Джа - 30-летняя женщина, строящая блестящую карьеру. В отношениях у нашей героини «перерыв», но она по-прежнему очень счастлива, несмотря ни на что. По - молодой, 23-ний парень, никогда не состоявший в серьёзных отношениях. Так бы могло продолжаться всю жизнь, но он встретил Джа и понял, что она девушка его мечты. Покорны ли все возрасты любви? Что скажут окружающие? Джа сомневается по этому поводу и всё ещё хватается за свои принципы.
A street performer, is chased by a rich and young film star coming to his home in her Mercedes SL. Her name is Ple and she likes older men. Getting interest from Ple is like a dream for Dang as he has been single since his wife died 10 years ago but he tries to abuse the situation. Meanwhile the reality is mixed with his own dreams. In his dreams, he is a film star. He is navigating between dream and reality not knowing which one is true. Dang behaves badly in his dreams when he is a film star.
Молодую девушку Дью бросает парень и она с горя напивается. Ее пытаются похитить, но ей на выручку приходит бригада бродяг-алкоголиков: мастер Саним, Ки Му и длинноволосый Ки Ма, позже к ним присоединяется загадочный Ки Квай с прической из дрэдов.. Они берут ее под свою опеку и обучают приемам боевого искусства Мейрайют, состоящего из пьяного тайского бокса и танцевальных движений из хип-хопа.
Молодую девушку Дью бросает парень и она с горя напивается. Ее пытаются похитить, но ей на выручку приходит бригада бродяг-алкоголиков: мастер Саним, Ки Му и длинноволосый Ки Ма, позже к ним присоединяется загадочный Ки Квай с прической из дрэдов.. Они берут ее под свою опеку и обучают приемам боевого искусства Мейрайют, состоящего из пьяного тайского бокса и танцевальных движений из хип-хопа.
Зин, в прошлом участвовавшая в междоусобицах соперничающих бандитских группировок и ушедшая из теневого бизнеса из-за любви к японцу, члену Якудзы, вынуждена расстаться с ним, даже не сказав, что беременна. Родив девочку, Зин узнаёт страшный приговор — её дочери Зэн поставлен диагноз — аутизм. Однако по прошествии времени девочка, несмотря на кажущееся отрешение от реального мира, обнаруживает в себе редкий дар интуитивного владения боевыми искусствами. Когда выясняется, что Зин больна раком, Зэн и её единственный близкий друг Моом решили устраивать небольшие представления, чтобы собрать деньги на лечение больной матери Зэн. Однажды Моом случайно находит старые записи в тетради Зин, где перечислялись люди, которые задолжали ей крупные суммы. Не подозревая ещё, что это вовсе не долги за кредиты, выданные в бакалейной лавке, Моом и Зэн отправляются к людям из списка с требованием вернуть долги…
Itti a former police officer is a master of the dark magic. Imprisoned, he succeeds to vanish from his cell. The police, leaded by Santi, is tracking to get him back, but confronts supernatural events. Santi wishes to capture dark art master no matter what it takes, even if he must become a necromancer himself..
A soccer philosophy has it that every underdog has its day. This year King s Cup tournament proves that true, when a bunch of unknown players called Sagai United join the competition under the supervision of Paotu, an ex referee who was forced into retirement after getting involved in a gambling scandal.
Executive Producer
Strange things start happening when separate twists of fate bring each of three friends, Big, Dan and Beam, into contact with three strangers an old woman who tells prophecies, a little girl who sells garlands on the street and a young woman named Aom. What none of them realize is that not only is there a connection between the three females, but also between the guys themselves and their destinies. But it starts to become clear that one them is fated to die.
Strange things start happening when separate twists of fate bring each of three friends, Big, Dan and Beam, into contact with three strangers an old woman who tells prophecies, a little girl who sells garlands on the street and a young woman named Aom. What none of them realize is that not only is there a connection between the three females, but also between the guys themselves and their destinies. But it starts to become clear that one them is fated to die.
Set in a future Bangkok, the story picks-up after a hit-gone-wrong on Iron Cop, the area police chief. The would-be killer Pae, together with his equally inept collection of thugs, now become wanted men themselves as the Thai underworld bristles with the shame and dishonor of such an ignoble bungling.
Mai and Men are brothers. Mai quits school to go work as a mechanic while his brother stays in school and chases girls. However his need for money increases as his father gets sick and ends up in the hospital with bills no one can afford. He has a girlfriend he loves named Pom. The mechanic there knows of his financial problems and teaches him how to break into cars. He introduces him to a professional car theft gang and he starts working for them. The gang is run by Toh who he soon finds out is a violent sadistic killer. They all start arguing about the division of the profits from the cars. His girlfriend runs off with his brother as he is never around. Can Mai fix things up with her and can he get out of the gang alive?
Mai and Men are brothers. Mai quits school to go work as a mechanic while his brother stays in school and chases girls. However his need for money increases as his father gets sick and ends up in the hospital with bills no one can afford. He has a girlfriend he loves named Pom. The mechanic there knows of his financial problems and teaches him how to break into cars. He introduces him to a professional car theft gang and he starts working for them. The gang is run by Toh who he soon finds out is a violent sadistic killer. They all start arguing about the division of the profits from the cars. His girlfriend runs off with his brother as he is never around. Can Mai fix things up with her and can he get out of the gang alive?