Avv. Giulio Santelia
The melting love story between two old men, one of them is sick and stays in bed all day, the other is a gambler who takes care of him, visit him everyday and has a hard relationship with his daughter. Sometimes love is the only solution but we realize it when it's too late.
Alarmed by the news that for each working Italian there's a retiree, 70-year-old Walter decides to do his part by helping "a young person who's working for him." He chooses Piero, a model worker and upstanding citizen so shy that he can't bring himself to declare his feelings for night-time street cleaner Francesca. Walter starts giving him some old-hand advice on the matter.
Во время вынужденной стоянки на маленькой станции престарелый бизнесмен вдруг понимает, что на жизнь можно смотреть не только с точки зрения бизнеса. В том же поезде молодой человек находит свою любовь и осознает, что это не только счастье, но и ответственность, которую надо принять. А трое молодых шотландцев, которые направляются в Рим на футбольный матч, вынуждены признать, что мир живет по более сложным, нежели футбольные, правилам.
Avvocato Santelia
17 years after Regalo di Natale the same 5 players for a new challenge. Who can trust who?
Giovanni da Cantalupo
1271 год. Несколько «рыцарей» различных сословий объединились в поездке в Грецию, чтобы вернуть Священный Саван Христа (Туринская плащаница) и передать его и в руки короля Франции.
Nello Apicella
Angelo Fossalto teaches literature at the University of Urbino and leads a quiet life. the man is about to leave for the United States to give a series of lectures, but he will meet a girl who will make him lose his head ...
Michele Marrone
Don Gabriele
A few days before Inspector Ambrosio's holiday, a bank robbery takes place opposite his house.
Avvocato Santelia
A group of former friends meets again after a very long time, in a Christmas night, with the intent of ripping off a rich industrialist in a game of Poker. Old hatreds and mistrusts conflict with the nostalgia for the lost friendships.
Vanni Porelli
The endearing efforts of a divorced, simple baker to capture the attentions of a bourgeois society woman.
Conte Pallavicini
The adolescence of Mozart is chronicled in this Italian biopic. Here, young Wolfgang is seen as a prodigy who aspires to a normal life. He is studying music in Bologna when he falls in love with a local girl and makes friends with a boy his own age. Mozart is so elated that he fails a music exam on purpose so he can stay a little longer. Unfortunately, a priest rigs his test and the young composer is forced to move on.
Prof. Carlo Balla
Italy, 1914. Two teachers take their pupils for a school outing from Bologna to Florence.
Set in a fantastic site, the film tells the story of a mythical musician named Dancing Paradise and of his son William who, accompanied by an angel, retraces his father's career to repeat it.
Fermin and Julio are two married men whose wives, Justina and Mireya, are political leaders. While Justine is part of a conservative party, Mireya leads one that is feminist. Their husbands have become something completely different to what is generally expected in that is it they who are responsible for caring for their children, cleaning the house, etc...though of course they also get into trouble with women. Fermin and Julio are regulars at a whorehouse who runs Encarna, but it's unusual in that in addition to its main function, it also servers as a nursery.
A father and his four sons during the 18th century have their lives thrown into turmoil with the arrival of a woman at their villa. She quickly takes on multiple roles of sister, mother, confidant and lover to all, plunging the men into confusion and leading to an almost mythic ending.
Dante arrives at the castle of the recently deceased Marquis Zanetti to sell a book which contains a prophecy that the death of nine members of the Zanetti family will reveal a hidden treasure.
Pasquale Licata detto Galera
tory of a valet waitress. In order to become the owner of the bar where he works, he agrees to rob a bank. Good for the first time, not the second.
Medical captain
A man is desperately trying to avoid mandated military service, but a sexy medic proves to be his undoing.
Pasquale, Aspasia's brother
Professor Cali
Легко ли быть молодым, если педагоги - придурки, а между ног сильно чешется? Франко и его друзья, сексуально озабоченные подростки, пытаются ликвидировать пробелы в своем сексуальном образовании. И однажды они задаются вопросом: зачембезуспешно ухаживать за ровесницами, когда можно поискать возлюбленную среди женщин постарше? Именно в этот момент родители Франко нанимают для своего сына учительницу - репетиторшу Джованну. Пикантная возникает ситуация.
A poker player on a losing streak meets a beautiful young woman. He's attracted to her, but she appears to be perfectly content with her boyfriend, a somewhat wussy writer. The gambler gets the idea that if he can get this woman into bed, it will change his luck at the gambling tables.
Carlo Occhilustri
Teresa gets her first taste of crime -- and its consequences -- when, during World War II, she is nabbed for robbing an apartment. But being poor and perpetually starving, the pretty petty thief doesn't give up her quest for ill-gotten gains and soon turns to pick-pocketing. Despite her questionable thieving skills, the bumbling crook tries scheme after scheme, pilfering from strangers and dodging the law as she searches for a way to fund an adequate meal.
Male Nurse
Released from the orphanage at the age of thirty, a man dreams of finding his mother.
A young man tries to take his first steps in the world of song. He meets a beautiful girl he falls in love with, but her noble aunt is opposed to their relationship in every way
An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
Amateur songwriter falls in love with a Sicilian girl, but her father has already promised her to another.
While happily engaged to Rosalia, Tony has the misfortune of falling for a vibrant pilot named Valeria — and that’s just the beginning of his problems.
Comedy about a lawyer who is suspected of murder
The "stone in the mouth" is the scar that the mafia makes on betrayal's corpse.
The modern mafia has the historical and sociological roots into the birth of the american capitalism at the time of Roosevelt. The American "Cosa Nostra" applies the similar methods as the sicilian mafia: same apparatus, same "omertà", same power and same terror.
Giuseppe Ferrara, journalist and writer, uses fragments footage, film clips, (Salvatore Giuliano by Franco Rosi, Paisà by Roberto Rossellini) and current news to make this film.
Giovane garzone
Comic version of the famous man of la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes in which Don Quixote having read an adventure book too many sets out on his own adventures with his servant Sancho Panza.
Federico, his girlfriend Laura and her cousin, Caterina, are three young people full of hope, united by a great friendship that seems indissoluble. The three work in a department store but, when Caterina decides to attempt a musical career, given her vocal skills, everything changes. Caterina becomes a successful singer and Federico falls in love with her. Caterina, who however does not want to make her cousin Laura suffer, pretends not to reciprocate the young man by making him put his head in order. Meanwhile, the plots of various secondary characters evolve, in particular the fresh marriage between the security guard Antonio and the secretary of the department stores Adelina.
Oreste (segment "Intrigo al mare")
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
segretario di Filippo
In order to promote a plumcake an adman associates with a mad scientist who has found a way to interfere with TV broadcasts.
Four comedic episodes follows different taxi drivers.
Carlo - Ennio's friend (segment "Colonnello e signora")
Mark Antony has a brother-lookalike, Totonno, a sinister slave trader. Totonno secretly replaces Mark Antony in the most delicate moments.
Действие фильма происходит в 17 веке. Герой фильма — сапожник Паскуале Чиччиакальда. И ему всегда не везет. Он хорошо работает, но, к сожалению, он умеет делать обувь только для правой ноги. Поэтому он ничего не зарабатывает. И не может платить налоги.
The day of Chief Constable Saracino begins badly when his new car is stolen. Then, in his office, he meets Alfredo Fiori who believes that his wife and her lover, a veterinary, are trying to murder him.
A family from the province goes to CinecittÃ, hoping that their daughter will be assigned a part in the blockbuster Nero 71 .
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach.
Carlo "Marx"
Walter Chiari as a Pugliese who lives in Milan. He has two cousins identical to him. The two arrive in the city to find work and twist their lives.
Guardia del corpo
Teo, a young theatre stand in, is offered a faustian pact by the devil: if he pushes a button a Chinese mandarin will die and leave his money to him. Teo seems to be tempted by the offer...
Italy, Sixties. A four-storey beach resort, and they look for the man of their life. Will they succeed?
Claudio and Maurizio, two young and reckless taxi drivers in a Roman gas station meet two American tourists, daughters of a Spanish man that has oil wells in America. Maurizio and Claudio walk the tourists to the Eternal City and forget their girlfriends Patricia and Lorella. The brides, aware of their wanderings,begin to pay them with the same currency.
This is an Italian movie starring Terence Hill
A grown man named Augusto escapes from an orphanage and after several unsuccessful attempts at holding down a job, decides to start a gang and make a living by stealing from the rich.
Armando Conforti, his family and his friends have a business: they sell souvenirs near St. Peter's, in Rome, they change dollars, in short they get along.
Нанда Дьоталлеви по прозвищу Фортунелла – бедная девушка, которая живет в районе наркоторговцев, и является любовницей одного из них, Пеппино. Чтобы спасти его, она попадает в тюрьму, беря на себя ответственность за совершенное им преступление. Но когда ее отпускают, она узнает, что Пеппино живет с другой женщиной. Теперь единственным утешением Фортунеллы является иллюзия, что она незаконная дочь принца Гвидобальди, чей дворец находится по соседству. Однажды Фортунелла встречает бродягу-профессора Гольфьеро Паганика, который находит её историю интересной и обещает ей помочь.
Действие фильма происходит в 50-е годы прошлого века. Ченчо — потомственный воришка из Боргаты, римского предместья, где большая часть мужского населения — его коллеги, которые лишь ненадолго выходят из знаменитой тюрьмы Реджина Чели, чтобы возвратиться туда снова. Он с детства влюблен в Чесиру – очень привлекательную девушку, которая мечтает вырваться из этой среды, и устраивается на работу...
uomo del Francese
A mechanic falls in love with a girl who aspires to become a diva.
Cute Sophie is an amoral French girl living in a sumptuous Venetian palazzo. She is the kept woman of a very rich but undesirable fellow named Eric von Bergen, an ex-nazi turned forger.
The six daughters of the mayor are not concerned with their six boyfriends because they are all infatuated with Claudio Villa. When this really comes to the village, everything happens, but as in Cinderella's fable, Claudio Villa falls in love with the seventh daughter, who is actually a child, and everything settles.
A group of schoolgirls find shelter in an old castle during a rainstorm.
Il caporale
Sunday is the only day off that house maids use to date the young men who cross their paths: doormen, soldiers, sailors, timid virgins and lurid husbands, or even a doctor.
Whistle is an orphaned boy, raised in an environment unsuitable for a budding child and thief. A shady lawyer, an accomplice of thieves and fences, entrusts him to Nino, the leader of a gang that is preparing a particularly valuable coup.
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
Membro della banda
A young boy, about to take his first communion, must wrestle with his familial loyalty and his conscience when there is a fire at their local cinema where his brother works and it is clear that he is involved in the theft of the projector. Determined to right the wrong done by his sibling, he attempts to make amends.
Cicalone Romolo
Нандо Мерикони с детства одержим мечтой - уехать в Америку. Подражая американскому образу жизни, он одевается как американский шериф, говорит на английском языке (не всегда понятным окружающим), вместо спагетти ест кукурузные хлопья с кетчупом, и всё время попадает в нелепые ситуации.
Вторая Мировая война. Итальянская субмарина проводит успешную атаку против вражеского торгового судна в восточной части Атлантическом океане, и затем спасает оставшихся в живых: 24 датских торговых моряков и члена канадского Женского Армейского Корпуса. Проблема в том, что места на субмарине нет, и спасенных помещают в отсеки между внутренним и внешним корпусом лодки. Если подлодка вынуждена будет погрузиться, то отсеки будут затоплены и люди погибнут. Капитан лодки принимает решение — пересечь под парусом сотни миль открытого океана на поверхности, чтобы доставить спасенных на Азорские острова.
A private detective and a girl obsessed with thriller novels investigate the murder of a rich entrepreneur.
Paolino, a teacher at an elementary school near Naples, appears nervous for a few days and his friends do not know why. The man is the lover of Assunta, the mother of one of his pupils, and he discovers that she has become pregnant.
Pecorino, figlio di Giuseppe
The Passaguai family is living peacefully, but then they go to see the magician Bhorman, starting a series of problem for them.
Pecorino, figlio di Giuseppe
To get ahead after he answers a newspaper ad for a business proposition, Passaguai borrows the more impressive apartment of a retired actor and arranges an elaborate luncheon there.
Pecorino, figlio di Giuseppe
When Passaguai family patriarch Giuseppe (Fabrizi) decides to take advantage of a corporate discount to bring his wife (Ninchi) and children to spend a Sunday at the beach of Fiumicino, a series of troubles begins for everyone, in the form of a comic nightmare.
Libero Esposito
Жулик и воришка обманул жадного и наивного американца. Комиссар дает сержанту Боттони, отслужившему уже 30 лет, последний шанс остаться на работе, получить, наконец, повышение и не сесть в тюрьму за то, что он упустил этого самого «жулика и воришку»: сержант должен поймать вора, ему (сержанту) отводится на это три месяца.
The love story between Don Camillo's protégé and Don Violante's niece adds fuel to the rivalry between the two priests.
Testa di triangolo
Shy, clumsy and petulant, Alberto tries in every way to impress Margherita. With the hope of winning the first prize, he participates in a race.
Popolano (uncredited)
The young Uguccione is mistaken for Rascelito Villa called "C6", a dangerous revolutionary, and then immediately sent to Parazuela where he leads the insurrectionist troops.
Progressive schoolteachers Landi and Anna have a profound influence on two of their young students, Mirella and Franco. The two kids are enamored with one another and decide to experiment with some of the knowledge they've gleaned in the classroom.
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.