James Whyle


Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
Pilot 1 (Bagley)
A ship captained by the father (Dale Dye) of the leader (Michael McGrady) of Delta Force is taken hostage by terrorists. As might be expected the force is sent in to stop them.
Dark Desires: Crime of Love
Paul is the manager of the restaurant of a famous equestrian club. He falls in love with Estelle, former star of racetracks, wife of Joe, club's star jockey. Estelle, tired of her husband, tries to get rid of him and, and pushes Paul to act. He fulfills its mission so that Linda, young mistress of Joe, is accused of the murder for him...
Gang Leader
Спецагент ФБР, бывший морской пехтинец Паркер вместе с агентшей ЦРУ Джиной отправляются на Кубу, чтобы выменять американца на кубинского торговца наркотиками, арестованного в Штатах. На острове свободы их ждала ловушка — предатель американского народа Прайс и генерал, замышляющие свергнуть Фиделя, готового пойти на мировую с Америкой, схватили обоих и вживили Паркеру микросхему, превратив его в убийцу. Такие человеческие бомбы замедленного действия они собираются использовать для грязных целей. Но Паркеру удается освободиться из-под контроля подлого микрочипа.
Проект «Охотник за тенью» 2
Terrorists led by an android take over a nuclear plant and threaten to launch a missile at Washington. While the authorities desperately attempt to negotiate, the terrorists persue their real goal. A plant worker, her son and a tough-guy repair man have other ideas, and attempt to stop the terrorists from inside the plant.
The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.
The Stick
A squad (stick) of South African soldiers is sent into the bush to track down some rebel fighters when things take a supernatural turn.
Стальной рассвет
Опустошительные войны и глобальные катаклизмы навсегда изменили облик Земли. В песках бескрайних пустынь, покрывших планету, жизнь жалких горсток людей целиком зависит от редких источников пресной воды. В этом суровом постапокалиптическом мире обитатели городка Меридиан живут в вечном страхе перед бандой безжалостного Дамнила, властвующего на их землях. Он намерен отнять драгоценный колодец у одинокой красавицы Кэйши и ее юного сына. Но планы головорезов внезапно нарушает появление загадочного Кочевника с острым мечом Миротворца. Молчаливый незнакомец с блестящими навыками воина и холодным сердцем героя встает на защиту городка и отважной женщины, поклявшись избавить их от злодеев. Но Дамнил не намерен сдаваться. Он поручает своим наемникам избавиться от чужака любым способом…
Place of Weeping
South Africa has a conflicted past, a beautiful landscape, and Africa's strongest economic engine. The multiple ethnic groups give the country vitality and instability. View the multicultural cities, and the striking rural environments.
Tenth of a Second
Michael Wilder
"Tenth of a Second" is the account of one man's desperate attempt to fight the oppressive apartheid regime of South Africa. This political thriller centres around Michael Wilder (James Whyle), a schoolteacher and political activist, with a failing marriage. Wilder is a member of the "Organisation" which is involved in subversive activities against the state. One day, Raymond (Nicky Rebelo), a fellow member, visits Wilder and leaves him with a suitcase containing a bomb. Wilder is expected to place in a busy shopping centre. But things do not go according to plan and the consequences of his actions result in devastating effects for Wilder and his grip on reality.