José Dupeyrón


La Alacrana
Forensic Doctor
Those involved in the making of an amateur porn video end up getting slashed to death with a cane sword. It's up to the brave policewoman Eugenia aka The Scorpion (Maribel Guardia) to stop him.
El águila descalza
Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.
La mula de Cullen Baker
El profe
Esbirro de Zenaido (uncredited)
Mario Moreno portrays a professor in this movie. A small town in the middle of no where requests the school Mario Moreno is working in for a teacher. He ends up going to give the town a hand. When he arrives he comes to know the corrupt leaders who through out the movie try to make him leave. Although he is being harassed you can see how much he cares for the kids and their circumstances. He deals with problems by using his hilarious comments.
The Empire of Dracula
A group of beautiful female vampires lure men to their estate so they can feed on their blood.
La muerte en bikini
The bodies of murdered young women are turning up on a beach.
Retablos de la Guadalupana
From the hill of Tepeyac arise the most extraordinary miracles.
Tierra de violencia
Western sheriff's black-sheep son becomes responsible for keeping order in town while his father is recovering from a gunshot.
El hijo de Gabino Barrera
Gabino's son tries to find out why his father was murdered.
La máscara de jade
Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.
El terror de la frontera
After being gunned down in a bar-fight, a guy reappears in town looking for revenge on his murderer.
Ткач чудес
Pariente de Arcadio (uncredited)
В ночь под рождество в маленькую мексиканскую деревушку въезжают на осле индеец Арнульфо и его жена Хансита, которая с минуты на минуту должна родить. Местная акушерка Ремедиос и ее воспитанник, двадцатилетний Теофилос, решили использовать создавшуюся ситуацию в своих корыстных целях. И вот по деревне разнесся слух, что в хлеву у Ремедиос рожает женщина, приехавшая на осле как дева Мария. Охваченные религиозным фанатизмом, крстьяне кинулись к дому Ремедиос. Они верят, что совершается чудо, что «новый» Христос, который должен родиться, принесет всем счастье и благосостояние. Не скупясь, они дают Ремедиос и Теофилосу деньги для будущего ребенка. Священник не в силах доказать фанатичной толпе, что родился самый обыкновенный ребенок. И тогда он идет на крайние меры: незаметно умерщвляет ребенка. Виля, что новорожденный оказался смертным, толпа верующих быстро расходится.
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
Méndigo (uncredited)
In the fall of 1824 Javier Montenegro, Bradomin Marquis is spared death hanging by Captain Casares, and in return, the Marquis agrees to help him escape to America. Adaptation of "Sonata de Otoño" and "Sonata de Estío" of Ramón María del Valle-Inclan, which included elements Bardem later works of the author.
El jinete solitario en el valle de los buitres
Masked hero on horseback. One in a series.
The Boy and the Fog
Hombre bailando cabaret (uncredited)
Marta is obsessed with protecting her son from the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia that she has hidden from her husband.