Crauford Kent

Crauford Kent

Рождение : 1881-10-12, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1953-05-14


Crauford Kent


Чай для двоих
Богатая наследница, мечтающая стать артисткой, заключила пари со своим дядей и опекуном на 25 тысяч долларов: в течение 48 часов она должна на все вопросы отвечать только «нет». В случае выигрыша она получит возможность вложить деньги в бродвейское шоу и, конечно же, сыграть в нем главную роль. Но она не знает, что ее дядя разорился…
Club Member (uncredited)
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Sir Joshua's Friend (uncredited)
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
The Fatal Witness
A playboy produces an airtight alibi when he is questioned about the murder of his wealthy aunt.
Верная нимфа
Четырнадцатилетняя Тесса безнадежно влюблена в красивого композитора Льюиса Додда, друга семьи. Льюис обожает Тессу, но никогда не проявлял никаких романтических чувств к ней. Когда отец Тессы умирает, Льюис принимает на себя опеку над Тессой и её сёстрами. Вскоре он женится на двоюродной сестре Тессы Флоранс. Флоранс отправляет Тессу и её сестру Полу в школу, но девочки убегают из школы и Тесса приезжает к Флоранс и Льюису. Флоранс вскоре начинает ревновать мужа к Тессе.
Хранитель пламени
В автокатастрофе погиб национальный герой Роберт Форрест, и вся Америка погрузилась в траур. Из Европы возвращается его горячий поклонник журналист Стив О'Мэлли, с намерением написать биографию этого великого человека, однако вскоре он приходит к убеждению, что вдова Кристин Форрест скрывает какую-то тайну.
The Mysterious Doctor
Army Commander
The citizens of a tiny Cornish village are tormented during World War II by a headless ghost which is haunting the local tin mine.
Our Wife
Dr. Jenkins - Ship's Doctor (uncredited)
A musician's ex-wife wants him back after he finds love and success.
Shining Victory
Dr. Corliss
In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship.
Robert's Friend at Bar (uncredited)
Лесли Кросби — супруга каучукового плантатора стреляет в друга их семьи Дэвида Ньюэлла. Позже на вопросы следователя она отвечает, что убитый пытался напасть на нее, и она убила его в порядке самообороны. Роберт Кросби, преданный и любящий муж, верит каждому ее слову и просит Ховарда Джойса, уважаемого юриста, защищать его супругу. Джойс узнает от секретаря, что миссис Хэммонд, вдова Ньюэлла, имеет в своем распоряжении письмо, написанное Лесли к Ньюэллу. В нем она просит Лесли приехать к ней на плантацию как раз в день убийства. Когда эту информацию адвокат сообщает Лесли, та хладнокровно признается, что убила Ньюзлла, и что он был ее любовником. Пожалев женщину, защитник соглашается выкупить компрометирующее письмо за 10 тысяч долларов. Вскоре супруг узнает, что все его сбережения были потрачены на покупку письма и требует, чтобы ему сообщили его содержание. Лесли во всем признается, и Роберт прощает ее, но вдова убитого не может простить смерти мужа…
Почта от Рейтера
Editor Wanting Contract Voided (uncredited)
Фильм о Поле Джулиусе Рейтере, который создал первое агентство новостей «Рейтер».
Иностранный корреспондент
Toastmaster (uncredited)
Джон Джонс — американский корреспондент, направленный в Европу, чтобы побольше узнать о голландско-бельгийском договоре, имеющем большое политическое значение накануне предстоящей войны. В Европе он становится свидетелем похищения голландского дипломата Ван Меера, знающего некий тайный пункт в этом договоре.
Морской ястреб
Флинн — на пике карьеры — играет очаровательного жуликоватого пирата, образ, вероятно, основанный на каперах подобных сэру Фрэнсису Дрэйку, пирату Её Величества. Его капитан Торп — герой высшей пробы (как обычно!), сражающийся с испанцами на благо Англии. Испанцы изображены как жуткие злодеи с красными мордами, кроме донны Марии-Бренда Маршалл — сияющей неземной красотой.
I Was an Adventuress
Englishman at Party
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
British Intelligence
Cmdr. Phelps
During WWI pretty German master spy Helene von Lorbeer is sent undercover to London to live with the family of a high-placed British official where she is to rendezvous with the butler Valdar, also a spy, and help him transmit secret war plans back to Germany.
We Are Not Alone
Dr. Stacey
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Rulers of the Sea
Member of Naval Company (Uncredited)
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
История Александра Грэхема Белла
Alexander Graham Bell falls in love with deaf girl Mabel Hubbard while teaching the deaf and trying to invent means for telegraphing the human voice. She urges him to put off thoughts of marriage until his experiments are complete. He invents the telephone, marries and becomes rich and famous, though his happiness is threatened when a rival company sets out to ruin him.
Рождественский гимн
Scrooge's Tall Business Associate (uncredited)
У Скруджа нет друзей, он отказался даже от единственного родственника - племянника Фреда, и ко всем относится с презрением. Он терпеть не может Рождество, считая эту пору пустой тратой денег и времени, и очень неохотно даёт своему клерку Бобу Крэтчиту свободный день в праздник. Но в сочельник к нему приходит призрак старого умершего компаньона Джейкоба Марли, который заклинает его изменить свою жизнь. Марли предупреждает о приходе трёх духов, которые и покажут старому упрямцу Скруджу его жизнь и жизнь окружающих людей в истинном свете. Уроки духов не проходят даром.
Service de Luxe
Mr. Devereaux
Glamorous and efficient Helen Murphy runs a service that will provide any type of assistance to wealthy customers, but what she's really looking for is a man who can take care of himself.
Blond Cheat
Inspector Jones (uncredited)
Socially prominent Michael Ashburn, chief assistant for a London loan broker makes a large loan during a closing time to a man for a pair of earrings. He is unaware that the collateral can not be removed from the ears in which they reside, so then Julie becomes part of the collateral.
The Soldier and the Lady
Grand Duke's Aide (Uncredited)
In the face of rebellion in Russia, Czar Alexander II sends soldier Michael Strogoff 2,000 miles away, with a critical message for Grand Duke Vladimir. On the train journey, Michael befriends a traveler and comes into contact with a mysterious spy, who both unexpectedly aid him in his quest. Once behind enemy lines, Michael is near his hometown and his mother, whom he must avoid in order to fulfill his mission.
Navy Spy
Capt. Leeds
A federal agent and a female reporter team up to catch a criminal gang that has kidnapped a scientist in order to get his formula for a new type of poison gas.
Rich Relations
Mr. Colby
A secretary finds herself being romanced by a "ladies man". What she doesn't know is that it's her boss who really loves her.
Daniel Boone
Attorney General
In 1775, Daniel Boone settles Kentucky, despite menacing Indians and renegade whites.
Down the Stretch
Sir Oliver Martin
A jockey tries to overcome the reputation of his father, who once threw a race.
It Couldn't Have Happened (But It Did)
Bob Bennett
When a play's two producers are murdered, the playwright tries to solve the crime.
The White Angel
Orderly in Raglan's Office (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
O'Malley of the Mounted
Inspector McGregor
O'Malley pretends to be an outlaw in order to join a gang terrorizing towns along the American border.
Hitch Hike To Heaven
A theatre actor makes the crossover to movies and becomes a star, but his new-found fame puts his family relationships at risk.
Ходячий мертвец
British Radio Announcer (uncredited)
Несчастный Джон Эллман обвиняется в убийстве судьи. После того, как его осуждают и приговоривают к смертной казни, появляются свидетели и доказывают его невиновность. Но уже слишком поздно, и Эллмана казнят. Врачебный эксперимент возвращает его к жизни, но результат отличается от ожидаемого.
Мятеж на Баунти
Lieutenant Edwards
Английский флот XVIII века отличался жесткой (даже жестокой) дисциплиной. Малейшие провинности наказывались плетьми, более тяжелые проступки карались смертной казнью. Доведенные до отчаяния матросы поднимали бунты и пытались освободиться от гнета. 1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников. Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос, аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь…
Born to Gamble
Town and Country Club Member (uncredited)
A wealthy man relates how gambling had tragic consequences for his family.
Строптивая Мариэтта
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Драматический мюзикл по мотивам одноимённой оперной постановки. Действие разворачивается накануне первой волны колонизации. В поисках любви и приключений, принцесса Мариетта бежит прочь из королевского дворца. Под видом переселенки она садится на судно, плывущее в Новый Орлеан. У берегов Вест-Индии корабль путешественников подвергается нападению пиратов. К счастью, оказавшийся рядом капитан Уортингтон быстро освобождает пленников.
Vanessa: Her Love Story
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Down to Their Last Yacht
Saxophone Player (uncredited)
Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.
The Lost Jungle
Prof. Livingston
Clyde Beatty, an animal trainer and circus star, leads a search for his missing girlfriend and her father who were on an expedition looking for a lost tropical island. Using a dirigible as his mode of transportation, Beatty and his band head off in search of the missing explorers only to crash their airship on the same island their friends are located. Battling wild animals and a gang of greedy men searching for gold, Beatty and his party must rescue his girlfriend and father all the while trying to escape their jungle island. Feature version of the same-title serial of the same year, with refilmed sequences substantially altering the plot and characters of the original chapterplay.
Doctor (uncredited)
Химик поселяется в маленькой деревенской гостинице и совершает первое убийство. Оказывается, юный химик открыл ужасную формулу, опасный препарат, делающий человеческую плоть невидимой. Интерес у него был исключительно научный, но препарат имел побочный эффект, превративший его в маньяка. Почти сразу же он начинает искать противоядие, которое могло бы вернуть его в нормальное состояние…
Only Yesterday
Graves (Uncredited)
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
The Eagle and the Hawk
General (uncredited)
The pilots of a Royal Air Force squadron in World War I face not only physical but mental dangers in their struggle to survive while fighting the enemy.
James Pelton
A doctor in New York City, who has had to raise his son without a mother since his wife died, struggles and sacrifices to be able to send the boy to a top-ranked, but expensive, medical university in Europe. His dream is that the boy will return to help him provide much needed medical care for the poor of his Lower East Side neighborhood.
File 113
Based on a novel by Émile Gaboriau.
The Thirteenth Guest
Dr. Sherwood
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
Western Limited
A fancy masquerade party is the scene of a jewel robbery, and later several suspects in the robbery are discovered to be aboard the same train.
Sinister Hands
During a séance at an elderly millionaire's house, the millionaire is murdered. The detectives investigating the crime discover that everyone who was at the séance had a motive for killing the man.
Murder at Dawn
Mad scientist works on a death ray in his mountain hideaway.
Sam Lewis
Англичанин Рональд Куэйл был обвинен в убийстве своего отца, и, на основе показаний, данных его мачехой Кэролайн, был признан виновным и заключен в тюрьму. Рональду удаётся бежать и переправиться в США, где он находит работу на нефтяном месторождении. Взрыв уродует его, однако даёт ему возможность вернуться на родину: после прохождения пластической хирургии, он возвращается в Англию под псевдонимом Роберт Крокетт, полный решимости доказать, что его отца на самом деле убили его мачеха Кэролайн и ее любовник, Джек Аттерсон.
Sally of the Subway
Con artists use a member of a European royal family to swindle a major jewelry company.
Ship's Officer
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
Morals for Women
Mr. Marston
A desperate woman turns to prostitution but is saved by true love.
Grief Street
Alvin Merle
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
Трансатлантический корабль
1st Officer
Пока роскошный океанский лайнер пересекает Атлантический океан, зрители узнают о страданиях нескольких его пассажиров. Эдмунд Лоу возглавляет актерский состав в роли Монти Грира, учтивого игрока, который влюбляется в Джуди (Лоис Моран), дочь иммигранта, точильщика линз Рудольфа Крамера (Джин Херсхольт). Пытаясь вернуть некоторые ценные бумаги, украденные у банкира Генри Грэма (Джон Халлидей), Грир оказывается в эпицентре ожесточенной перестрелки в машинном отделении корабля. Между тем, Грэм, изменявший своей жене Кей (Мирна Лой) с сексуальной танцовщицей Сигрид Карлин (Грета Ниссен), убит неизвестным лицом или лицами. И это только три сюжета этого удивительно сложного корабельного триллера.
Тело и душа
Major Burke
Andress, Watson and Johnson, pilots with a Royal Air Force squadron in France, are tasked with a deadly mission.
The Devil to Pay!
Arthur Hale
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Three Faces East
General Hewlett
The action takes place during the Great War in the home of the First Lord of the Admiralty.
The Unholy Three
Defense Attorney
A trio of former sideshow performers double as the "Unholy Three" in a scam to nab some shiny rocks.
Sweethearts and Wives
Sir John Deptford
An aristocrat tries to prevent her sister's divorce by attempting to recover a diamond necklace, which is being used as incriminating evidence against her.
The Second Floor Mystery
Capt. Fraser-Freer
In this mystery, a man and woman have been corresponding through a "personal" column under the names Lord Strawberries and Lady Grapefruit. When the man's neighbor is found dead upstairs, he and the lady are the prime suspects of a police inspector, who has his own very good reason for blaming them.
Girl of the Port
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Hal Bentley
A writer rents what he believes is a deserted lodge in order to complete his novel. But then six other people show up one-by-one, each for reasons of their own.
The Ace of Scotland Yard
Inspector Angus Blake
From the Universal synopsis: Retired Inspector Blake of Scotland Yard learns that Lord Blanton has acquired the sacred "Love Ring"---a cursed jewel that has brought grief to its previous owners. Prince Darius seeks to obtain the ring, and the mummy of a princess of an ancient country to return them to his homeland.
Come Across
George Harcourt
Mary, a high society girl, wants to see how the other half lives, so she becomes a cabaret dancer in a New York nightclub. The owner of the nightclub, Pop Hanson, and his criminal friends, Harry and Cassie, scheme to rip off a Montana millionaire. Finding herself interested in Harry, Mary goes along with their plan and decides to pose as his wife. The gang moves into Mary's aunt's deserted mansion as their base of operations. A silent film with sound sequences.
The Charlatan
Frank Deering
A woman goes to a sideshow fortune-teller to have her fortune told, and is astonished when the man looks into his crystal ball and goes into great detail about events in her past that few people ever knew about. Shaken, she leaves and later tells her girlfriend about the incident. The girlfriend insists that she invite the fortune-teller to a party they're having at her house. What the woman doesn't realize is that the "fortune-teller" is actually the ex-husband she abandoned years ago, when she took their daughter and ran off with her lover. When the "charlatan" is invited to the party, he sees an opportunity to take his revenge on his faithless ex-wife.
The Wolf of Wall Street
A ruthless stockbroker sells short in the copper business and ruins the life of his friends by ruining their finances.
Man, Woman and Wife
Wade / Ward Rogers
Helen Brandon, an unhappily married woman, marries former suitor Jack Mason when her husband, Ralph, is killed in action. The report of Ralph's death is false; he returns to the States, a deserter, under an assumed name and becomes a derelict.
Show Folks
McNary the Vaudeville Producer
Eddie Kehoe is a young vaudeville hoofer who thinks his inability to hit the big time is the fault of stage managers, agents, musicians...everybody but himself. Eddie likes to tell others how good he is, but seldom shows them. Kitty Mayo, an old-time burlesque queen, who is with the McNary Vaudeville Company, advises Eddie to get himself a partner, as his solo abilities can only be stretched so far. He decides to follow her advice and, while in a theatrical supply shop, he sees Rita Carey rehearsing her dancing act that includes a trained duck. Eddie tells Rita he is a good friend of McNary's, and, with him as her partner, her future in show business will be secured. She agrees to join him and Eddie promptly names the act "Eddie Kehoe and Partner". Despite his conceit, Rita likes Eddie, as do others in the troupe, including Cleo a little gold-digger.
The Foreign Legion
Capt. Arnaud
A man falsely accused of crime joins Foreign Legion, and when trouble develops is saved by the self sacrifice of the commanding officer, his own father.
Queen of the Chorus
Spencer Steele
A chorus girl falls for a young man pretending to be his boss, a millionaire. WHen his boss returns from a European trip and finds that the woman he loves is engaged to his secretary, complications ensue.
Little Mickey Grogan
Mr. Cabel
The main plot concerns an architect who, when he begins losing his eyesight, worries that he is on the verge of losing his girl as well. The fact that the heroine is spending time with a burly prizefighter would seem to confirm this.
His Dog
Mr. Gault
Peter Olsen, a young social outcast who lives alone on a rundown farm and raises vegetables for a living, finds his only consolation in liquor, though Dorcas Chatham, daughter of the general store owner, begs him to forego this indulgence. Returning from town, he finds a dog by the roadside, apparently injured by a car, and takes it home. Later, on a drunken spree, Peter is attacked by robbers, but the dog comes to his rescue and frightens the assailants away. Stirred by the unselfish devotion of his dog, Peter gradually regains his self-respect, and Dorcas falls in love with him and accepts his proposal, though she fears the dog. When Peter enters the dog in a show, another exhibitor proves to be its owner, and Peter is first parted from, then reunited with, "his" dog. Dorcas overcomes her fear and is united with Peter.
The Missing Link
Lord Melville Dryden
Arthur Wells, an impoverished poet, impersonates a big-game hunter in an attempt to locate the missing link. However, the poet has an aversion to animals...tame or wild.
Morganson's Finish
G.T. Williams
Morganson's Finish was inspired by the Jack London story of the same name. The hero, Dick Gilbert is in love with wealthy Barbara Wesley but he is disgraced in her eyes through the underhanded machinations of his rival Dan Morganson.
Out of the Storm
Defense Attorney
Out of the Storm is a 1926 silent drama.
Pirates of the Sky
Bruce Mitchell
Daredevil pilot Bob Manning is pressed into service by the Government to track down a missing mail plane. He soon uncovers a gang of aerial hijackers, led by Bruce Mitchell. Exhibiting a repertoire of truly awe-inspiring flying stunts, Manning beats the villains at their own game.
Fifth Avenue
Allan Trainor
When her cotton crop is burned, Barbara Pelham, a beautiful southern girl, comes to New York to find work as a fashion designer, staying with Mrs. Kemp, a woman she meets on the northbound train. In Mrs. Kemp's house, Barbara encounters Peter Heffner, a wealthy stockbroker, and discovers from him that she has taken up residence in a whorehouse. There is a police raid, but Barbara escapes arrest and returns home. Heffner's son, Neil, goes south to inspect some family property and there meets Barbara, with whom he falls in love. They decide to be married, and she accompanies him to New York, where she meets the elder Heffner for a second time. He denounces her as a whore, but Barbara goes to Mrs. Kemp, who explains the misunderstanding to everyone's satisfaction.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
The Midshipman
Basil Courtney
Produced under the supervision of the U.S. Navy. James Randall, an upperclassman at the Naval Academy, falls in love with Patricia Lawrence, the sister of a plebe. She is engaged to Basil Courtney, a wealthy reprobate who arranges with Rita to discredit James.
The Pride of the Force
Charley Weldon
The Pride of the Force s a 1925 silent crime film
Lovers' Lane
Herbert Woodbridge
Silent film comedy drama...
The Guilty One
Seaton Davies
The Guilty One is a 1924 mystery film.
Lilies of the Field
Walter Harker
A young mother, Mildred, doesn't know that her husband Walter is cheating on her. One night she attends a party with a friend of her husband's, and the man gets drunk and begins groping her when they get home. Her husband sees this and uses it as an excuse to sue his wife for divorce. In the ensuing trial he wins, due to fraudulent evidence, and gets custody of the child. Complications ensue.
A Self Made Wife
Tim Godwin
Tim Goodwin and his wife Corrie are living in poverty when Tim's oil well strikes it rich. He soon works his way to the top of the social scale, but Corrie doesn't change at all--she stays a dour, drab woman with no social skills whatsoever. Tim gets so embarrassed by her that he hires a "social secretary" for her to teach her how to function in the social strata in which they find themselves.
Abysmal Brute
Deane Warner
A young man is raised in the mountains by his prizefighter father. Although he possesses great strength and athletic skill, he is completely out of his league when it comes to women. He becomes a successful boxer in San Francisco and is given the name "The Abysmal Brute". When he rescues a drowning man, he meets a beautiful socialite named Maude Sangster and falls in love. His lack of social skills proves a hindrance when a rival suitor competes with him for Maude's affections.
The Love Flower
Her Visitor
A man murders his wife's lover and escapes with his daughter to the South Pacific. A detective pursues him, joined by a young man who eventually falls in love with the daughter.
Youthful Folly
David Montgomery
Nancy is a restless young girl tired of living on a plantation with her three old-maid aunts. Her life brightens when her cousin Lola comes visiting from New York. What she doesn't know is that Lola is fleeing a scandal that erupted when she was caught running around on her husband with her lover, David. It's not long before David comes looking for her, and Nancy falls in love with him. Lola sees a way out of her problem--if she can get Nancy and David to hook up, it will take the heat off of her. Nancy's aunts, who want to get rid of her, are all for the plan, and soon Nancy and David get married. However, things don't quite work out for everyone the way they planned.
Other Men's Shoes
Good Gracious, Annabelle
George Wimbledon
When the father of sixteen-year-old Annabelle Leigh (Billie Burke) is killed in a fight, miner John Rawson (Herbert Rawlinson) snatches her away from the scene and takes her to his cabin for the night. In the morning, she insists she was "compromised" by the situation, so he marries her. But after a spat, he tells her to leave and she goes to another city. Annabelle doesn't even know the name of the man she married; however, he strikes it rich and sends her money, which she spends on frivolous entertainment.
The Danger Mark
Jack Dysart
Scott Seagrave and his sister Geraldine are left the family estate when their wealthy alcoholic father dies. Unfortunately, they've also inherited his problems with alcohol, so they stay at the estate in seclusion. When Geraldine reaches "coming-out" age, Scott throws her a coming-out party. However, one of the men after her hand in marriage, Jack Dysart, tricks her into taking a drink, and she winds up embarrassing and humiliating herself in front of an old family friend, Duane Mallett, whose daughter Sylvia is in love with Jack, even though he's treated her shabbily.
The Song of Songs
Dick Laird
When composer Anselm Kardos leaves his alcoholic wife, he gives his daughter Lily an unfinished love ode entitled "The Song of Songs" and warns her to keep her artistic temperament in check.
The Knife
Billy Meredith
Kate Tarleton grows up on a Southern plantation and becomes engaged to her guardian, Dr. Robert Manning, a famous surgeon. When Robert, Kate, and her younger sister Mary Lou visit New York, where the doctor wishes to conduct medical experiments, the superstitious Kate goes to the home of a fortune-teller named Stella Hill. Stella, whose principal business is white slave trafficking, drugs Kate and forces her to work in a "den of vice," run by Stella and her accomplice Jimmy Bristol, where she contracts syphilis and goes insane. Robert, Detective Ellis, and a lawyer named Billy Meredith rescue Kate, who recovers her sanity but remembers nothing of her bondage.
The Antics of Ann
Gordon Trent
Ann Wharton, a rambunctious young student at the prestigious Bredwell Academy, is in trouble after a spoonful of cereal she flung at a classmate hits Mrs. Bredwell in the face. As she is being reprimanded in Mrs. Bredwell's office, a misunderstanding results in a member of the football team arriving at the office with Ann's clothes--she had left them behind when she changed into a football uniform so she could play football with the team--and Mrs. Bredwell writes to Ann's father notifying him that Ann is being expelled. She intercepts the letter, but her troubles are far from over.
The Heart of the Hills
Natali, a Hindu, marries an Englishman, Sir Christopher Madgwick. They have a daughter who is kidnapped by Natali's former suitor Sani. The girl is handed over to be trained as a vestal virgin. Natali dies and Madgwick returns to England, taking with him the precious ruby that Natali had snatched from Sani in a struggle. Years pass; Sir Christopher remarries and has two more children who mistreat him and Sani dies, revealing to the priests the location of the ruby, which he stole from them in the first place.
The Evil Thereof
The Barber
A manicurist gives up the honest love of a barberr to become the mistress of a wealthy broker. But she comes to hate the man who has caused her downfall, and her loathing peaks during a dinner party he is holding. Other guests include three other men and their mistresses. Each young lady gets a $100 bill as a party favor, tucked away in one of the meal's several courses. The broker proudly brags about how each bill was obtained by giving the screws to the lower classes.
Broadway Jones
Robert Wallace
An arrogant young man leaves his Ohio home to make it big on Broadway in New York City when he inherits the family business and $1-million. However, things don't go quite according to his plans. After he blows most of the money, he returns to Ohio to try to sell the family business to raise more money, but complications ensue.