Signe Hasso
Рождение : 1915-08-15, Stockholm, Sweden
Смерть : 2002-06-07
Signe Hasso was a Swedish-born American actress, writer and composer.
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Madame Eugenia
An aspiring Midwestern ballerina (Marguerite Hickey) struggles in New York as the only jobs she can get are as chorus performers. Her personal life is equally dismal.
Sonja Bengtsson
Jan-Olof has an unresolved relationship with his father, and during the days leading up to the funeral, he tries to find out who the father really was. The practical arrangements for a funeral are often of a tragicomic nature.
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
A disturbed and institutionalized 16-year-old girl struggles between fantasy and reality.
Fraulein Reichenbach
В Лондоне Шерлок Холмс узнает, что его заклятый враг профессор Мориарти снова планирует что-то большое. Еще одна возможность для главного детектива выследить криминального профессора и его преступную организацию. Расследования ведут Холмса и доктора Ватсона в Нью-Йорк, где они узнают, что сын Ирэны Адлер был похищен Мориарти. Вскоре после этого загадочно исчезают золотые резервы банка. Как связаны это преступление и похищение?
Dr. Crippen
The son of famous detective Sam Spade carries on the family tradition of getting involved with the Maltese Falcon - and with the people who will stop at nothing, including murder, to get it.
A convicted con artist sets out to expose the head of a charity fund who has been embezzling money to cover his huge gambling losses.
Madame Parga
Bill Bixby stars in this NBC pilot movie as a famous stage magician and escape artist who solves crimes.
A young girl lives with her mother and grandmother. One day her estranged father returns home with a female companion he introduces as his fiance. Soon the girl finds herself in the midst of strange goings-on, which evolve into a web of crime and murder.
Lydia Constantine
A man who dies on an operating table is brought back to life, but he has total amnesia. A government agent decides that he would make a perfect undercover operative.
Sister René
Susan Shelley is released from an asylum where she's been confined to after the shock suffered over the fiery death of her mother. Her father has a new wife, who has only married him for the money left to him by his dead wife. Susan is still haunted by her mother's memory, and her step-mother is conspiring with her lover to get the troubled girl to lead them to her mother's missing diamond necklace.
A collection of human stories from the streets of Stockholm. Taxi 13 becomes the link between them. One night a taxi driver disappears.
Gerti Selle
Vera Irmelin
Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, a local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death of one of the refugees. Natas has a list of agents operating in the host country and wants to sell them to the Americans. However before he can do so, Vera tries to kill him, after an argument about getting her parents out of Liquidatzia.
Senora Isabel Farrago
An American doctor gets caught in the middle of a revolution when he's forced to operate on a South American dictator.
Celia Bentner
Larry Nelson, paroled from prison after serving nearly half of his thirty-year sentence, is determined to not fall into the clutches of the law again, and takes a quiet job at a country sanitarium. Thete, he meets and falls for a nurse, Charlotte Maynard, and he knows the only way to enter her web is to have a lot of money, for Miss Maynard is somewhat of a gold-digger.
Ann Grant
A treasury agent becomes obsessed with exposing an international drug ring.
Выдающийся актер, любимец публики Энтони Джон играет в театре свою звездную роль — Отелло. Он так старательно вживается в образ ревнивого мавра, что мастерство перевоплощения приводит его к непредсказуемому результату..
Gen. Katrina Grimovitch
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Therese De Pierremont
Эжен Видок, рожденный в тюрьме, посвятил первые тридцать лет своей жизни всевозможным преступлениям: особенно он преуспел в деле обольщения женщин, однажды украв подвязку с рубинами у любовницы шефа полиции. Проведя два года в наполеоновской армии, где он и его верный помощник Эмиль скрывались от преследований полиции, двое авантюристов замышляют ограбить старую маркизу де Пьермон, перед которой Эжен Франсуа разыгрывает истинного джентльмена, родственника некогда знакомого ей, а ныне почившего барона Видока. По иронии судьбы, зятем маркизы оказывается месье Рудольф, министр полиции Франции, что подает месье Видоку новую дерзкую идею: стать шефом полиции вместо недалекого месье Рише и устроить ограбление Парижского банка. Однако Тереза, дочь месье Рудольфа, убеждена, что человек с лицом святого не может быть отпетым негодяем - нужно лишь верить в лучшее...
Francine Huber aka Mathews
In this drama, a seductive woman uses her wiles upon both a traveling bank examiner and a manager to whom she is married. This woman has expensive taste and ends up spending all of her husband's money. She then begins trying to seduce the bank examiner, who doesn't know she is married to the manager.
Paulette Girard
George Raft plays a sailor who sets out to solve his father's mysterious death.
Elsa Gebhardt
The US Government tries to track down embedded Nazi agents in the States.
Carola Ballister
A young couple's accident could make them rich, if they can evade a Nazi spy ring.
В 1936 году в нацистской Германии семеро человек сбежали из концлагеря. Комендант лагеря ради устрашения остальных узников приказал установить семь крестов, на которых потом должны были оказаться все беглецы — по мере их поимке гестаповцами. Однако седьмой крест так и остался свободным, поскольку одному из сбежавших, а именно — Георгу Хайслеру, всё же удалось с помощью самых разных людей, подчас совсем незнакомых, перебраться в Голландию…
Биографический фильм о реально существующем персонаже, докторе, спасшем от японцев пару дюжин раненых американских солдат.
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Yvette ("Mademoiselle")
Дон Амече в роли Генри Ван Клива, современного Казановы, чья жизнь показана с младенчества и до самой смерти (в возрасте 70 лет). Скончавшийся Ван Клив стоит перед Дьяволом, требующим предъявить пропуск в Ад. Для этого Дьявол должен тщательно изучить всю жизнь Ван Клива…
A French Resistance fighter discovers he's a dead ringer for a Nazi official.
Birgit Norén
Birgit Norén is the new teacher at a small town school and falls in love with the principal.
Kristina Ahrengren
Kristina and Sture is married and has a little baby boy, Olle. Sture is an architect and while he is struggling with his business, his wife Kristina gets lonesome and starts to get take an interest in Sture's Norwegian architect colleague, Arne Ranck.
The Forshyttan steel-mill has been owned by the Ancker family for generations. But competition is hard. When the son Bengt Ancker comes back from abroad he has an idea for success: a lighter steel with better quality. But a lot of money is necessary to develop his idea and the only way to raise the necessary capital is to sell the company to their competitor - Manchester Steel Company. But the workers are concerned that this could threaten their job-security
Emelie Högqvist
Emelie Högqvist is an actress at the Royal Theatre who gets involved in an intimate relationship with the Crown Prince Oscar.
Kristina Ahrengren
Architect Sture Ahrengren walks out of his job with an architecture firm with the support of his wife Kristina. He gets a position with an old friend, Balstar Ekberg, who has a big engineering job going. But Sture gets entangled in a romance with Ekberg's wife, Helena.
Monika Hall
One day, a theater company to Iron Creek. In the city's steel mills meet the young actress Monika young Erik. The love between them is from the very clear but complicated by the fact both have careers.
Susanna Braun (as Signe Larsson)
"House of Silence" - A banker and his old housekeeper are brutally assassinated by a gangster called Smith. The murders are arranged so that they may look like a showdown between two victims. The police force are divided on the murders. Susanna Braun, an old acquaintance of the banker, claims that he could not have murdered his housekeeper. A baron who owns a night club is in need of money. He does business with gangsters. The baron involves Smith in the kidnapping of Susanna Braun.