Diana Dors

Diana Dors

Рождение : 1931-10-23, Swindon, Wiltshire, England, UK

Смерть : 1984-05-04


Diana Dors was an English actress, born Diana Mary Fluck on October 23 1931 in Swindon, Wiltshire (England).  Physically and socially mature for her age, Dors became a pin-up girl at age 13. She lied to the photographers and later directors, claiming that she was 17. Her first fling at the camera was in The Shop at Sly Corner (1947). In 1948 she appeared in six films, her best known role from this period was the character Charlotte in Oliver Twist. Dors died on 4 May 1984 at the age of 52 from a recurrence of ovarian cancer, first diagnosed two years before


Diana Dors
Diana Dors
Diana Dors
Diana Dors
Diana Dors


Diana Dors: Britain's Blonde Bombshell
The highs and lows, transitions and reinventions, of Diana's career as one of Britain's most well known and celebrated post-war actresses, including contributions from family and friends.
Who Got Diana Dors's Millions?
Herself (archive footage)
British cinema's original sex symbol, Diana Dors, left her £2 million fortune in various bank accounts, their details and locations revealed by an apparently uncrackable cipher. In this documentary, everyone from her son Jason Dors Lake to the legendary code-breakers of Bletchley Park try to solve the mystery.
Steaming is the final film directed by Joseph Losey. It was adapted from Nell Dunn's play by Patricia Losey and Nell Dunn. It is about three women who meet regularly in a steam room and decide to fight its closure.
The Golden Gong: The Story of Rank Films - British Cinema's Legendary Studio
Herself - Interviewee
Documentary - After starting his career producing religious film shorts, J. Arthur Rank went on to become Britain's first and only movie mogul with his establishment of the legendary Pinewood Studios. Narrated by Michael Caine, THE GOLDEN GONG chronicles Pinewood's rise to success. - Richard Attenborough, Dirk Bogarde, Betty E. Box
The Rank Charm School
Documentary about The Company of Youth, The Rank Organisation’s training school for aspirant film actors, nicknamed The Rank Charm School.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Kate Winterton
Adaptation of the novella by Robert Louis Stevenson
Children of the Full Moon
Mrs. Ardoy
A married couple, lost in the woods, stumbles across a creepy mansion and its inhabitants - an overly-kind old woman and deadly wolf children that scour the country-side looking for victims. Originally an episode of British horror anthology TV series, Hammer House of Horror, that later received a feature release in the United States.
The Plank
Woman with Rose
Classic short British comedy, full of stars, about two workmen delivering planks to a building site. This is done with music and a sort of "wordless dialogue" which consists of a few mumbled sounds to convey the appropriate emotion. TV remake of the 1967 short.
Confessions from the David Galaxy Affair
Jenny Stride
Professional astrologer and lothario David Galaxy (Alan Lake, aka Mr Diana Dors), finds himself entangled with the Law and must be able to provide an alibi to clear himself from an incident that involved robbery and murder five years previously.
Of Mycenae and Men
Helen of Troy
Historical comedy, showing what happened to Helen of Troy after the Trojan War.
Adventures of a Private Eye
Mrs. Horne
While a private detective is away on vacation, his not particularly bright assistant takes it upon himself to "solve" a case that comes in. Complications ensue.
Keep It Up Downstairs
Daisy Dureneck
The year is 1904; the setting is Cockshute Towers, one of England's stateliest homes. When the household is threatened with bankruptcy, both the masters and the servants are prepared to co-operate in trying to find some cash - after all, most of them are enjoying liaisons of one kind or another among themselves, and none have any desire to give up their rewarding way of life...
Приключения водителя такси
Mrs. North
Молодой человек, выдавая себя за таксиста, ищет сексуальных приключений и проворачивает рискованные дела с похитителями драгоценностей. Фильм рассчитан на самую непритязательную аудиторию
Three for All
Mrs Ball
A pop band and their girlfriends have fun in Spain
What The Swedish Butler Saw
Madame Helena
A Victorian aristocrat buys a former madhouse and converts it into a "love nest" to woo and bed Alice, the lovely blonde Minister's daughter he meets in an art gallery.
Bedtime with Rosie
Aunt Annie
A pregnant girl stays with her aunt and is forced to share a room with a mysterious male lodger.
Nurse Will Make It Better
Bessy Morne
A woman is hired to care for a young paraplegic girl at her father's estate. Unbeknownst to them, the woman is a devil-worshiper who sets out to steer the young girl down the path of evil.
The Amorous Milkman
Davey's milk delivery job offers him scant excitement. But when a few of the lonely housewives, including the alluring Rita, want him to deliver a little more than just pints of milk, Davey launches into a series of sexcapades that quickly get out of hand. Soon, he finds himself engaged to two women, dodging a local gangster who doesn't appreciate his "service" and fighting false rape charges in court.
Dolly Newman
Jack Palance stars as a demented art dealer & antique-shop owner who performs nightly rituals in honor of the African god Chuku, whom he believes will reward him with unimaginable wealth and power if he merely offers up human sacrifice. His methods are fairly creative, ranging from impalement, slashing and burning, to scaring people to death with an ooga-booga fright mask. But it's all about to blow up in his face...
Байки из могилы
Mabel Lowe
Завязка картины разворачивается в антикварном салоне под названием «Искушения», где его владелец продает покупателям старинные вещи, содержащие в себе тайны… Всего фильм содержит четыре истории, главными предметами в них являются: зеркало, медаль, табакерка и дверь.
Steptoe and Son Ride Again
Woman in Flat
Albert Steptoe and his son Harold are rag-and-bone men, complete with horse and cart to tour the neighbourhood. They also live amicably together at the junk yard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve his lot, Harold invests his father's life savings in a greyhound who is almost blind and can't see the hare. When the dog loses a race and Harold has to pay off the debt, he comes up with another bright idea. Collect his father's life insurance. To do this his father must pretend to be dead.
Театр крови
Maisie Psaltery
В Лондоне объявляется оригинальный убийца — его жертвами становятся театральные критики, а сами убийства выглядят словно сошедшими со страниц Уильяма Шекспира. Полицейские начинают подозревать в преступлениях некоего Эдварда Лайонхарта, эгоцентричного актёра, недавно совершившего самоубийство из-за того, что очередная награда обошла его стороной. У подозрений полиции есть все основания, ведь тело Лайонхарта так и не было найдено.
Nothing But the Night
Anna Harb
When various trustees of the Van Traylen Orphanage begin dying in close order, it's at first written off as a coincidence. But, when a school bus accident very nearly takes out three more of them along with a group of orphans, Col. Bingham (Christopher Lee) and his pathologist friend, Mark (Peter Cushing), begin looking into the deaths. They come to think the answer lies with one of the girls on the bus, who has vivid memories of things she could not possibly have seen.
The Pied Piper
Frau Poppendick
Greed, corruption, ignorance, and disease. Midsummer, 1349: the Black Death reaches northern Germany. Minstrels go to Hamelin for the Mayor's daughter's wedding to the Baron's son. He wants her dowry to pay his army while his father taxes the people to build a cathedral he thinks will save his soul. A local apothecary who's a Jew seeks a treatment for the plague; the priests charge him with witchcraft. One of the minstrels, who has soothed the Mayor's daughter with his music, promises to rid the town of rats for the fee. The Mayor agrees, then renigs. In the morning, the plague, the Jew's trial, and the Piper's revenge come at once.
Изумительный мистер Бланден
Mrs. Wickens the Housekeeper
Однажды в доме вдовы Аллен и двух её детей появляется загадочный мистер Бланден, занимающийся недвижимостью, и делает предложение, от которого Аллены не смогли отказаться, — предлагает им присмотреть за одним старым особняком. Как затем выясняется, часть особняка была уничтожена старым пожаром, причём тогда в огне погибло двое детей...
Дикие кошки из Швеции
Садистка Маргарита хозяйка экзотического борделя в Копенгагене, который удовлетворяет самые изощренные вкусы клиентов. Каждую ночь в борделе красивые девушки показывают стриптиз, а тот кто заплатит наибольшую сумму, сможет удовлетворить свои сексуальные фантазии с участницами шоу. Племянницы Маргариты Сюзанна и Карин, загримированные под тигриц, являются наиболее вожделенными для клиентов. Но их начинают утомлять навязчивые клиенты и они мечтают о настоящей любви. Сюзанна встречает Питера, молодого шведского летчика, который быстро влюбляется в нее. Но он не знает всей правды о Сюзанне...
Ханни Колдер
Братья Клеменс, известные преступники, ворвались на ранчо, где жили Ханни Колдер и ее муж. Муж был убит, дом сожжен, а Ханни зверски изнасилована. Ханни поклялась отомстить и обратилась к стрелку-одиночке, чтобы тот научил ее обращаться с оружием…
Эй! В моем супе девушка
John's Wife
Герою этой комедии совсем не до смеха — в его жизненный "суп" попадает одна довольно бесцеремонная особа, правда, очень милая, но совершенно без тормозов. И что теперь только не случается с престарелым ловеласом! Что ж, приходится расплачиваться за "беса в ребро"…
Bathhouse Female Client #1
Окончив школу, Майк устраивается работать смотрителем в городской бассейн на окраине Лондона. Там он знакомится с эффектной рыжеволосой Сьюзан, пользующейся повышенным спросом у мужчин. Впервые увидев ее, Майк больше не может думать ни о ком другом. Сьюзан значительно старше Майка, но он продолжает упорно добиваться ее внимания, однажды получая вознаграждение за свое терпение. Узнав, что у его возлюбленной роман с женатым инструктором по плаванию, Майк пытается вмешаться в их отношения, и это приводит к трагическому финалу.
Любимое дитя
Liz Thompson
15-летняя Люси находит находит свою мать-одиночку мёртвой. У них никогда не было хороших отношений, но тем не менее это расстраивает её. Перед тем, как совершить самоубийство, мать Люси отправляет письмо своему бывшему возлюбленному, ныне успешному и семейному Роберту Квэйл с просьбой позаботится о дочери. Испытывая чувство вины за прошлое, он соглашается на время приютить у себя Люси, пока ей не будет найдена другая семья. Но девочке из трущоб быстро понравилось в новом богатом доме и его покидать совсем не планирует. Она пытается соблазнить всех членов семьи.
An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).
Моника Риверс — владелица небольшого передвижного цирка. Когда в ее цирке начинает происходить серия загадочных убийств, возникает вопрос: будет ли Моника следующей жертвой неизвестного маньяка или за всем этим стоит она сама, нуждающаяся в рекламе.
Danger Route
Rhoda Gooderich
Jonas Wilde, a British secret agent licensed to kill, wants to resign from his murderous work, but his superiors pressure him into taking on a new assignment-the assassination of a defecting Soviet scientist. In the course of the dangerous mission, he discovers a mole has infiltrated British intelligence.
The Sandwich Man
First Billingsgate Lady
A man with a sandwich-board (advert) wanders around London meeting many strange characters.
Вперед, Франция!
Обычный француз Анри приехал на чемпионат по регби в Англию поддержать французскую команду вместе с разношерстой толпой таких же обычных французов. На стадионе ему случайно выбили зубы, и сердобольные товарищи подкинули его к ближайшему дантисту…
West 11
Joe Beckett, seasoned citizen of the bedsitter belt, aged about 22, is the renegade son of modest, respectable parents and, to use his own description, 'an emotional leper'. He decides that he needs a violent shock to shake him back into life, and as a result accepts a commission to carry out the murder of a total stranger for a man he meets in a coffee bar...
Mrs. Gibbons' Boys
Two convicts escape from prison, complicating life for their widowed mother when they return home to hide out.
King of the Roaring 20's – The Story of Arnold Rothstein
Gambler Arnold Rothstein marries an actress, avenges his buddy and meets an underworld fate.
On the Double
Sergeant Bridget Stanhope
American GI Ernie Williams, admittedly weak-kneed, has an uncanny resemblance to British Colonel MacKenzie. Williams, also a master of imitation and disguise, is asked to impersonate the Colonel, ostensibly to allow the Colonel to make a secret trip East. What Williams is not told is that the Colonel has recently been a target of assassins. After the Colonel's plane goes down, the plan changes and Williams maintains the disguise to confuse the Nazis about D-Day.
Запах тайны
Winifred Jordan
Отдыхающий англичанин наталкивается на заговор с целью убийства молодой американской туристки в Испании.
Passport to Shame
British melodrama about a cabbie befriending a girl caught up in the white slave trade.
Tread Softly Stranger
Unable to pay his bookie, a man returns to his hometown where his embezzler brother and girlfriend plot a robbery that ends in tragedy.
I Married a Woman
Janice Blake Briggs/ Miss Luxembourg
Advertising executive Marshall Briggs finds his work in conflict with his love-life with fashion model Janice Blake.
The Love Specialist
Diana Wilson
A Texas girl wins a trip to Italy where she meets a prince who's afraid to admit that he's flat broke (so is she). They strike up an affair, but things come to a crazy conclusion when he tries to bribe a horse to win a race at the Palio racing grounds.
The Long Haul
An American ex-GI takes a job as a truck driver to support his British war bride Connie. It isn't long, however, before Harry is blackmailed into joining a smuggling operation run by a conniving criminal.
The Unholy Wife
Phyllis Hochen
A woman marries a man for his wealth, then concocts a plan to kill him, take his money, and run off with her lover. Things go wrong when they accidentally kill the wrong person.
Yield to the Night
Mary Price Hilton
Locked in her cell, a murderer reflects on the events that have led her to death row.
Козлёнок за два гроша
Мама маленького Джо работает в ателье господина Кандинского швеёй, и Джо иногда бывает у неё на работе. Они кое-как сводят концы с концами на мамину зарплату, но в их бедном квартале есть соседи, которые даже голодают. Джо не знает, как помочь всем этим людям и маме, но очень хочет этого. Кандинский однажды говорил ему, что любое желание человека может исполнить только единорог из сказки. Джо покупает на свои сбережения маленького козлёнка, у которого по-особенному растут рожки. Он решил вырастить собственного единорога…
An Alligator Named Daisy
Vanessa Colebrook
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
Цена денег
Ruthine West
Новоиспечённый владелец складов вторсырья, как и отец, не потратит и пенни лишнего. Однако, поддавшись на уговоры друзей и невесты, он уезжает в Лондон, чтобы развеяться — и встречает блондинку своей мечты. Много ли тут сэкономишь...
Доктор на море
Party Guest (uncredited)
Саймон Спэрроу устраивается работать судовым врачом. Он предполагает, что его ждет спокойное плавание. Однако на борт корабля поднимаются дочь судовладельца и певичка-француженка. Говорят, что женщина на корабле - к несчастью, а тут их сразу две...
Miss Tulip Stays the Night
Kate Dax
Gorgeous Kate Dax and her crime-writer husband, Andrew, investigate the murder of eccentric spinster Miss Tulip at a remote country cottage.
As Long as They're Happy
Pearl Delaney
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
The Weak and the Wicked
Betty Brown
Jean Raymond an upper class woman with a gambling addiction, is given a twelve-month prison sentence resulting from her inability to pay her debts. At first she is overwhelmingly depressed by life in the women's prison; gradually, however, her misery is relieved by the many close friends she makes there. This sympathetic drama traces the contrasting lives and often faltering progress of the inmates of a women's prison.
It's a Grand Life
Cpl. Paula Clements
Classic British comedy following an accident-prone army Private, played by music hall legend Frank Randle in his final screen role, as he attempts to rescue a Corporal (played by icon Diana Dors) from the attentions of a predatory Sergeant-Major.
The Saint's Return
The Blonde in Lennar's Apartment
A private detective goes after the people who murdered his girlfriend.
Is Your Honeymoon Really Necessary?
Candy Markham
Based on a 1944 West End stage success with Ralph Lynn, this is a classic bedroom farce for those who like them that way -- its theatrical origins acknowledged in the credits and clearly apparent when most of the action takes place with characters popping in and out of a single-room set -- enlivened by a sex-pot performance by Diana Dors as blackmailing first wife Candy.
The Great Game
Lulu Smith
The wealthy chairman of First Division Football Club, Burnville United, makes an unethical approach to a star player of another club, and the ensuing scandal costs him his job.
My Wife's Lodger
Eunice Higginbotham
My Wife’s Lodger finds hapless soldier Willie Higginbottom (Dominic Roche) hoping for a hero’s welcome when he returns home after the war. But, while he was away, shifty spiv Roger the Lodger (Leslie Dwyer) got his arms around his wife and his feet under the table, and now Willie’s ditzy daughter (Diana Dors) only wants to sing, dance and jitterbug!
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Ruby Bruce
После неудачной попытки соблазнить своего работодателя Руби вместе со своим бойфрендом предпринимает попытку вымогательства. Проигнорировав угрозы шантажа, книготорговец Джон Харман оказывается вовлечён в круговорот катастрофических событий, повторяющих сюжет недавно приобретённой им рукописи. Суждено ли трагической развязке рукописи повториться в жизни?
Леди Годива снова в седле
Dolores August
Симпатичная официантка ради смеха решает участвовать в конкурсе красоты и неожиданно его выигрывает. Но погружение в шоу-бизнес оказывается не таким радужным, как казалось ранее. Её начинают преследовать неудачи, и она чуть не скатывается до стриптиз-ревю. Но есть надежда, что всё кончится хорошо.
Worm's Eye View
Incidents in the lives of a group of R.A.F. men living in billets.
Face to Face
Dance Hall
Episodic tale of four factory girls and their various romances at the local dance hall in Chiswick, London. Unusual at the time, the film tells its story from a feminine perspective. Today, it is mainly recognised for its post-war London atmosphere, with bomb sites, trolleybuses and rationing.
Diamond City
Dora Bracken
Set in the diamond fields of South Africa, Stafford Parker is a lawman trying to maintain a semblance of law and order in the "Wild South".
A Boy, a Girl and a Bike
Ada Foster
The lives of the members of a West Yorkshire cycling club are complicated by romantic entanglements and a series of bike thefts.
It's Not Cricket
Kicked out of Army Intelligence, a pair of upper class twits set up as private detectives. The result is refined English chaos. " This is the regettable story of two Drones who didn't even know their own Zones. It starts in Germany, gets nowhere and stops at nothing." Radford and Wayne, cashiered from the army when they let a captured Nazi escape, become private detectives who later get involved with the same German and a missing diamond ...
Vote for Huggett
Diana Gowan
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Here Come the Huggetts
Diana Hopkins
The Huggetts have their first telephone installed, sleep rough on The Mall whilst waiting for the Royal Wedding and deal with a fire at the 'Oatibix' factory.
My Sister and I
Dreary Girl
A family is in need of a new house help so they employ a mysterious young woman. They soon realise all is not as it seems as the past comes back to haunt the woman of the house.
The Calendar
The favourite for the big race is nobbled and suspicion falls on the owner. His secret admirer proves it wasn't him.
Оливер Твист
Молодая беременная женщина с трудом добирается сквозь бурю до приходского работного дома, расположенного где-то в английской провинции. Здесь она дает жизнь ребенку и испускает дух. Мальчик, названный Оливером Твистом, воспитывается в работном доме, страдая от недоедания и тяжелой работы. В девятилетнем возрасте его отправляют в качестве подмастерья к местному гробовщику... Экранизация произведения Чарльза Диккенса.
Penny and the Pownall Case
Molly James
A glamour model helps Scotland Yard to catch a criminal gang.
Good-Time Girl
Lyla Lawrence
Good Time Girl stars Jean Kent as incipient juvenile delinquent Gwen Rawlings. Sent to a home for "problem" girls, Gwen receives a crash course in petty crime. Back on the outside, she falls in with the usual bad crowd, and suffers spectacularly as a result.
Dancing with Crime
When his best friend is murdered inside a London dancehall, a cab driver and his girlfriend involve themselves in the investigation and discover a major criminal operation hiding behind the club's friendly facade.
The Shop at Sly Corner
The French owner of an antique shop, Desius Heiss, (Oskar Homolka) has become disillusioned with society since his torture as a prisoner on Devil's Island, since when he has allowed his shop to become a front for criminal activity, and he himself is a receiver of stolen goods.