Enrique Ávila

Enrique Ávila

Рождение : 1930-07-15, Madrid, Spain


Enrique Ávila


Esclava te doy
Солдаты удачи
Средневековье, 1503 год. Несколько наемных солдат во главе с Эторе Фиерамоска странствуют по Европе в поисках какой-нибудь войны, где они смогут заработать немного денег. И вот они приезжают в провинцию Барлетта, где бушует война между Испанией и Францией. Когда они оказываются перед испанским замком, находящимся под осадой французских войск, Эторе решает подождать, чтобы определить, какая из армий побеждает, чтобы определить, какую сторону принять…
Señora Doctor
Elvira Ruiz, a graduate in medicine, is aimed at a village inhabited by rude and stubborn people who don´t understand that a woman can exercise this profession. Due to their ancestral backwardness, the village people have trouble telling their problems to a female, so she must use unorthodox methods to accomplish their task.
My Dearest Senorita
Padre José María
A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the reaction of a narrow-minded society?
Si estás muerto, ¿por qué bailas?
Zorro, Rider of Vengeance
In Old Calfiornia, an unscrupulous adventurer massacre Indians in order to find an ancient (and precious) talisman they are supposed to hide. Zorro will be on the rescue to protect both the pioneers and the Indians. This adventure has very little in common with the traditional swashbuckling backstage of Zorro's films but many elements of a western film.
A woman takes a man home for shelter after a robbery
When Heroes Die
The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. But the soldiers are caught by the Germans who decide to use their plan against them. Replacing the American soldiers with German soldiers, and with the help of a fake "kidnapped" Rommel, they plan to kill General Eisenhower
More Dollars for the MacGregors
Robert MacGregor and Gladys MacGregor is a marriage that is dedicated to hunting outlaws wanted by the justice. But instead of delivering them alive, kill them in order to steal from them and also collect the reward. She deceives them and he kills treason, winning the love of great gunslinger. But ambition leads them to face a cruel and cunning murderer who kills for Donna. However, a mysterious stranger appears, Ross Stewart which initially appears to be from Robert. However, when the latter's wife dies, he unveiled plans stranger ...
El alma se serena
The War Devils
Franz Kelner
A German Captain and an American Captain help each other survive the North African desert during WWII. They meet again a year later during combat operations in France.
Hell Commandos
Pvt. Thomas Nichols
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
Битва последнего танка
Пока на свете будет существовать хотя бы два человека, то всегда между ними может возникнуть война. Иногда между противоборствующими сторонами возникает зона, в которой устанавливался мир, и она называлась ничейная земля. Именно на такой ничейной земле и разыгралась история, в которой группа нацистских танкистов со своим танком под номером 71, пытается выжить. После столкновения с американскими силами, они отправились в путь, пройти который фактически невозможно. Одержав победу над гитлеровцами на ключевом участке французского фронта, американские солдаты уже собираются отпраздновать конец войны, но к их удивлению единственный уцелевший немецкий танк под командованием фанатичного лейтенанта отказывается сдаться и упорно продолжает боевые действия.
Грязная игра
Разгар Второй Мировой Войны. Северная Африка. Под командованием полковника английской армии Мастерса находится не совсем обычный отряд — все его члены бывшие убийцы и террористы, собранные по тюрьмам всего средиземноморья. Бригадный генерал Блор, в чьем подчинении находится Мастерс, хочет распустить отряд. Мастерс решает использовать последний шанс — операцию в глубоком тылу противника. Его подчиненные должны углубиться на территорию, контролируемую немцами, почти на 400 миль и уничтожить склад горючего, предназначенный для снабжения танковой армии Роммеля.
They Came to Rob Las Vegas
After successfully assaulting an armored car between Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the ambitions of the diverse members of the intrepid criminal gang collide, causing undesirable consequences.
For One Thousand Dollars Per Day
Hud's parents were murdered, their land stolen and now Hud will dish out justice to the guilty - the three Clark brothers know they are in danger but they don't know from where the blow will come.
Operación cabaretera
Your job as a hostess in Malaga allows Hippolyta meet many men. One of them is a Chinese traveler, just in time to take her to her room, is killed. So, the blame falls on another Hippolyta customers.
Kitosch, the Man Who Came from the North
A former Canadian Mountie escorts a group of women and coffins to Fort Eagle, but finds it destroyed and remains to defend the fort from a gang of marauding Indians and outlaws led by the mysterious Renegade who are after a shipment of gold bullion. source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
Hank - Fort Summer Saloonkeeper
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Europa canta
The Spaniard
Little Europe, a town in the American West, is chosen as the site for a European Music Festival to be internationally broadcast via television. The peace of the village is put in jeopardy when it comes to electing judges because the dormant antagonisms of the descendants of Italian, Spanish, French and Germans will be awakened, but the good sheriff easily resolves the dispute. Then the problem becomes more acute when the lawyer Betty, a comely young lady, who is late in coming to the event because she was seized by the henchmen of an industry bully who wants to influence the victory of one of his favorite songs.
Savage Pampas
An Army captain in Argentina learns why his lonely men are deserting to an outlaw's gaucho gang.
El rayo desintegrador
Posición avanzada
During the Spanish Civil War, a command takes the night to reach an advanced position, surrounded by the enemy, to protect the ford of a river. The next day, soldiers from both sides arrange a truce for fishing trouts and exchange cans and cigarettes. But foreign forces relieve the besiegers during the night and kill an unsuspecting soldier who was waving to return to fishing. While the position is strengthened, a soldier escapes to the nearby village to see his family.
Operación Secretaria
Aniceto González
Operacion Secretaria
La frontera de Dios
Fin de semana
Черный тюльпан
Un villageois / Villager
Накануне Французской революции в тихой провинции жуткий страх наводит на знатных мерзавцев таинственный разбойник в маске, чьим фирменным знаком стал черный тюльпан. Неуловимый мститель находчив, бесстрашен, благороден и умен, он прекрасный наездник и гений фехтования. Дворянин Жульен — беспечный неженка, глупый и трусливый — совсем на него не похож. Но никто не знает, что есть нечто, крепко связывающее этих двоих.
Un rincón para querernos
Cerca de las estrellas
Based on the eponymous play Ricardo López Aranda. It narrates the life of the components of a large family for a whole day, with their problems and illusions.
Trampa para Catalina
Catherine bears a strong resemblance to Silvia, daughter of a millionaire who has escaped with a bullfighter. A group of ruffians who intends to defraud the Silvia's father used to Catalina for their plans.
Gladiators 7
Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.
Marisol is a young girl with a vivid imagination and a heart of gold who witnesses a picture robbery in a museum...
Мадам Сан-Жен
Le sergent Fricasse
Париж, 1792 год. Красивая цветущая прачка Катерине стирает белье никому не известному лейтенанту по имени Наполеон. Сочувствуя революционному движению, принимает у себя дома некоторых его представителей. Неожиданно она влюбляется в сержанта Лефевра и, бросив все, следует за ним, потеряв Наполеона на время из виду. Они женятся, у сержанта начинается головокружительная карьера, и его назначают герцогом Данцигским. В дальнейшем он становится маршалом Лефевром. Однако, новоявленная герцогиня с ее острым языком и резкими манерами не очень приходится ко двору.
¡Aquí están las vicetiples!
Carmen, Merche and Paula are three young singers living in the same pension. Every night are forced to dodge men arriving from Madrid in search of adventure. They are assisted by Don Narciso, a fellow board that has solutions for everything. What I really want is to get married and all three have found a boyfriend, but every couple has their problems.
La cuarta carabela
María, matrícula de Bilbao
Bilbao in the fifties. To continue the family marine tradition, El Viejo, an old sailor, forces his grandson Luiso to follow the profession of their ancestors as skipper of the ship Maria.
Días de feria
La fiel infanteria
Valentine's Day
Marcial 'El Tartera'
Several independent histories in the St Valentine's Day, which they have jointly that a celestial emissary collaborates in solving his conflicts.
Molokai: la isla maldita
Kingdom of Hawaii, 1866. Fearful that leprosy would spread throughout the archipelago, the king banishes the sick to the island of Molokai. In 1873, the Belgian Catholic missionary Damien de Veuster arrives on the island to help improve the lives of its unfortunate inhabitants.
Las de Caín
Adapted from a comedy of the brothers Alvarez Quintero, raised in a spirit rather routine and a remarkable lack of imagination. The minor nature of the adapted work greatly limited their chances, but there was no resolution film the slightest hint of creativity, merely a recreation under the sign of awkwardness.