Paula Raymond

Paula Raymond

Рождение : 1924-11-23, San Francisco, California, USA

Смерть : 2003-12-31


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Paula Raymond (November 23, 1924 – December 31, 2003) was an American model and actress. In 1950, she was put under contract by MGM, where she played opposite such leading men as Cary Grant and Dick Powell. Earlier in her career, Raymond acted in film noir thrillers such as City That Never Sleeps (with Gig Young and Marie Windsor), but later in her career she developed a horror film reputation. In 1952, she played the heroine in The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. In the late 1950s and 1960 Raymond appeared in many television shows and low-budget horror movies including Perry Mason, Hawaiian Eye, 77 Sunset Strip, and Blood of Dracula's Castle with Alexander D'Arcy and John Carradine. She turned down the role of saloon keeper Kitty in the long-running western classic series Gunsmoke (the role went to Amanda Blake). In 1962, Raymond was a passenger in a car that crashed into a tree on Sunset Boulevard. Her nose was severed by the rear view mirror. After only a little more than a year of extensive plastic surgery and recovery she returned to acting. In 1977, while working on the soap opera Days of our Lives, after only 3 appearances, she accidentally tripped on a telephone cord and broke her ankle. She was written out of the show. In 1984 she broke both hips, and in 1994 she broke her shoulder. Raymond was previously married. In 1944, Raymond married Floyd Leroy Patterson. In 1946, they divorced shortly after the birth of their daughter, Raeme Dorene Patterson. In 1993, Raymond's daughter died. In 2003, Raymond died at the age of 79 from a series of respiratory ailments. Description above from the Wikipedia article Paula Raymond, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Paula Raymond


Mind Twister
Two former exotic dancers devise a plot to expose a physciatrist as the murderer of their friend.
Five Bloody Graves
Kansas Kelly
A lone gunman hunts the fearsome Apache Satago across the plains of the Wild West. When Satago's marauders ambush a stagecoach, the gunman rides to the rescue of the trapped passengers and helps them in their last stand against the deadly Indians.
Blood Of Dracula's Castle
Countess Townsend
Count Dracula and his wife capture beautiful young women and chain them in their dungeon, to be used when they need to satisfy their thirst for blood.
The Spy with My Face
Napoleon Solo is captured by Thrush and replaced with a double.
Hand of Death
Carol Wilson
A scientist spills a new serum in his lab, accidentally inhales its fumes, and turns into a murderous monster who kills anyone he touches.
The Flight That Disappeared
Marcia Paxton
A cross-country airliner, whose passengers include a nuclear physicist, a rocket expert, and a mathematical genius, is drawn beyond radar range by an unknown, unbreakable force.
The Gun That Won the West
Mrs. Max Gaines
In the late 1880s, Colonel Carrington and his command are assigned the job of constructing a chain of forts in the Sious Indian territory of Wyoming. Carrington recruits former cavalry scouts Jim Bridger and "Dakota Jack" Gaines to lead the project. Bridger and Gaines are friendly with Sioux chief Red Cloud, and they feel a peace treaty with the Indians can be made. If an Indian-war breaks out, the cavalry is depending on getting a new type of Springfield rifle. Bridger, Gaines and Gaines wife, Maxine, arrive at the fort for the conference. Gaines, in a drunken fit, tries to intimidate the Indians unto signing a treaty. Chied Red Fox threatens war if his territory is invaded by any troops building forts.
The Human Jungle
Pat Danforth
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
A Star Is Born World Premiere
Live television broadcast of the world premiere. Described by various participants as the biggest world premiere in memory, even bigger than the Academy Awards.
Ричард Львиное Сердце
Queen Berengaria
Ричард I «Львиное Сердце» — английский король из рода Плантагенетов, правивший в 1189 — 1199 гг. Сын Генриха II и Элеоноры Гиенской. Этот фильм рассказывает о самых бурных годах правления Ричарда «Львиное сердце». В лейтмотив картины положены правдивые истории летописей о любви шотландца Кеннета, и кузины короля — Леди Эдит, а также о влиянии на правление монарха предводителя арабов Саладина, который под видом лекаря проник в лагерь христиан и стал одним из самых приближенных к королю
The Shadow
Margot Lane
Lamont Cranston, a psychiatrist on retainer to the police department, is asked to assist in the Case of the Cotton Kimono murder investigation. Lamont and his girlfriend Margot Lane are not satisfied with Detective Harris' analysis and call on the two prime suspects: the victim's voice instructor and her boyfriend. When Harris, convinced that the boyfriend is guilty, frames the young man for the crime, Lamont is forced to assume his secret identity as "The Shadow", and cloaked by his power of invisibility, seeks to force the true killer to reveal himself.
Чудовище с глубины 20 000 морских саженей
Lee Hunter
В результате испытаний ядерного оружия в Арктике, просыпается к жизни плотоядный динозавр. Сомнения ученых исчезают, когда гигантский монстр устремляется к Нью-Йорку.
City That Never Sleeps
Kathy Kelly
Chicago cop Johnny Kelly, dissatisfied with his job and marriage, would like to run away with his stripper girlfriend Angel Face, but keeps getting cold feet. During one crowded night, Angel Face decides she's had enough vacillation, and crooked lawyer Biddel has an illegal mission for Johnny that could put him in a financial position to act. But other, conflicting schemes are also in progress...
Три истории любви
Mrs. Campbell
Три истории — три любовных романа, связанные тем, что все они — воспоминания пассажиров одного парохода. В первой Паула — талантливая балерина, не может существовать без танцев, но у нее находят порок сердца, что не совместимо с балетом. Во второй части юный Томми презирает свою французскую гувернантку и мечтает поскорее стать взрослым, чтобы делать все, что захочется. Неожиданно, как по взмаху волшебной палочки, Томми вырастает в красивого юношу. Но лишь на один вечер. Третья история о Пьере Нарвале — воздушном гимнасте на трапеции, который бросил опасное занятие после того, как его партнер умер во время трюка. Он спасает молодую женщину, которая собирается прыгнуть в Сену, и убеждает ее стать его новым партнером. Нина соглашается, поскольку не хочет жить — ее муж был убит нацистами во время войны, и она обвиняет себя. Пьер и Нина влюбляются друг в друга, но ей предстоит сделать все тот же опасный трюк, погубивший друга Пьера.
The Bandits of Corsica
Siamese twins separated at birth retain a psychic link; each feels the other's pain and happiness.
The Sellout
Peggy Stauton
A small-town newspaper editor risks everything to expose a corrupt sheriff.
Texas Carnival
Marilla Sabinas
A Texas carnival showmen team is mistaken for a cattle baron and his sister.
The Tall Target
Ginny Beaufort
A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride headed for Washington in 1861.
Inside Straight
Zoe Carnot
A tycoon rises to the top in 19th-century San Francisco through greed and corruption.
Grounds for Marriage
Agnes Oglethorpe Young
Opera singer Ina Massine tries to win back former husband Dr. Lincoln I. Bartlett.
Врата дьявола
Orrie Masters
Лэнс Пул – индеец, который получил Медаль Почёта за боевые заслуги во время битвы при Геттисберге, - после войны возвращается в своё племя с намерением заняться разведением скота. Но мирную жизнь ветерана нарушают белые фермеры-овцеводы, которые хотят захватить богатые сочной травой земли Лэнса, настраивая якобы цивилизованное белое население против племени. Никто не мог предвидеть, к каким трагическим последствиям это приведёт...
Duchess of Idaho
Ellen Hallit
Ellen Hallit is in love with her playboy boss, Douglas Morrison, but is too timid to do anything about it. To help her, her roommate Chris decides to step in, and devises a plan. Chris follows Morrison on his trip to Sun Valley, Idaho and plays the overattentive female, hoping that he will send for Ellen (who often played his "fiancée" when he had a female he couldn't discourage otherwise.) Complications arise when Chris catches the eye of band leader Dick Layne, and finds herself caught in a triangle between the two men.
Helen Ferguson
An American doctor gets caught in the middle of a revolution when he's forced to operate on a South American dictator.
Праздничный роман
Girl at Drinking Fountain (uncredited)
Мать одиночка Конни, растит шестилетнего сына и работает коммерческим шпионом - ходит по магазинам, покупает, меняет, ради изучения спроса. Однажды под рождество Конни покупает детскую железную дорогу с целью сдать её на следующее утро. Симпатичный продавец, выслушав её слезливую историю, оформляет ей возврат товара и теряет работу. Таким образом Конни и Стив знакомятся и проводят почти весь день вместе. Конни почти забыла, что ответила согласием своему жениху Карлу, выйти за него замуж на новый год, но до него остаётся еще целых пять дней. Стив же, прекрасно ладящий с детьми, находит в лице Тимми, сына Конни, своего самого большого друга.
Ребро Адама
Emerald - Kip's Girlfriend (uncredited)
Настырный и упрямый прокурор ведет в зале суда обвинение против клиентки его жены-защитницы. Женщину обвиняют в попытке убийства из-за того, что та, которую она хотела застрелить, встречалась с ее недобропорядочным и лживым мужем. Адвокат, защитница прав женщин, решительно настроена доказать, что точка зрения прокурора отражает сексистские двойные стандарты и что мужа обвиняемой за подобные действия даже и не судили бы. Это возмущает консервативного прокурора. В течение процесса брак блюстителей закона трещит по швам, а судебные препирательства продолжаются и дома…
Challenge of the Range
Judy Barton
Charles Starrett once more dons the mask of mysterious do-gooder "The Durango Kid" in Columbia's Challenge of the Range. Wandering cowboy Steve Roper (Starrett) is hired by the Farmers Association to stem the activities of a group of gunmen who are driving ranchers off their land. The most likely suspect turns out to be innocent: the real culprits are within the Association itself. With the help of the chief suspect's son, Roper brings the crooks to justice.
Sealed Verdict
John Hoyt plays a high-ranking Nazi being prosecuted by an army tribunal in the aftermath of World War II. Sentenced to death, the general appeals to the American investigating Major (Ray Milland), claiming mitigating circumstances, and providing the names of witnesses who will clear his name. This sends the Major in a search through the ruins of post-war Germany to determine the degree of the general's guilt.
Rusty Leads the Way
Louise Adams
Danny Mitchell and his canine pal Rusty befriend blind girl Penny Moffatt. Feeling cheated by life, Penny resists all efforts to cope with her handicap. But with Rusty's help, the girl gains a new lease on life and agrees to adopt a seeing-eye dog.
Keep Smiling
Bettina Bowman
Jane breaks into the film business while also reviving the flagging career of her film director uncle and getting him hooked up with his secretary.