Felipe Palomino


El Llanto de los Pobres
Assistant Director
Returning from a business trip, a man meets some peasants who arouse fears in him.
The Prophet Mimi
Childhood trauma and religious repression causes little boy to grow up and murder .
The Crazy Virgins
Assistant Director
Handsome young swindler throws himself into the clutches of three rich spinsters who live in their own little fantasy world on their crumbling estate.
La tierna infancia
Single mother sends her son to an orphanage because she feels she can't provide for him.
The Man and the Monster
Assistant Director
A failed pianist sells his soul to the devil in return for his becoming the greatest musician in the world. The catch: every time he plays he turns into a horrible monster.
The Illegitimate
Assistant Director
Family melodrama: manipulative parents ruin lives with their meddling.
The Intruder
Assistant Director
Upon her arrival to the village San Ignacio, Gabriela meets Raúl, owner of a residence that her grandfather administrates. He doesn't reveal his real identity and they fall madly in love. Tania, Raúl's sister-in-law, secretly loves him and she decides to separate them by simulating a car accident from which Gabriela temporarily becomes paralized. Aware that they will marry, Tania makes the girl believe that Raúl is marrying her out of compassion, causing Gabriela to disappear from the residence...
Мексиканская девушка
Assistant Director
Один из лучших фильмов режиссера Эмилио Фернандеса — история бывшего заключенного, начинающего жизнь с чистого листа. Мужчина женится на очаровательной Паломе и принимается обрабатывать землю, но местные фермеры не дают ему покоя и начинают вставлять палки в колеса.
Salon Mexico
Assistant Director
Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dances for money with the clients of Salon Mexico, a famous cabaret in Mexico City. Her younger sister Beatriz (Derbez) studies in an expensive private school, paid by Mercedes. Obviously, young Beatriz doesn't know about her sister's job. Troubles begin when Mercedes wins a danzon contest with Paco (Acosta), her pimp. Paco refuses to share the prize with Mercedes, so she steals the money when he's sleeping.
Assistant Director
A ruffian sends his assistant to force a peasant girl to marry him, but while he is bringing her to him, he falls in love with her.
Viva Mi Desgracia
Assistant Director
After drinking a special concoction made of various types of alcohol, the once-timid Ramon (Pedro Infante) suddenly turns into a brawler and extroverted ladies' man. With his newfound confidence, Ramon attempts to win the heart of the woman (María Antonieta Pons) he loves. Full of enjoyable songs and funny scenes, this entertaining Mexican musical centers on a wealthy man who finally realizes that money can't buy him love.
Another Dawn
Assistant Director
The disaffected wife of a failed civil servant, is thrilled to re-encounter Octavio, a former lover who is now a union activist on the run from a corrupt politician. Hoping to help him, she descends into the Mexican underworld, where she finds a purpose-and a thrill-missing from her married life.
Wild Flower
Assistant Director
The film features Fernandez himself as a character named Rogellio Torres. The lion's share of the footage, however, is devoted to the romance between Esperanza, granddaughter of a common laborer, and Jose Luis Castro, the firebrand son of a landowner. Joining a revolutionary movements, Castro is disowned by his father, but Esperanza remains loyally by his side. Later on, Castro's father is killed by outlaws; in seeking vengeance, he sacrifices his own life, while Esperanza carries on his revolutionary work with their young son in tow.
El gendarme desconocido
Assistant Director
A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.
When the Children are Gone
Assistant Director
Unjustly accused of theft, the noble Raimundo is forced to leave his paternal home. A new incident, caused by the ambition of his brother José, causes Raimundo to be disowned by his girlfriend María and by his father, the just and strict Don Pepe. The only one who believes in Raimundo is his mother, Dona Lupita, a woman who suffers deeply because of the wrong decisions of her children.