Carlos Kaniowsky

Carlos Kaniowsky


Carlos Kaniowsky


Три мушкетера
Captain Treville (voice)
Амбициозный щенок Д’Артаньгав отправляется в Париж, чтобы воплотить свою самую заветную мечту — стать королевским мушкетером. Героя ждут невероятные — опасные, но очень веселые — приключения в компании новых друзей, вместе с которыми ему предстоит отстоять добро и справедливость и защитить короля от злобного кардинала Ришелье. Коварный план по захвату власти удастся сорвать только если Д’Артаньгав и мушкетеры выступят… один за всех и все за одного!
Le Vivre Ensemble
Ato San Nen
Marisa is a 65-year-old widow living in a small country town in the sole company of her dog Tico. One day she receives and unexpected visit from Hiroshi, and they will share a day that won't be like any other.
Routine and red sausage have led Mauricio to lose things he took for granted. In an act of illogical desperation, he visits a carnival fortune-teller to try and tie up the lose ends he left along the way. With the help of her crystal ball, the fortune-teller shows him an alternate reality.
The Last Days of Cinema
Just as the city's movie theaters are closing their doors, the relationship between Leandro and his son Martín is fading; but Leandro tries to redeem his past mistakes, free Martín from a gray life and get him to recover his imagination, to dream again and find the light.
Antes de morir piensa en mí
The story is told using non-linear flashbacks during the court case that determined her fate, giving us a detached and non-judgemental portrait of Nina, a lonely child of a carefree single mother. Having never had a father figure, she seeks affection through older men before she falls in love with a younger man called Sergio, an apprentice under her husband Miguel. The film highlights various episodes from her life, culminating in the murder of her lover, and the apparent cannibalism that follows.
Ashes from the Sun
Environmental drama set in Asturias, Spain. A Scottish travel writer is forced to stay in a valley town in northern Spain when his camper van breaks down. There he gets to know the different inhabitants, some of them struggling to close down the nearby power station and some trying to make it more prosperous.
Ashes from the Sun
Environmental drama set in Asturias, Spain. A Scottish travel writer is forced to stay in a valley town in northern Spain when his camper van breaks down. There he gets to know the different inhabitants, some of them struggling to close down the nearby power station and some trying to make it more prosperous.
The Nautical Chart
Coy, a sailor without ship, banished from the sea by a navigation accident occurred during his guard, knows in an auction of naval objects in Barcelona to an attractive and mysterious woman, Tangier. This, in hard struggle with an Italian adventurer, Nino Palermo, manages to get a cartographic jewel of eighteen, the Maritime Atlas of Urrutia.
Dueño Peluquería
Алекс уже с юных лет учится воровать: вместе с матерью они промышляют кражей бумажников, наручных часов и т. п. в метро. Однажды мать арестовывают и он остаётся один. Через 10 лет он выходит из сиротского приюта и пытается вести нормальную жизнь. Он находит работу в парикмахерской, одновременно ищёт свою мать и селится в её старой квартире. В один прекрасный день он видит Сару при обречённой на провал попытке украсть диск, и помогает ей выйти из положения, но остаётся неузнанным. Он некоторое время следит за ней, когда она его замечает и требует объяснений, Алекс предлагает ей научить её воровать, от чего она в конце концов не может отказаться.
Karol: The Pope, The Man
Oscar Arnulfo Romero Goldamez
This highly acclaimed feature film on Pope John Paul II was filmed on location in Italy and Poland. Focusing on the papacy of John Paul and the tremendous impact he had on the Church and the world, Karol: The Pope, The Man stars actor Piotr Adamczyk in a deeply moving portrayal of the beloved pontiff. It is the powerful true story of a charismatic spiritual leader who helped bring down Communism, renewed the life of the Church, greatly impacted youth worldwide with love for Christ, and a Pope who reached out to other religions and world leaders with a message of peace and love. Also stars Raoul Bova (Saint Francis), Michele Placido (Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth) and Adriana Asti as Mother Teresa. The beautiful film score is by legendary film composer Ennio Morricone.
The Longest Penalty Shot in the World
Fernando (Fernando Tejero) is a loser. A gray type, without ambition, that works like bookcases distributor in a supermarket of the quarter. In his free short whiles, he is a substitute keeper of a football team, a third regional one. In all the season he has not played a single minute. But the last Sunday of the league the referee indicates penalty and the regular keeper injures itself. Fernando must occupy the goal for the first time. If penalty scores, the team of the district will proclaim champion. If no, all the effort of a year will not have been worth for anything. When the penalty is just about to be kicked, a group of indignant fans with the referee invades the field and prevents the kick. The competition committee decides that the penalty must play the following Sunday, in the same goal, with same players and the field closed to the public. El Penalti más largo del mundo, (The Longest Penalty Shot in the World) is exactly the history of that week of delay.
Cosas que hacen que la vida valga la pena
Hortensia is a mature officer of the INEM office. She has been abandoned by her husband so she doesn't believe in love anymore. One day Eduardo Fernandez goes to the employment office because after overcoming a deep depression, he has decided that his life has to get better.
Sleeping luck
Amparo, a lawyer working as an advisor in an insurance company in Madrid is grieving over a traumatic event in her past. She will have to react, however, to the world surrounding her when a young man of her acquaintance dies mysteriously while working in a mine. Amparo will take over his case and discover in the process a world of corruption and illegal measures taken by the company that the young man worked for.
Мечтая об Аргентине
Rubén Mendoza
Сесилия, любящая жена и мать, попадает в секретную тюрьму за свою неблагодарную работу: она преданный своей работе журналист и пытается расследовать дело государственного масштаба. Теперь Карлос должен во что бы то ни стало спасти ее, пока не слишком поздно…
Luna's Game
The daughter of a poker player frequents the casinos to earn a living the only way he has learned: playing.
Set in Galicia in northwest Spain - an area famed for its beauty and smuggling - this film shows a once-thriving fishing and shipbuilding culture fallen on hard times. Feisty, street smart Lena, 18, lives in semi-penury with her hard-drinking slob of a father, Gorrión, and hopes to escape by getting a grant to study in Portugal. Gorrion is mixed up with local drug-smuggling mafiosi, that includes Lena's godfather, Gitano, their Portugese Cachero, and the strong, silent Milio. One day, Lena returns from her job to find Gorrion badly beaten up: The gang had accused him of stealing. Lena visits the gangsters and offers to help pay off her father's debt by working for them. After Gorrion forgets to deliver Lena's grant papers, a fragile emotional bond develops between Lena and Milio. When they set off to Portugal to do a job, events start to ramble.
Flowers From Another World
Patricia, a woman from Dominican Republic, needs a home and an economic security that her illegal status in Madrid does not provide her. Milady, twenty, born in Havana and dying to travel the world. Marirosi has a job, a home, and the most complete solitude... just like Alfonso, Damián and Carmelo, men from the St. Eulalia, a village lacking both marrying women and future. A bachelors' party forces the encounter between them and the beginning of this bittersweet story of sharing a living.
Сексназ капитана Пантохи
Padre Beltrán
В связи с участившимися случаями изнасилований гражданских лиц военнослужащими удаленных гарнизонов Амазонии, капитан Пантоха, при соблюдении строгой секретности, займется организацией Службы Визитов по доставке проституток для бойцов, несущих службу в джунглях. Работа этой секс-службы будет стимулировать укрепление боеспособности и повышение морального духа военнослужащих. Капитан Пантоха лично займется отбором, проверкой и обучением кадров для этой ответственной работы. Важные пометки: Несмотря на моральную устойчивость офицера Пантохи, рекомендуется дополнительный контроль в связи с особой спецификой задания.
El niño invisible
A group of children find a magic stone that transports them to the XII century.
Белая голубка
Волк-одиночка, борец за свободу басков колесит по Испании, чтобы найти убийц своего брата. С гитарой за спиной и «пушкой» за поясом, он идет по пятам своих заклятых врагов. Его сердце не знало ни жалости, ни любви, пока он не встретил прекрасную Росио - танцовщицу из таверны «Белая голубка». Любовь всех делает уязвимыми. Жажда свободы, пламя страсти и ледяное дыхание смерти - переплелись в бешеном ритме фламенко.
Жена министра
Благодаря протекции своей любовницы, графини Монтенегро, юный жиголо Рафаэль получает непыльное место садовника на вилле министра Фернандеса. Здесь на привлекательного парня обращает внимание молодая супруга политика Тереса, испытывающая недостаток внимания со стороны мужа. Вскоре Рафаэль становится любовником женщины. Тем временем на него выходят представители левой террористической группировки, требующие от молодого человека помощи в похищении члена правительственного кабинета.
Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.