Dolores Tinoco


Duro pero seguro
Doña Zenaida
Nicolasa sells tacos near a movie studio and her popularity threatens the restaurant's own studies. She drops the food when seeing actor Armando performing and the director expels her out.
La Hermanita Dinamita
Nana de Monchito
After accidentally hitting a boy with her car, a young woman pretends to be a nurse in order secretly help him to recover.
Знаки зодиака
Doña Rosa
По одноименной пьесе известного мексиканского драматурга Серхио Маганья. Герои фильма – жители одного старого дома на окраине большого мексиканского города. Это бедные люди, жизнь которых беспросветна и тяжела. Это привратница Анна и её муж Даниель, состарившаяся певица Лола, семья Вальтер и многие другие. Все их попытки вырваться из нищеты к светлой и счастливой жизни оказываются тщетными.
Cuando los hijos se pierden
Madre de Andrés (uncredited)
Young woman's parents don't supervise her activities closely enough; she ends up going to a beatnik nightclub and dancing the twist and getting raped.
Atrás de las nubes
Nana (as Lola Tinoco)
All it says in my notes is "Like 'Juan Sin Miedo', only with soldiers." So... Army officer seeks revenge for... something...
Sra. de López
Teresa is a beautiful and intelligent young woman, desperately seeking to leave the grinding poverty of the neighborhood where she lives.
Los desarraigados
Family in crisis: the American Dream collapses for four members of a Mexican family in Texas, all at the same time.
La vida no vale nada
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
María Montecristo
Rich woman manouevres in secret to restore her dead father's good reputation.
Invitada a fiesta
Homeless girl placed in a court-appointed foster home under the care of a social worker.
Prostitution and drug-smuggling in Mexico City and Cd. Juarez.
El ladrón
Directora del orfanatorio
Bank employee is tempted to make use of banknotes scheduled for destruction.
La insaciable
(as Lolita Tinoco)
Legacy of the Crying Woman
A hacienda seem to be haunted by La Llondra, the crying woman.
La mujer legítima
Widower wants to remarry, but his adult children are slow to warm to his new wife. One daughter in particular tries very hard to discredit her in his eyes.