Bartlett Cormack


The Racket
Theatre Play
Mobster Nick Scanlon has managed to buy several of the local government and law-enforcement officials. However, he can't seem to touch the incorruptible police captain Tom McQuigg, who refuses all attempts at bribery. Prosecuting attorney, Welch, and a police detective, Turck, are crooked and make McQuigg's job as an honest officer nearly impossible.
Нечестные партнеры
A crusading newsman starts up a tabloid with a gangster as his 50-50 partner.
Переулок святого Мартина
Additional Writing
Отгремела первая мировая война, и на тротуарах Лондона, сменяя друг друга, вновь выступают уличные артисты. Их заработок невелик, а конкуренция столь высока, что они еле-еле сводят концы с концами. Бездомная девушка Либерти, умеет хорошо танцевать. Однажды она крадет серебряный портсигар у прохожего, но это замечает руководитель уличной труппы Чарльз Стэджерс.
The Beachcomber
Ginger Ted, AKA Edward Claude Wilson, a drunkard and womanizer, and Miss Jones, a missionary, live in the Alas Islands. During a cholera epidemic, Ginger Ted and Miss Jones are sent to an outlying part of the islands to run a hospital; on their return, their motorboat breaks down, and they are marooned overnight on a small island.
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Orchids to You
An unlikely courtroom romance blooms between a flower-shop owner and her unscrupulous landlord's married attorney.
Doubting Thomas
A husband makes fun of his wife's theatrical aspirations when she agrees to appear in a local production. When she begins to neglect him, he decides to retaliate by also going on stage.
48 год до н.э. Клеопатра приветствует прибытие Юлия Цезаря, стараясь укрепить свою власть в Египте под протекторатом Рима. Но Цезаря убивают, и она передает свою привязанность Марку Антонию, ослепляя его роскошью своего двора…
The Trumpet Blows
In Mexico, a former bandit settles down and picks out a beautiful young dancer to be his wife. His younger brother also comes home after having spent years in the U.S., and falls in love with his brother's intended fiancé. Rather than cause problems, the younger brother goes to Mexico City to become a matador. While there, he gets word that the police, who have been hunting his brother, have finally captured him.
Four Frightened People
Malaya tropical island romantic love triangle adventure thriller, about a cruise ship where Bubonic plague breaks out. Four people are able to leave the ship in a tiny boat and make it to a desert island, where many adventures ensue and, of course, the two men fight over the beautiful young schoolteacher who is with them.
This Day and Age
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
This Day and Age
A modern-day tale of gangsterism and revenge. After a notorious mobster murders a Jewish tailor and is let off for the crime, a band of outraged high-school students turns into vigilante crusaders hell-bent on punishing the wrongdoers. Memorable pre-Code moment: the students torturing a gangster by dangling him over a pit filled with rats.
The Past of Mary Holmes
Associate Producer
Mary Holmes (MacKellar), once a famous opera star known as Maria di Nardi, now lives in a run-down shanty and suffers from alcoholism. Known for her eccentric behavior, Mary breeds geese, and is thus known in her neighborhood as 'The Goose Woman'. She blames her grown son Geoffrey (Linden) for the deterioration of her voice, and does everything to destroy his life. When Geoffrey, who works as a commercial artist, announces to her that he will marry Joan Hoyt (Arthur), an actress, she becomes torn with jealousy and threatens to reveal to Joan that he is an illegitimate birth.
The Phantom of Crestwood
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
The Phantom of Crestwood
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
Тринадцать женщин
Тринадцать женщин, которые во время учёбы в колледже принимали участие в спиритическом кружке, обращаются к знаменитому пророку Свами Йогадачи, чтобы он составил гороскопы для каждой из них. Все тринадцать гороскопов предсказали трагедию в ближайшее время. И предсказания начинают сбываться…
Kick In
Chick Hewes is released from prison and finds work as an accountant. Two years later, Chick's crooked friend, Benny LaMarr, to whom he is indebted for past kindnesses, steals a diamond necklace from the home safe of the district attorney. When the district attorney threatens to accuse the police of inefficiency in crime fighting, Garvey, who is campaigning for the office of police commissioner, promises to catch the thief in twenty-four hours.
Kick In
Chick Hewes is released from prison and finds work as an accountant. Two years later, Chick's crooked friend, Benny LaMarr, to whom he is indebted for past kindnesses, steals a diamond necklace from the home safe of the district attorney. When the district attorney threatens to accuse the police of inefficiency in crime fighting, Garvey, who is campaigning for the office of police commissioner, promises to catch the thief in twenty-four hours.
Первая полоса
Репортер Хилди Джонсон планирует перебраться в Нью-Йорк на более высокооплачиваемую работу. Он попадает в пресс-центр городской тюрьмы, где группа газетных репортеров праздно ждет оглашение приговора над преступником-коммунистом, обвиняемом в убийстве. Когда тот сбегает, в пресс-центре начинается настоящий переполох. Политика, система правосудия, коммунистическая истерия, любовь и брак — такие острые темы высмеивают авторы в этой картине.
On a voyage to Nome, Roy Glenister, one of the several owners of a rich mine, The Midas, is captivated by Helen Chester, while he both fascinates and disquiets her by his primitive nature. He arrives to find his partners, Slapjack Simms and Joe Dextry, befuddled by a trio of no-gooders: Voorhees, the U. S. marshal, Judge Stillman, and McNamara, a politician. Their racket is to cloud title to the various mine claims, eject the miners, and make McNamara owner of the disputed properties.
Дело об убийстве Бенсона
Циничный и безжалостный биржевой маклер убит в своём шикарном загородном поместье. Фило Вэнс, случайно оказавшийся на месте преступления, решает выяснить, кто убийца.
The Laughing Lady
A society woman wrongly -- and very publicly -- accused of infidelity is dropped by her friends, spurned by her husband, and faced with the loss of her child.
Woman Trap
In Woman Trap, Hal Skelly is hard-bitten police sergeant Dan Malone, whose mission in life is to rid his community of gangsters. The revelation that Dan's own brother Ray (Chester Morris) is the secret head of all local criminal activities does not weaken Dan's resolve in the least. The barely relevant title is a reference to "heroine" Kitty Evans (Evelyn Brent), the wife of a minor gang functionary. Screenwriter Joseph L. Mankiewicz, presumably on a dare, makes a brief appearance as a crime reporter.
The Greene Murder Case
Philo Vance investigates when a murderer preys upon members of a wealthy family on New York's Upper East Side.
Gentlemen Of The Press
A newsman is drawn away from family life by the needs of his paper until a new woman enters his life.
Крутой гангстер Махлон Кин практически заправляет преступностью в Нью-Йорке. Он знакомится с разорившейся светской девушкой Родой Филбрук на благотворительном вечере общества и помогает ей обманом выиграть в покер…
Theatre Play
Крутой гангстер Махлон Кин практически заправляет преступностью в Нью-Йорке. Он знакомится с разорившейся светской девушкой Родой Филбрук на благотворительном вечере общества и помогает ей обманом выиграть в покер…