soldiers manage to escape, Mikadroid and the lab are apparently destroyed. 45 years pass, Tokyo is rebuilt, and old secrets are forgotten. The site is now home to a complex that includes the Discoclub Layla. The disco’s patrons dance late into the night, unaware that a faulty basement generator has reactivated Mikadroid and the cyborg now prowls the basement levels, killing anyone in its path...
A Naive History of the Bakumatsu Era
Isamu Kondo
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, there was a cute warrior, Souji Okita, who belonged to the armed police of the shogunate in Kyoto. Very few knew that Souji was not a boy, but a woman. Souji loved the vice-leader of the armed police, Toshizou Hijikata. Souji suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and coughed up blood during a battle. Toshizou helped her but said that he did not care for the girl with a smell of blood. Souji had a real talent for swordsmanship and no one but Ryouma Sakamoto could compete with her. Ryouma was a liberal intellectual and tried to carry out a revolution without blood. However, the bloody Meiji Restoration broke out and Souji killed Ryouma who lost his dream. Because a friendship had sprung up between Toshizou and Ryouma, Toshizou got angry and slashed at Souji with a sword. Unwillingly, she unsheathed her sword and thought that she might get love if she was killed by the man she loved.
The Most Suitable Profession for Women
Битва самураев
Во времена кровожадного средневековья Японию раздирали феодальные войны. Величайшее в истории сражение развязали враждующие правители соседних провинций. Мудрому и благородному Кагэторе объявил войну честолюбивый Такэда, мечтающий завоевать всю Японию.
Inamura Jane
Swimming Upstream
One day after school, Kaoru glances at Sonoko at the pool side. He falls in love with her at first sight and decides to join the swimming team even though he cannot swim.
Urban Marine Resort Story
A story of love and adventure between a woman who likes water sports and a man who likes boats. Mariko thinks she's just in for a fun vacation when she and her friend Tomoyo discover a missing Korean War plane while scuba diving. Who will find the buried treasure first? Number two in the Hoy Choy Productions trilogy.
Вновь и вновь опасные копы
Така и Юдзи ловят торговца кокаином Огату, чтобы выйти на след его работодателя - короля преступного мира Нагаминэ. Но Огату сначала отпускают из-под стражи, а затем он просит защиты у полиции. Так Така и Юдзи снова оказываются впутаны в передрягу, выбраться из которой им, как всегда, помогут только... шутки!
Labyrinth Romanesque
Based on Edogawa Ranpo Award winner "Hanazono no Meikyu" by Yoko Yamazaki. A serial killing occurs at a port town brothel.
The China Odyssey: Empire of the Sun
Self (uncredited)
Documentary about the making of director Steven Spielberg's film Empire of the Sun
Империя Солнца
Sgt. Nagata
1941 год, Вторая Мировая война. Юный англичанин Джим Грэхем живет в богатой семье в Китае. Японцы вторглись в Шанхай, Джим теряется в толпе и остается без родителей в захваченном городе. Во время скитаний находит друга Бэйзи, с которым попадает в лагерь заключенных.
The Goodbye Girls
Toshio Adachi
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
Twilight of the Cockroaches
Priest (voice)
The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on. In the midst of these high living times, Naomi and Ichiro plan to get married and start a family. But when a hard-bitten stranger roach named Hans appears with news of war with the humans across the lawn, it foretells disruption-not only of Naomi and Ichiro's relationship, but of the hive's entire way of life.
Sequel to "Guys Who Never Learn".
Ellie My Love
Based on the comic by Mako Takami.
Sukeban Deka: The Movie
After the events of the TV series, the 18 year old Yoko Godai has abandoned her special agent Saki Asamiya name to return to her normal life, and is now studying for college entrance exams. However, she accidentally bumps into a young man named Kazuo Hagiwara trying to escape from a group of hitmen, and learns that he comes from Sanko Academy, a private school located in a remote island known as Hell's Castle. The school is ruled by a former revolutionary thought to be dead named Hattori who is trying to brainwash students into terrorists to help him stage a fascist coup d'etat in Japan.
The Gentlemen’s Alliance
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
Женщины, которые не разводятся
Метеоролог Кэйити Иватани живет на Хоккайдо, он не женат, его мучает история, которая произошла с ним 10 лет назад. Постепенно он вовлекается в странную игру с двумя замужними женщинами, которые несчастливы в браке, но не готовы к разводу. В постоянных сомнениях он ездит на поезде из Немуро в Кумасиро и обратно, не в силах порвать ни с одной из них.
Maison Ikkoku - Apartment Fantasy
Travel into Japan's nuttiest apartment house and meet its volatile inhabitants: Kyoko, the beautiful and mysterious new apartment manager; Yusaku, the exam-addled college student; Mrs. Ichinose, the drunken gossip; Kentaro, her bratty son; Akemi, the boozy bar hostess; and the mooching and peeping Mr. Yotsuya.
Monster Heaven
An anthology of strange horror tales featuring yokai. It begins with astronauts finding a katana on the moon.
Sure Death! 3
Third movie in the Hissatsu (Sure Death!) Series. Chasing the killer of a lawman, a group of assassins fall foul of a group of blackmarket financiers who dispatch their own hitmen to dispose of them.
Bakumatsu seishun graffiti: Ronin Sakamoto Ryoma
Hirofumi Ito
COMBA Tennen
Straight to video film directed by Kazuyuki Izutsu
Love Hotel
Customer in a Taxi
After witnessing the rape of his wife, a man's mind snaps and he attacks a prostitute. Two years later, the man and the prostitute meet by chance.
The Legend of the Stardust Brothers
Mystery Man (voice)
A shady music mogul brings together two wannabe stars—punk rock rebel Kan and new-wave crooner Shingo—and transforms them into the Stardust Brothers, a girl-friendly, silver-jumpsuited, synth-pop sensation. Along with their #1 fan, who herself dreams of a music career, the duo rockets to stardom.
Moment of Demon
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Agi, the Fury of Evil
A samurai warrior is terrorised by the demon Agi.
Fine, with Occasional Murders
Shingo Mizuhara, secretary
Kanako returns from the USA to a troubled mother who witnessed a man leaving a murder scene and is consequently under persistent threat. For the time being.
Our Wedding
On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...
Космический линкор Ямато: Последняя глава
Heikuro Todo
Последняя глава в истории о могучем линкоре. К земле приближается неминуемая гибель в лице древней планеты некогда ставшей причиной зарождения жизни на планете Земля. Бесстрашному экипажу приходится вновь сплотить свои ряды дабы не дать свершится древнему пророчеству о гибели родной планеты. Как непобедимый экипаж будет противостоять угрозе? Кто готов встретиться с экипажем вновь и удастся ли справится с новой угрозой? Всё это вы узнаете в этом замечательном фильме!
Космический линкор Ямато: Последняя глава
Последняя глава в истории о могучем линкоре. К земле приближается неминуемая гибель в лице древней планеты некогда ставшей причиной зарождения жизни на планете Земля. Бесстрашному экипажу приходится вновь сплотить свои ряды дабы не дать свершится древнему пророчеству о гибели родной планеты. Как непобедимый экипаж будет противостоять угрозе? Кто готов встретиться с экипажем вновь и удастся ли справится с новой угрозой? Всё это вы узнаете в этом замечательном фильме!
P. P. Rider
Police Tanaka
Three high-school students tangle with indulgent yakuza and lackadaisical police as they set out in search of the class bully, who has been kidnapped.
Cherry Blossoms in Spring
A man looking to transplant cherry blossoms along the countryside encounters a blind woman who accompanies him for the journey.
The Last Hero
Teddy Kataoka
The 8th All-Japan Road Race Championship. The internationally ranked A-level SUGO circuit is on the edge of its seat as the 500 cc final draws near. Akio Kitano and Keishi Ooki face off: private team versus factory team. In the final lap, Akio is overtaken by Ooki and loses by a hair. The reason for his defeat? The difference between their two machines. With their scores tied, the two wait for the next match to settle the score for good.
Weekend Shuffle
First mainstream film directed by Genji Nakamura, based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's 1974 short story of the same title.
Undersea Encounter
On a future Earth ruled by Emperor Darius, the crew members of the Nautilus Submarine fight bravely to win freedom from oppression.
Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! Ā Tsuppari Jinsei
Shigeo Nagashima
The third and final anime film based on the Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! manga series.
Ямато навсегда
Heikurou Toudou (voice)
Космический линкор, названный в честь своего исторического прообраза - затопленного во 2-ю Мировую и найденного спустя столетия на высохшем дне океана лучшего, по мнению многих, военного корабля Японии, отправляется в глубокий космос с целью найти помощь для гибнущей Земли, подвергающейся атакам враждебной цивилизации. На пути отважным космонавтам встречаются всевозможные опасности.
Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! Gekitō Pennant Race
Nagashima Director
The second of three anime films based on the Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!! manga series.
Жар-птица 2772: Космозона Любви
Black Jack
2720 год. Цивилизация несётся навстречу катастрофе. В изолированной и напичканной электроникой комнате подрастает ребёнок — мальчик. На один из своих дней рождения он получает в подарок андроида — красивую девушку-трансформер, которая должна заботиться о своем новом хозяине и защищать его. Со временем мальчик вырастает и поступает в Космическую Академию, где он получает задание отыскать Жар-птицу — мифическое существо, обладающее колоссальной энергией.
One Million-Year Trip: Bander Book
Black Jack
Bander is a 17-year-old boy from Earth who lives on a distant planet, which is populated by human shape-shifters who feed off of vegetables and animal tails. Violence soon breaks out, as invaders launch an attack on Bander's new planet. This was Japan's first 2-hour animated film for television. The program received high ratings when broadcast as part of a set of 24-hour TV programs called "Ai wa Chikyu wo Sukuu" on Nippon Television. After a long gap since his last animated film for television, this work fully reflects Osamu Tezuka's desire to achieve theatrical quality with this production.
Космический крейсер Ямато
Desler / Todo Heikuro (voice)
В 2199 году Земля подверглась атаке злобных инопланетян с планеты Гамилус. Радиоактивные бомбардировки вынудили выживших землян укрыться в подземных городах, но радиация проникает и туда. Космический флот Земли уничтожен. Неожиданно приходит послание с находящейся на расстоянии 148000 световых лет планеты Искандар. В послании — чертежи сверхсветового двигателя и предложение дать землянам устройство, которое может очистить Землю от радиации. Потопленный во время Второй Мировой войны японский суперлинкор «Ямато» переделывают в космический корабль, который отправляется в невероятное путешествие. До гибели человечества от радиации остаётся 365 дней. Обратный отсчёт включён...